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Wait but Why

Exploring the World of Wait But Why: An In-Depth Look at the Blog That Makes Learning Fun and Accessible.

By Samuel Published about a year ago 7 min read


Wait But Why is not your typical blog. Founded in 2013 by Tim Urban, the website has gained a massive following thanks to its unique blend of humor, relatable writing, and in-depth research. With its long-form content and colorful illustrations, Wait But Why has tackled some of the most complex and fascinating topics of our time, from the Fermi Paradox to the AI revolution to the future of human consciousness.

But what sets Wait But Why apart from other blogs is not just the breadth and depth of its content, but its ability to make even the most esoteric subjects accessible and engaging to a wide audience. Whether you're a physics PhD or a high school student, Wait But Why has a way of breaking down complex ideas into bite-sized chunks, while still maintaining a level of nuance and rigor that few other blogs can match.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at Wait But Why and explore why it has become such a beloved resource for those looking to learn about the world around us. We'll examine its history, its key characteristics, and its most popular posts, as well as its impact on public discourse and the criticisms it has faced. By the end of this article, you'll have a better understanding of what makes Wait But Why so special, and why it has become a must-read for anyone interested in science, technology, and the future.

Background of Wait But Why

A. Founding of Wait But Why

Wait But Why was founded in 2013 by Tim Urban, a writer and illustrator from Massachusetts. Urban had previously worked as a freelance writer, but he found that he wasn't satisfied with the work he was doing. He wanted to create something that was both meaningful and fun, and that would allow him to explore the topics that he was most passionate about. Thus, Wait But Why was born.

B. Original purpose of Wait But Why

When Wait But Why first launched, its primary purpose was to give Urban an outlet for his writing and illustrations. He wanted to create a blog that was both entertaining and informative, and that would allow him to explore topics that he found fascinating. At the time, Urban had no idea that the blog would become as popular as it has.

C. Evolution of Wait But Why over time

Over the years, Wait But Why has evolved in a number of ways. At first, Urban mostly wrote about topics that interested him personally, such as space exploration and artificial intelligence. But as the blog gained a following, he began to branch out into other areas, such as philosophy, history, and economics. Today, Wait But Why covers a wide range of topics, and has become known for its insightful and entertaining analysis of some of the most complex issues of our time.

Key Characteristics of Wait But Why

A. Long-form content

One of the most distinctive features of Wait But Why is its long-form content. Unlike many blogs that focus on short, snappy articles, Wait But Why articles are often tens of thousands of words long, and can take hours or even days to read. While this might seem like a daunting prospect, it's part of what makes Wait But Why so special. By taking the time to delve deeply into a topic, Urban is able to provide readers with a level of detail and nuance that is hard to find elsewhere.

B. Relatable writing style

Another key characteristic of Wait But Why is its relatable writing style. Urban has a gift for making even the most complex topics accessible and engaging to a wide audience. He uses humor, personal anecdotes, and relatable examples to draw readers in and keep them interested, even when the subject matter is challenging.

C. Use of humor and illustrations

In addition to its writing style, Wait But Why is also known for its use of humor and illustrations. Urban is a talented artist, and his illustrations are an integral part of many of his articles. They help to break up the text and make the content more visually appealing, while also providing additional information and context.

D. Thorough research and analysis

Finally, Wait But Why is characterized by its thorough research and analysis. Urban takes the time to read widely on a topic, consult with experts, and synthesize the information in a way that is both accurate and engaging. He is not afraid to tackle complex or controversial topics, and he always approaches them with an open mind and a commitment to understanding all sides of the issue. As a result, Wait But Why articles are not only informative, but thought-provoking and insightful as well.

Popular Wait But Why Posts

A. The Fermi Paradox

One of Wait But Why's most popular posts is "The Fermi Paradox," which explores the question of why we haven't yet made contact with intelligent alien life, despite the seemingly high probability that it exists. The post delves deeply into the science and philosophy behind the paradox, and provides readers with a range of possible explanations.

