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Unrest amongst the youth

By Malik Umar AwanPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Eliott Reyna on Unsplash

Youth unrest is a global phenomenon that has been observed in numerous nations. It describes a situation in which young people are dissatisfied with their lives or the world around them and may express their frustration through a variety of protests, demonstrations, or other forms of activism. In this essay, we will investigate the factors that have led to youth unrest, the outcomes of this phenomenon, and potential approaches to resolving the issue.

Various Factors That Contribute to Youth Unrest There Are Several Factors That Contribute to Youth Unrest. Economic inequity is one of the most significant factors. Particularly in a world where the job market is becoming increasingly competitive, young people frequently encounter difficulties in securing employment. Young people's frustration and sense of hopelessness caused by a lack of job opportunities may manifest themselves in protests or other forms of activism.

The youth's sense of alienation from the rest of society is another factor that contributes to their unrest. Many young people have the impression that those in power are not listening to them or taking them seriously. The desire to participate in protests or other forms of activism can be fueled by this sense of alienation, which can result in a sense of disengagement.

A lack of access to education is a third factor that contributes to youth unrest. Education is still viewed as a privilege rather than a right in many nations. As a result, a lot of young people can't get the education they need to make their lives and those of their communities better. This can make people feel frustrated and make them want to get involved in activism to get better access to education.

Consequences of Youth Unrest Youth unrest can have several adverse effects on both the individuals involved and society as a whole. The disruption that protests and other forms of activism can cause is one of the most immediate effects. If the protests become violent, this disruption could result in financial losses or even violence.

Unrest among young people can also have the effect of causing social cohesion to break down. Young people may be more likely to engage in antisocial behaviour and become more isolated from their communities when they feel disconnected from society. This can exacerbate feelings of disengagement and frustration further, thereby perpetuating unrest among youth.

Lastly, youth unrest may cause people to lose faith in the political system. Young people may become disillusioned with the political system and be less likely to participate in the democratic process if they believe that their voices are not being heard. This can prompt a further disintegration of a majority rules government and can make it more challenging for youngsters to have their interests tended to by people with great influence.

Solutions for Youth Unrest There are a lot of different options for dealing with youth unrest. Addressing the underlying causes of economic inequality, such as expanding employment opportunities and expanding access to education, is one of the most crucial steps. Young people may feel some relief from their frustration and hopelessness as a result of this.

Engaging young people more directly in the political process is another option. Youth councils and other forms of participation that give young people a say in the decisions that affect them can be a part of this. Young people may experience a stronger sense of community and empowerment as a result of this.

Last but not least, it is essential to address the underlying causes of young people's disengagement and alienation. This may entail expanding the number of opportunities for young people to interact with other members of their communities, such as through volunteer work or service in the community. Addressing the social and cultural obstacles that prevent young people from fully participating in society may also be part of this.

Conclusion:outh unrest is a complicated phenomenon that can have several negative effects on individuals and society as a whole.


About the Creator

Malik Umar Awan

Hello my name is Umar and I love writing content I hope you will like my work

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