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The Truth About Science

People that purposely misinterpret science are annoying

By Ferrari KingPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Before I begin this article I want to share a link from YouTube that I feel is great about explaining the difference between a scientific theory, hypothesis and a fact by Hank Green, I hope you watch and enjoy after reading this article and many others.

One thing you will hear when listening to the media is "Scientists are amazed, stunned (or some other variation of this nonsense)." You will also hear how some finding rewriting the understanding of Evolution, Cosmology or such. These are just sensationalism and scientists were expecting the results they got. Just read peer-reviewed journals. Most of the time, the media misquotes or just prints or says the complete opposite of what is in those journals. I highly suggest you learn about peer-review.

There are some branches of science that seem to contradict itself once in while such as Nutrition Science, Psychology and a few others. Think about it, you cannot do research on people. You cannot feed people harmful chemicals or mistreat a group of people. These sciences usually work with models, animals and sometimes or observing people.

You will hear people complain, especially the religious, that science changes over time. Well, that is why it works, it gets new data and must update its findings. I have heard fools say scientist get all their knowledge from books. I really want to know where these books are that have all the scientific knowledge we need. Of course they are upset and hate education. Many come out and say it because education turns people against their precious beliefs. Some people want to be purposely ignorant.

You will hear people claim the Covid vaccines and masks don't work and the vaccines are dangerous. They will give you these pseudoscientific research of theirs but remember if so many people are dying from the vaccines then where are the lawsuits? Remember the tobacco companies got sued and had to pay millions. They do not get their information from reputable scientists that study viruses, vaccines, pathology and such because they are willful ignorant. Creationist, climate change deniers and others do the same when it comes to Evolution. If these people are so right and the people they listen to are so credible then why don't they present their findings for peer-review? Why don't they try for the Nobel Prize and get the money and fame? Scientists would love to be proven wrong because now new areas of research has been opened up which means more money and more jobs.

Most people only look up information to prove themselves right (confirmation bias). By the way, google, YouTube videos, Facebook or Tiktoks are not considered good resources. Sure there are some channels that present valid information but you really need to check them and anyone can be wrong, which is why we have peer-review. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing because people tend to think they know everything and are unwilling to be corrected.

I have actually heard people say they don't believe in science, or medicines and they do not like experts. They also brag about being ignorant so be careful you are not getting so-called scientific knowledge from them. Many of them think that scientist just make things up.

Have you heard, there is no cure for cancer because "they" cannot profit off it? Perhaps you heard the saying but for a different disease. Think about it. There will always be cancer, especially with junk in our soil, water, air and food so how would curing cancer not be profitable if people will continue to get it? If they can prevent people from getting it well, remember doctors and scientist can make more money treating, tuberculosis, and many other diseases we can now prevent or cured through vaccines and proper medicines. Companies still profit. so they would still profit from a cure to cancer. In fact it would save the medical industry billions. If companies can find a way to profit off water they can figure a way to profit off anything. Scientists are not going to block research when it means more money and jobs.

Please understand that TV and movies do not accurately represent science, nor do they have to. No scientist is going to bring dinosaurs to run lose in the streets or genetically engineer a shark in the middle of the ocean, (this they would do in a tank on land). Just because you hear of scientist genetically engineering an animal, or plant or doing any other scientific research doesn't mean it will have the same effect as you saw in that movie or TV show.

If you do think you know more than scientist about their subject, you don't. If a Geologist is talking about Genetics but geneticists say he/she is wrong then I would believe the geneticist. I bring this up because Creationist and a few others will bring people with no real training in the subject they are talking about. Sometimes they have training in another science field or no real training because they think science just make things up. Be careful and do not fall for their trick.

People on the Far Left as well as people on the Far Right seem to only support science when it supports their beliefs or they think it does. This is why I have and will continue to refrain from accusing one side of being more anti-science than the other.

I want to leave you with the story of the donkey and the tiger. Please note this is not my story and I will make changes since I do not remember every bit of the story. Well one day a donkey and a tiger got into an argument. "The sky is blue," shouted the tiger, exasperated after arguing. "no, no the sky is green shouted donkey in arrogance. This went on for awhile and then they decided to take the matter to the king of the beast for his judgment. The tiger told the lion the sky was blue and the donkey interrupted him and is no it's green. The lion looked at the donkey and said, you are indeed correct the sky is green and the tiger will not speak for 5 years." The donkey left shouting the sky is green, the sky is green. Before the tiger's sentence took effect he said to the lion, "we both know the sky is blue." and the lion replied, "yes it is blue but that is not why I punished you." "Why then," asked the tiger. "I punished you because you are a magnificent creature and should not have wasted your time with a donkey unwilling to change his mind and then you brought the matter to me and wasted my time." The point is don't waste your time with the anti-science crowd. Just correct them once so other see it and leave. Do not waste your time with them.

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About the Creator

Ferrari King

I am Ferrari King and I enjoy writing short stories and playing games, BS in Molecular Biology. My other hobbies are working out, MMA and reading. Here is my wonderful LinkTree you should check for all links:

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