B. The AI Revolution

Another popular Wait But Why post is "The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence." In this post, Urban explores the rapid development of artificial intelligence and its potential impact on society. He discusses the different types of AI, the potential risks and benefits, and what the future might look like as machines become increasingly intelligent.

C. How to Pick a Career

"How to Pick a Career" is a post that has resonated with many readers, particularly young people who are trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives. Urban provides a step-by-step guide to choosing a career, and encourages readers to think deeply about their passions, strengths, and values.

D. The Story of Us

"The Story of Us" is a long-form post that explores the history of humanity, from the origins of the universe to the present day. Urban takes readers on a journey through time, exploring the major events and milestones that have shaped human history, and reflecting on what it means to be a part of the human story.

E. Why Procrastinators Procrastinate

Finally, "Why Procrastinators Procrastinate" is a post that has resonated with many readers who struggle with procrastination. Urban uses humor and personal anecdotes to explore the psychology of procrastination, and provides readers with practical tips for overcoming it.

These are just a few examples of the many popular posts that Wait But Why has published over the years. Each post is characterized by its thorough research, engaging writing style, and commitment to exploring complex topics in a way that is both informative and entertaining.

Impact of Wait But Why

A. Cult following

Wait But Why has developed a loyal following of readers who appreciate its in-depth analysis, relatable writing style, and engaging illustrations. Many readers have commented that they feel like they are part of a community when they read Wait But Why, and that the blog has helped them to think more deeply about a wide range of topics.

B. Influence on public discourse

Wait But Why has also had a significant influence on public discourse. Its articles have been cited in academic papers, news articles, and even congressional hearings. Urban's writing has been praised for its ability to make complex topics accessible to a wide audience, and for its ability to inspire people to think more critically about the world around them.

C. Personal impact on readers

Finally, Wait But Why has had a personal impact on many of its readers. Its articles have inspired people to make major life changes, such as choosing a new career path or pursuing a passion they had previously ignored. Readers have commented that Wait But Why has helped them to become more curious, more thoughtful, and more engaged with the world around them.

Overall, Wait But Why has had a significant impact on the way that people think about a wide range of topics, from artificial intelligence to career choices to the history of humanity. Its influence is likely to continue for many years to come.

Criticisms of Wait But Why

A. Lengthy articles

One common criticism of Wait But Why is that its articles can be very lengthy. While this is part of the blog's charm for many readers, others find it intimidating or time-consuming. Some have suggested that Urban could benefit from breaking his articles up into shorter, more manageable pieces.

B. Simplification of complex topics

While Wait But Why has been praised for its ability to make complex topics accessible to a wide audience, some critics have argued that the blog oversimplifies these topics in the process. In particular, some have criticized Urban for glossing over important nuances or for failing to consider alternative perspectives.

C. Lack of diversity

Another criticism of Wait But Why is that it lacks diversity, both in terms of the topics it covers and the perspectives it presents. Some have argued that the blog tends to focus on topics that are of interest to a narrow segment of the population, and that it could benefit from exploring a wider range of issues and perspectives.

D. Political bias

Finally, some critics have accused Wait But Why of having a political bias, particularly in its coverage of topics related to technology and society. While Urban has denied that the blog has a political agenda, some readers have noted that the blog's analysis tends to align with a particular set of political beliefs.

Overall, while Wait But Why has many fans, it is not immune to criticism. Some have argued that the blog could benefit from greater diversity, more nuanced analysis, and a more concise writing style. Nonetheless, its impact on public discourse and personal reflection remains significant.


In conclusion, Wait But Why is a popular and influential blog that has gained a loyal following over the years. Its articles are characterized by their engaging writing style, thorough research, and commitment to exploring complex topics in a way that is both informative and entertaining. While the blog has faced some criticism for its lengthy articles, oversimplification of complex topics, lack of diversity, and perceived political bias, its impact on public discourse and personal reflection remains significant. Wait But Why has inspired many readers to think more deeply about a wide range of topics, and its influence is likely to continue for many years to come. Whether you are a fan or a critic of the blog, there is no denying that Wait But Why has made a significant contribution to online discourse and the public understanding of complex ideas.

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