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"The Surprising Superstition Behind Upright Chopsticks in Korea"

"Breaking Taboos: The Cultural Significance of Chopstick Etiquette in Korea"

By The Creative Corner.Published about a year ago 3 min read
"The Surprising Superstition Behind Upright Chopsticks in Korea"
Photo by Chaewon Lee on Unsplash

Korean culture is rich with customs and traditions that are passed down from generation to generation. Some of these traditions are deeply rooted in the country's history, while others have evolved over time. Among these customs, one that stands out is the use of chopsticks. However, there is an interesting belief associated with chopsticks that many people might not know about. According to Korean superstition, placing chopsticks upright is considered to be bad luck, as it resembles the incense burnt at funerals.

The use of chopsticks is an integral part of Korean culture. They are used for almost every meal and are considered an essential item in any Korean kitchen. They are also a symbol of unity and togetherness, as Korean cuisine is typically served in large communal dishes that are meant to be shared among family and friends. However, despite their importance, there is a strict rule when it comes to placing chopsticks on the table.

According to Korean superstition, placing chopsticks upright in a bowl of rice or any other dish is considered a major taboo. The reason behind this is that it is believed to resemble the incense sticks that are lit at funerals. The upright chopsticks are said to represent the candles that are lit in honor of the deceased. As such, this act is seen as an invitation to death and is considered to be a bad omen.

Moreover, the tradition of upright chopsticks has a historical context as well. In the past, when someone passed away, their family would prepare a table of food and set it out for their loved one's spirit. In the center of the table, they would place a bowl of rice with a pair of chopsticks stuck upright in the center. This was done as a symbol of respect and to signify that the spirit of the deceased was present at the table. As such, placing chopsticks upright is seen as an act of disrespect to the dead.

In addition to these beliefs, there is also a practical reason why Koreans avoid placing chopsticks upright. When chopsticks are placed vertically in a bowl of rice, it creates an unstable environment that can cause the rice to spill or even topple over. Therefore, it is considered impolite to place chopsticks upright as it disrupts the harmony and balance of the meal.

So, what should you do with your chopsticks when you're finished eating? There are a few ways to handle this. The most common practice is to place them horizontally on the chopstick rest, which is typically provided by the restaurant or can be found in Korean households. If a chopstick rest is not available, you can lay them on the edge of the plate or bowl. Just be sure to avoid crossing them, as this is also considered bad luck.

It's important to note that while superstitions may seem outdated or irrational to some, they are an essential part of Korean culture. Respect for tradition and belief in the supernatural are deeply ingrained in Korean society, and these customs are taken very seriously. In fact, the use of chopsticks in Korean culture goes beyond just a utensil; it is a symbol of respect and unity.

In conclusion, the tradition of avoiding placing chopsticks upright in Korea may seem odd to outsiders, but it is an important part of the country's culture and customs. It is essential to respect and honor these traditions, even if they may seem unfamiliar or superstitious. By doing so, we can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the culture and the people who call it home. So, the next time you sit down for a Korean meal, remember to keep your chopsticks horizontal and enjoy the delicious food in the company of your loved ones.


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