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The Solstice of Shadows

A Town in Egypt Revives an Ancient Ritual and Discovers Its Unexpected Power

By yousif hajiPublished 2 days ago 6 min read

It is situated in heart of Egypt where the green pasture of the Nile goes across the desert that stretches through the dry land is a small town named Al-Mafrak. The town of Al-Mafrak can be found in between the vast sand dunes and the Nile's green riverbanks, and it is a place where time-honored traditions walk side by side with the modern way of life. As with every year, the town is very lively on the longest day of the year when they conduct a ritual that is as old as a few thousand years, where they attest the sun's ascent to its zenith enacting the power of the sun with reverence and joy.

The residents set the date for the summer solstice and the joy of it hung in the air of the village as the event approached. Main through Inns were decorated with pretty banners and lanterns, and stands offering traditional meals and crafts were also set by various vendors. Little children raced through the alleys, the sounds of their joy could be heard in the air set to the background music and the conversation of people. The ritual, far from being just a celebration, was in addition the hour of transition, signifying the midway of the year, and the soaring of the hope of a rich harvest.

The drama of the solstice celebration was the Temple of Ra, which was an old structure that had been there since the times of the change of the town. The temple, whose patron deity was the sun god Ra, was built by architects through exact knowledge, and they made it such that it would line up perfectly with the solstice sun. According to the legend, only at this time would the first beams of the first light of the new day of the dawning of the spring penetrate deep into the stone building and bring light to a chamber that is always in darkness the rest of the year.

The first glimme of it was at the ancient Temple of Ra, which was not only old but also had been the place that brought many spiritual and religious experiences to the town and which stood as the proof of the town’s rich history. The temple in the name of the sun god Ra, was built in the form of a pyramid, and the first beams from there would then Fell into its Core lightening the chamber translating maze of hieroglyphs and carvings that narrate the stories of various gods and kings, the residents of the town used to come together at the place each year.

On the adults' side were the priests dressed in a white uniform that chanted the musical hymns in a slow pace throwing echoes through the stones and the corridors. As the sunlight got deeper and deeper into the temple, a sudden silence filled the surroundings. The beams that entered the room were as the light of day, which made the room visible and thus able to make people see the inductions and hieroglyphs that told the tales of the deities and the rulers of the land.

The town's mornings were rudely interrupted by something quite unseen until now. The chamber got very bright as the sound of a barely noticeable hum started to resonate through the walls of the temple but it was so loud that what it caused was an apparent vibration of the building. The hieroglyphs enshrouded the place like a mist and looked like they were alive and moved but still their meanings were abstract and enigmatic. The townspeople gazed in astonishment as a line of light came out from the chamber that showed the way to an obelisk on a remote hill.

Intrigued by the unexplained event, the town's scholars and astronomers assembled to delve into its meaning. Dr. Layla Mansour was one of the scientists that eagerly joined the discussion. She had been deeply absorbed in the culture of Egypt since her childhood and was a knowledgeable person in the matter of the lore of the Temple of Ra "This alignment is no coincidence, aunt, she insisted. "The obelisk is a part of the temple's plan. We must explore it," the voice of Laila said.

At the onset of the day, the entourage of scientists and the local people started their journey to the hill. The ordeal was very hard as the sun rays were burning the skin of the team members. However, they were motivated enough to keep moving. When they finally arrived at the obelisk, they came across a spectacle that was far from ordinary. The obelisk's base was engraved with new hieroglyphs, which had been covered up by the tomb of the sand for many years.

Dr. Mansour was careful enough to brush sand away so that she could have access to a secret message that foretold an ancient prophecy. It was a prediction of a period when the stars and the sun would all account for the energy that would be released to the world. The obelisk and the temple were a part of a whole big cosmic map whose task is to show the way to gaining the treasure of information and power.

Both the townspeople were excited and sympathetic. They happen upon a secret that the cosmic force of earth had expressed before the human beings. It was as if the villagers took the resolution of 'Fight or Flight' and they decided to stay there for the whole night next to the obelisk to get more hints to the answer. The sky was like a dark canvas, broadcasting the stars all over the place due to the absence of the light pollution from the city. The scholars noticed the star conventions and combined them with the engraved obelisk and the temple.

Right at the edge of midnight, something unexpected came to pass. As though to say goodbye, they flashed as if they were closer to the obelisk than the earth. One of the starlights outlined a path to connect the obelisk to the temple. A mass of unidentifiable light irradiated the center of the group, and the spectators were overtaken with a trembling sense of amazement and horror.

Dr. Mansour stepped up and supported her remarks with a firm voice notwithstanding the respect she did not show it for the miraculous event. “This act will be the beginning of the era of cosmic events,” she mentioned. “We are not only in touch with the stars but also with the elements in the earth. The experience of these natural wonders is a good way to remind us where we stand in the universe and how all things are interconnected”.

The night was passed by the townsmen in pondering deeply. they came to see that the solstice ritual was more than a mere sun celebration next to a stella, it was the deepest of connections to the universe. They discovered the beauty and importance of the world life and the eternity of the black sky not only were they at the earth but the stars beyond into the unknown lay.

Bringing the first light of the solstice day into life, the light beam became more and more faint, the stars then returned to their usual brightness. The inhabitants of Al-Mafrak went back, permanently changed, and powerful with the things that they had lived through. They started their lives again with reinforced convictions, now knowing that they are part of something that is far beyond their own selfish yet willful egos.

The unexpectedly large power of the solstice ritual was demonstrated by its influence both astronomically and culturally. It had brought them together, reminding them of their common origin and the natural beauty of the universe. Through being confused and not knowing fully the phenomena they saw, the people remained open with and lived the mystery, having understood the Secret as the beauty of the unknown.

In the subsequent years, Al-Mafrak’s solstice celebration has become a major event attracting visitors from far and wide. Some people came to witness the alignment of the sun to the obelisk, to hear the music of the ancients and to be part of this tradition that surpasses the time. The town prospered, and her culture was revitalized through the ancient knowledge of her ancestors.

Consequently, on what, by no means, is the longest day of every year, the people of Al-Mafrak were at the Temple of Ra where the faces of the people that were illuminated by the golden light of the rising sun symbolized joy and reverence. They shared their solstice festival with happiness and respect, as they knew that they were the sole owners of an old heritage.


About the Creator

yousif haji

Aspiring story writer with a passion for crafting captivating narratives. With a unique voice and vivid imagination, I bring characters and worlds to life, engaging readers with every tale I tell.

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    yousif hajiWritten by yousif haji

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