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Last Week Preparation Tips for PTE Core Exam: Secure Your Canadian PR

PTE Core Preparation

By GurullyPublished 7 days ago 4 min read

Do you have only a week to take your PTE exam? You have already taken classes and English-speaking tutorials and practiced online with paid and free resources, but you still have doubts. I mean, this is your life and your maple-soaked future we are talking about.

Do you think a quick rundown of everything will help you? Then, this blog is for you.

Keep reading, and I will tell you a 7-day mantra for the week before your PTE Core exam for Canadian PR.

6 Days to Go: Go Through the Exam Format Once More

Familiarity with the PTE test format will definitely instill confidence in you. A fresh look at the format might even give you new ideas on approaching the questions during the test. It might also reveal gaps you might have in your prep.

Morning: Start your day by checking the PTE Core test format on the official website of Pearson PTE. You can get a detailed breakdown of all the sections and compare the probable scores with the Canadian Language Benchmarks. As you might already know, the four sections are Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading. You might also want to look at the sample questions on the official website or a practice platform you trust.

Afternoon: This is the time to take a mock test for the PTE Core exam. These mock tests are readily available for free or paid on many PTE preparation websites and platforms. The only thing to note here is that you should check the authenticity of the PTE Core mock test provider. This practice test will help you experience the refreshed exam format and pinpoint the areas you need a last push on.

Evening: It is time to analyze once you finish your first PTE Core mock test for the last week before your exam. Analyze your performance on the practice test. Did you struggle with any particular question types? Make a note of areas that require additional practice.

5 Days to Go: Targeted Skill Practice

Focus: Six days before your PTE Core exam is all about focussing on your weaker skills. Dedicate your time to practice the question-wise and section-wise as much as you can. Make sure you do not leave any stone unturned.

Reading: If you think reading is a challenge, practice summarizing texts within a strict time limit. You might want to look for PTE Core-specific practice materials online or use reputable English reading comprehension exercises.

Listening: If listening and understanding various accents was an issue, then try targeting listening exercises. Many online resources offer practice for identifying key details and summarizing audio clips.

Speaking & Writing: In the PTE exam format, speaking and writing are interrelated. Practice describing images, answering short questions, and writing short emails with prompts.

4 Days to Go: Mock Exam Simulation

Morning: Simulate a full PTE Core exam by completing a mock exam under timed conditions. There are many PTE preparation websites that offer AI-score PTE mock tests for purchase.

Afternoon: Review your performance on the mock exam. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses across all sections.

3 Days to Go: Focus on Grammar and Vocabulary

Grammar & Vocabulary: This day, you focus time on brushing up on your grammar and vocabulary skills. These are foundational elements that contribute to all sections of the PTE Core exam.

Resources: Utilize grammar and vocabulary practice materials specific to the PTE Core exam. Many online resources and textbooks cater to this specific test.

2 Days to Go: Exam Technique Refinement

Focus: Today, focus on refining your exam technique. Watch online tutorials on effective strategies for tackling different PTE Core tasks. Practice time management skills by revisiting sample questions and aiming to complete them within the allocated time frame.

Evening: Relax! Take some time off from studying and do something calming to de-stress. You want to feel refreshed and focused for the next two days.

1 Day to Go: The Final revision

Recap: Briefly review the test format and any key strategies you've learned throughout the week. You have to make sure you keep all your documents and clothes ready for the exam day.

Focus: Focus on relaxing your nerves and maintaining a positive attitude. Get a good night's sleep. You would want you to be well-rested for the exam day.

Your PTE Core Exam Day

Morning: After a good night’s sleep, wake up fresh. You should eat a healthy breakfast and arrive at the test center well before the exam starts.

Stay Calm: Take a few deep breaths before entering the exam room. Remember all the hard work you've put in, and trust your abilities.


By following this structured plan throughout the last week leading up to your exam, you'll be well-equipped to confidently tackle the PTE Core. Remember, consistency and strategic practice are key to maximizing your score. Stay calm focused, and trust your abilities on exam day – you've got this!


About the Creator


Gurully is a one-stop solution for those who are aiming to study or migrate abroad. We are an online English Language proficiency practice platform for well-known English exams: CD-IELTS, PTE, DUOLINGO, and CELPIP.

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    GurullyWritten by Gurully

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