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Why High School Isn't So Useful

Facts You Never Knew About

By John TasciPublished 4 years ago 11 min read

School has been known to be the only gateway in life. It's seemed as it's the cure for people to achieve a career and give them an automatic scholarship into a job. Most of this is determined during high school years. These are either your worst 4 years of your life or your best 4 years of your life. This is when you try to get noticed by top colleges. Usually studying all day and trying to reward yourself with a letter that defines you. Everyone or mostly everyone aims for an A. I say mostly because I don't.

Do we really need to learn about so many subjects at such long times. People go to coding bootcamps and get jobs after 20 weeks! After we finish high school in 4 years, mostly students don't have any skills. That's why society requires us to go to college for at least another 4 years. So, it takes 8 years to achieve a new skill? Then you have to go on internships, learn the job on site, and a lot more stuff until it turns into your official career. What if you don't like it? You're now $100,000 in debt and wasted 8 years, and to get a new job you "need" to study 4 more years. This system is already corrupt and I'll explain it more in depth.

About Me

I would like to introduce myself. My name is John Tasci, 15 year old, freshman, and explaining to you why high school isn't so useful. I have made a previous article discussing how school is useless. ("Why School Isn't So Useful") This time, it will be strictly focused on high school. I don't believe high school is useful. You might be thinking, "Why should I listen to a 13-year-old?" Well, mostly because I don't listen to what society tells me to do. Get good grades, go to a good college, and get a decent job. I don't want to live my life that way. I want to live a financial free future. Not interested in one career, but building a sustainable business of value. Entrepreneurship and investing don't require school. So, in school for the most part I go to classes that I'm not interested in. The only classes that I like are computer science, accounting, and health/PE. All the information given from the other classes isn't any of my interest. The worst class of all time and I mean all time is physics. The subject that doesn't make sense and the teacher is horrible. She doesn't explain anything or teach anything based on the projects we do. The highest grade people achieve is an 80. I still don't understand how she's not fired. I've totally gone blank on that class. "What's the speed of the balloon." Has anyone ever asked you that, and then you open up your notebook and start doing equations and telling them the exact speed. Yeah, I haven't either. One of the teachers told us having physics in freshman year boosted the amount of science majors chosen. I wonder why. It's because physics is so bad that no one wants a career in science after physics. It's just so Goddamn useless. Moving on to geometry (yes I take geometry as a freshman). The class is actually very easy, but that's not the point of this article. When will most people have to know the degrees of a triangle? We had to do a project on careers that require geometry. I found some, but they didn't even require geometry. There are better expertise needed than geometry. The work is automatic online for math. Software is improving, but people aren't. The worst class of all time, I present to you English!!! Why do we have to know why a character wore the color red? Why do we have to make every sentence perfect and as sophisticated as possible? I probably made mistakes in this article, but did it bother you? You're still going to understand the meaning and I try to make it as simple as I can so everyone can understand, but the point of english is to have no one to understand. All the jobs that require english degrees pay less than 70k a year! When it comes to History, I don't understand why we need to know everything when most of the students don't know about the present. We learn about problems from the past, but experience new problems in the future. Not everything is repeated in a cycle and everything will change. The way the class is taught is extremely boring. I sleep 99% of class (wake up 1% to leave) and my average is a 90. This doesn't make sense. Let's say I'm going to build a business, but all I did was sleep and it makes me 90k a year. No work done. It doesn't make sense and school just relies on talent rather than acquiring skills. Next, we have Spanish, Hola soy I don't care about your language. There are so many more useful things to learn than another language and why do we learn it in such a slow way? We're also not allowed to not use translators, how are we supposed to learn on our own in class? Sometimes we don't understand something and we have to translate it. Instead, we ask the teacher and we don't get the answer. Amazing education system guys. PE/Health are the best classes for everyone. Why? Because everyone needs to exercise and everyone should know about their health. No more said. Accounting isn't important to everyone, but you understand how businesses perform in their earnings in the present and the past to see if it's a buy option. This will make you a very good investor and pick out very good stocks for your portfolio. Computer science is personally my favorite class. I'm always interested in learning high income skills and seeing if I'm suitable and their are a lot of services I can sell with coding. This is my story and thoughts. Hope you enjoy :)

The Average GPA of a Millionaire is 2.9

This video shows how the average college GPA of a millionaires is 2.9. Which means their class mostly consists of Bs. From this video you might be thinking to yourself, "Wow they did bad in school and still became successful! I guess I should become 'dumber.' I will be more successful." Perfect plan right? NO! Just because you are not the average of something doesn't mean you're going to become a part of them. There are outliers which caused the average to change. The point of the video is to tell you that grades don't matter if you're going to be rich. You don't need a high GPA to change the world, to create some extraordinary, to be the best. You need passion an charisma. You gave to work your ass off. If you tried and couldn't do it, then stop whining and saying others had it easy. You should either start something new or work on making your failure better. You're not gonna win your first time. And also please don't make fun of people because their dad is rich. You think it's their fault they have a lot of money and you don't. Are rich people not allowed to have kids? This is where close minded and dumb people come in and make stupid comments, but you're not like that. You act as a more mature and smart person. So, as clearly stated, GPA doesn't matter.

