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The Secret To Staying Safe

How To Avoid Pregnancy

By William OkwuosaPublished 21 days ago 3 min read
Interesting story to learn.

In a small town named Meadowville, a group of friends gathered every Friday evening to share stories and advice. They often discussed different topics, but one evening, the conversation turned to something very important: how to avoid pregnancy.

Emma, the most curious of the group, asked, "What’s the best way to avoid pregnancy? I mean, there are so many methods out there. How do we know which one works best?"

Olivia, who was a nurse and the most knowledgeable in the group, smiled and began to share some crucial information. "Avoiding pregnancy is all about making informed choices and understanding the options available to you. Let me tell you about some effective methods."

Birth Control Pills:**

"The most common method is the birth control pill," Olivia started. "These pills contain hormones that prevent ovulation. If there's no egg, there's nothing for sperm to fertilize. You need to take one pill every day at the same time. It's very effective if used correctly, but you must remember to take it daily."

Emma nodded, understanding the importance of consistency. "So, it's like setting an alarm for something important, right?"

"Exactly," Olivia confirmed.


"Another popular method is using condoms," Olivia continued. "They are great because they not only prevent pregnancy but also protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Make sure to use a new condom every time you have sex. It's important to put it on correctly, from start to finish."

Jack, who had been listening quietly, raised his hand. "How do you put a condom on correctly?"

Olivia explained, "First, check the expiration date and make sure the package isn’t damaged. Open it carefully to avoid tearing. Pinch the tip of the condom to leave room for semen, then roll it down to the base of the erect penis. After sex, hold the base of the condom while pulling out to prevent it from slipping off."

Intrauterine Device (IUD):**

"An IUD is a small device that a doctor places inside your uterus," Olivia said. "There are two types: hormonal and copper. The hormonal IUD releases hormones that prevent pregnancy, while the copper IUD uses copper to stop sperm from reaching the egg. Both types are very effective and can last for several years."

Sophia, who was always looking for long-term solutions, perked up. "So, you don’t have to do anything daily with an IUD?"

"Correct," Olivia replied. "Once it's in place, you don’t have to worry about it for a long time, but it does require a visit to the doctor for insertion and removal."

Birth Control Patch:**

Olivia then mentioned the birth control patch. "This is a small patch you stick on your skin, like a band-aid. It releases hormones that prevent ovulation. You need to replace it once a week for three weeks, then take a break for the fourth week. It's simple and effective if you follow the schedule."


"For those who prefer something even more long-term, there's the birth control implant," Olivia said. "It’s a tiny rod placed under the skin of your arm by a doctor. It releases hormones that prevent pregnancy for up to three years. It’s very convenient and one of the most effective methods."

Emergency Contraception:**

Emma, always the cautious one, asked about emergencies. "What if something goes wrong? Is there a backup plan?"

"Yes, there is," Olivia assured her. "Emergency contraception, also known as the morning-after pill, can be used if you think your regular method failed or if you didn’t use any birth control. It’s most effective when taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex, ideally within 72 hours."

Natural Family Planning:**

Olivia also discussed natural family planning. "This involves tracking your menstrual cycle and avoiding sex on the days you are most fertile. You need to be very regular with your cycle and understand your body well. It’s not as reliable as other methods, but some people prefer it because it’s natural."


"For those who are certain they don’t want children in the future, there’s sterilization," Olivia added. "For women, it’s called tubal ligation, where the fallopian tubes are tied. For men, it’s a vasectomy, where the tubes that carry sperm are cut. Both are very effective but are considered permanent."

As Olivia finished, the group felt much more informed. Emma, still curious, asked, "What’s the best method?"

"There’s no one-size-fits-all answer," Olivia said. "It depends on your lifestyle, health, and future plans. It’s important to talk to a healthcare provider to find what works best for you."

The friends thanked Olivia for the valuable information. They realized that understanding their options and making informed choices was the key to staying safe and avoiding unplanned pregnancies.

As they left the meeting, they felt empowered, knowing that they had the knowledge to take control of their futures. They promised to support each other and share this important information with others in Meadowville.

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About the Creator

William Okwuosa

Believe in yourself, take the leap, and watch the universe conspire to make your dreams a reality.

You don't have to be brave to s

tart, but you have to start to be brave."

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Comments (2)

  • Esala Gunathilake20 days ago

    How amazing that was.

  • Hey, just wanna let you know that this is more suitable to be posted in the Fiction community 😊

William OkwuosaWritten by William Okwuosa

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