Straight-A vs Flunking Students

This video shows how flunking and straight-A students compare. The difference I saw was that straight-A students spend most of their time studying while flunking students have way more available time. Now, if you use your time wisely then you will achieve more than everyone by the age of 25. This is the time where the ultra-rich or the smartest people we know started learning professional skills. These skills make you outbeat the competition in the tough market of today. You can use the skills you learned to get a high income job or start your own business or do both of them at the same time. It all depends on how you use your time. From what I see so far, none of them really looked to have the strong skills to be a good leader, take risks, and fail. The only one I could see succeeding is the flunking boy. He seems to have good communication skills which is very useful, but to truly know where someone will end up, you have to know what they're doing in their free time. That's why most students you never could've imagined of being successful are successful. So, it's a good time to build your skills and work your hardest to make you more money in the future or even now. All you have to do is start!

Failure is Bad

Have you ever heard of this during high school or by anyone else for any other occasion? Have your classmates even your teachers make fun of you because you got an F in a test? A lot of flunking students experience and most act in these two ways, don't care or take offense and get extremely hurt and get into depression. I ask everyone, why? Why does the school system view failure as a bad thing? They expect everyone to get an A in the class and be interested in all time, and everyone learning the same exact way. Failure is the backstone of success. The school system can not admit that they have failed in teaching their students valuable information and haven't changed nor does it look like it's going to change. All successful companies, mentors, role models, famous people, etc. have failed a lot of times.

Some people include:

Thomas Edison's teachers said he was "too stupid to learn anything." He was fired from his first two jobs for being "non-productive." As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb.

Colonel Sander a man who started at 65 and failed 1009 times before finding a taker for his chicken recipe. It is KFC as we know of today.

Walt Disney: The man who gave us Disney World and Mickey Mouse. His first animation company went bankrupt. He was fired by a news editor because he lacked imagination. Legend has it he has been turned down 302 times before he got financing for creating Disney World.

These are only a few successful people who are widely known for their achievements, but not their failures. If you asked a straight A student to never use something created by someone that didn't fail. Well they wouldn't be in this world right now. Everything we know of today has failed an overwhelmingly amount of times, but once you win all your losses are put to the side and you are known for your achievement. Who knows what life would've been like if they failed their first try?

If you're truly passionate about something go out their and get it, don't let a fool try to talk you over it.

Real Life Knowledge is Non-Existent

98% of what we learn in school will never be used later in life. You won't have to know everything, learn what you're interested and passionate in. Times are changing. People are fortunate enough to have the internet to use it to make money, but they use it to make other people money.

What have you truly learn in high school?

Do you know how to file your taxes?

Do you know your tax bracket?

Do you know tax cut strategies?

Do you know careers that don't require college?

Do you know how to buy a house?

Do you know how to get a loan?

These are some things everyone must known, but are never thought. Then young adults are found in trouble when they have to figure these things out so late in life. Did you really have to know the quadratic formula or all this useless crap when all of these information were needed it first. This is when smart students do proper research and get their life ready. They learn early on and look like a failure during their high school years, but in fact they have acquired so much knowledge that they're seemed as a success in everyone's eyes.

Real life knowledge is more useful than book knowledge. Do your research and learn through experiences not from a teacher that's making 50k a year.

A Lot of Stupid People

This is the time of your life where you are most likely going to be around the stupidest people in your life and you're probably part of them. The ages of partying all day, spending daddy's money, and being extremely immature. Dating is also a joke. That is also something I won't recommend unless you're at least a junior or you're with someone thats mature. Maturity is hard to achieve, and only few do so young. Learning isn't in any interest of these students.

Here are the three top groups you will recognize in high school:

Sports players:

These are the students usually on the top and are the most popular. I personally love sports and support the dedicated and hard working ones, but never the lazy and girl chasing ones. Most fall into drugs and bad influence because they're around the top people. You have to use your time wisely and training should be the most important to you.


Yes every school has nerds. These are the students are in all AP or honors and all they do is study, brag about their grades, or how they're mad that they got a 99 on the test. Wow, a 99 is so bad :/ Most of the nerds will be asian (not being racist, this is the truth). They are usually unathletic and have absolutely no communication skills other than talking to their teacher asking for a higher grade. These students are usually the bosses favorite and tend to generate way more to the company than they are paid. Making them have a good career with a solid income, but never achieve to be in the top income class, but get stuck in the middle without making good financial decisions.

Failing Students

These students have either given up and don't learn anything or they're too busy to learn about the useless subjects and educate themselves. It's very rare to find students that educate themselves, that's why they achieve the most. They learn about skills a lot of people don't know or learned later in life. They usually turn out to be in the lower class or the upper class. This is the go big or go home class.

The rest are average, I won't talk about them because we have too many of those and everyone knows them. Please do not take the problems that occur with your "friends" seriously. These are the times when people are the dumbest and it's best not to talk with people that don't understand or non-willing to learn or untrustable. These people should always be kept away in your life. Due yourself a favor and seperate yourself from the rest. Your future self will love you forever.


High school isn't so useful after all. I could go and explain much more information, but the article will be too long. Please understand it's not the end of the world if you failed in these 4 years or you're the best in the world if you have done spectacular in these 4 years. This means nothing in the future. Live life the way you want to, you're the sole decision maker. Not everyone has to be a business owner. Do what makes you happy and draw your own journey. High school isn't meant for everyone.

Thanks for reading my article. If you liked it please give me a tip, it helps out a lot! Also, don't forget to check out my other articles.

high school

About the Creator

John Tasci

Blogging is what I do for fun! I enjoy providing free education for everyone. For more top quality content check out my website ->

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    John TasciWritten by John Tasci

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