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The Future Of Work:9 Ways Women Can Make Money Online in 2023

In the third decade of the 21st century, the world has shifted from being a manufacturing-based to an e-commerce-oriented society. This has led to a mass shifting of consumers’ spending patterns and a corresponding transformation in how businesses now need to operate. To stay competitive and keep up with the pace of change, businesses are now turning towards online platforms as an efficient and cost-effective way to sell their products or services to customers without them physically coming into their premises.....

By MichellePublished 2 years ago 16 min read
The Future Of Work:9 Ways Women Can Make Money Online in 2023
Photo by Cristian Tarzi on Unsplash

The number of people with access to high-speed internet is also increasing rapidly, which means that this trend will remain very much in demand for the foreseeable future. It's never been easier than it is right now to make money from the comfort of your home as a side hustle or a full-time gig. The benefits of controlling their schedule to work around school and other employment, the appeal of working from home is quickly growing. Online commerce exploded during the pandemic making platforms like Amazon billions. With numerous companies forced to have workers work from home, it sparked the desire to work in comfort, and for some, it was being able to work in their pj's.

There are also new ways that women can make money online in 2023 - The Future of Work, some of which you can explore here in this article. If you want to be your own boss, replace and increase your current income, and be in complete control of completely control your life, this article explores nine different online paths that you could take to meet or exceed your goals. Let's start exploring!

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Be A Digital Nomad

Women interested in making money online can now become digital nomads who travel the world while maintaining a steady income through online jobs. With more and more women becoming digital nomads, this career choice is seeing an increase in demand. Let's begin this list of women's ways to make money online in 2023 with an obvious choice.

A digital nomad is a person who can work remotely and travel at the same time. They typically use technology, such as the internet and smartphone apps, to stay connected to clients, colleagues, and other business resources while on the go. Digital nomads are often freelancers or self-employed individuals who can work from anywhere worldwide if they have a reliable internet connection. Many other types of jobs can be done remotely, and the list is constantly growing as technology advances.

There are many different types of jobs that are suitable for digital nomads. Some examples include:

1. Content creation: Writers, editors, and journalists can create written content for blogs, websites, and other online platforms anywhere in the world. Graphic designers, photographers, and videographers can also create visual content for online use.

2. Online teaching: Educators can teach students online using Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet. This can include teaching English as a second language, tutoring, and leading workshops or classes on various subjects. You can upload content to sites like Udemy or Coursera and charge for the entire course. Some additions could be creating a certificate once the user passes your exam within the class.

3. Social media management: Businesses and individuals often hire social media managers to create and manage their online presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. This can include creating and scheduling posts, interacting with followers, and analyzing data to reinforce the engagement for their Brand.

4. Software development: Developers can work on creating and maintaining websites and apps remotely. You need to identify a problem or need in the market that your software can solve, or you can create engaging games. You would need to keep in mind factors such as usability, scalability, and security. It's also important to continually update and maintain the software to ensure it remains relevant and bug-free. Once the software is complete, you can sell it to individuals or businesses through various channels, such as online marketplaces or your website. With hard work and a little luck, your software development efforts can result in a profitable and successful product.

If you don't know how to code, you can hire a freelancer through platforms such as Fiverr. You would need to check the market prices on other apps, then what the cost would be to have it created. Games with in-app purchasing would create a residual income. Think Candy Crush or Clash Of Clans.

5. Virtual assisting: Virtual assistants help individuals and businesses with scheduling appointments, responding to emails, and conducting research. There are sites such as LiveOps where you choose your work hours and apply for the jobs that you want to work. Jobs with sensitive information usually require the worker to be connected directly to a router, not allowing the use of WiFi. This is due to protecting client/patient personal information HIPPA.

Build A Blog

A blog is one of the women's oldest ways to make money online in 2023. Writing on a blog is a great way to share your knowledge, interests, and expertise with the world and earn money. You can start a blog on almost any subject, but one of the best ways to start is to focus on topics related to your niche. A niche is a specific category like health & fitness, gardening, or Parenting.

There are many ways to monetize a blog and earn an income. Here are some options to consider:

Advertising: You can sell advertising space on your blog to businesses relevant to your blog's content. You can use a platform like AdThrive or Google AdSense to manage your advertising.

Affiliate marketing: If you review products or services on your blog, you can include affiliate links in your blog posts. There are numerous affiliate-related websites, or you can go to that brand's website, scroll to the bottom, and look for "affiliate" to sign up. You earn a commission when someone clicks on one of these links and makes a purchase.

Sponsored content: You can work with businesses to create sponsored content for your blog. This can be a written review, a sponsored post, or a video. You can check with the companies you patronize and ask if they want to buy ad space on your blog. The business may have a required follower count before buying space, so keep that in mind.

Sell your own products or services: You can use your blog as a platform to sell your products or services. This could be digital products like E-Books and courses or physical products like handmade crafts or merchandise. If you are already selling on Poshmark, Mercari, or Etsy, you can include your link to your page to create more awareness and make more sales.

Offer consulting or coaching services: If you have expertise in a particular area, you can offer to consult or coaching services through your blog. If you already have a certification as a Life Coach, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), or Accounting, you can use those skills to make money.

Building a successful blog that generates income takes time and effort. You'll need to consistently create high-quality content, engage with your audience, and learn about SEO and marketing to drive traffic to your blog. However, with dedication and hard work, a blog can be a lucrative income as well as therapeutic. Keep in mind to make it engaging and uplifting rather than ranting or being negative.

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Be An Expert In Your Field

Many online businesses will want to hire you if you are an expert in your field. This is an excellent way for women to make money online in 2023. Start by researching the different industries interested in hiring an expert in your field. Then, find out the best way to get your services in front of those industries and create effective marketing materials to help you achieve this goal. If you are interested and have experience in a particular industry, consider becoming an expert.

Being an expert in your field can be a lucrative career choice, as individuals and organizations are often willing to pay for specialized knowledge and expertise. Here are a few ways you can use your expertise to make money:

Consultancy: Offer your services as a consultant to businesses or individuals. This can involve providing guidance and solutions to problems, conducting research, or offering training.

Speaking engagements: If you are good at public speaking, use this to your advantage. Share your knowledge and insights with others through speaking engagements at conferences, workshops, or seminars.

Writing: Write books, articles, or blog posts about your field to reach a wider audience and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. This does require researching keywords and popular topics and, if needed, outsourcing for book cover design and proper book formatting.

Teaching: Consider teaching at the university level or offering online courses or webinars to those looking to learn from an expert in your field. As mentioned before, you can upload these to online learning platforms.

Product development: Use your expertise to develop products or services related to your fields, such as creating specialized software or equipment.

To be successful as an expert in your field, it's important to continually stay up-to-date on the latest developments and trends in your industry and to be able to communicate your knowledge and expertise to others effectively. Networking and building relationships within your field can also help find new opportunities to monetize your knowledge.

Develop An E-Commerce Site

E-commerce websites are increasingly becoming a way for businesses to drive revenue. With a site that hosts an online store, you can sell all types of products and offer them at various prices, such as Shopify or Poshmark. This is an excellent way to earn money online because the store doesn’t have to be physically located somewhere in the world.

Developing an e-commerce site involves several steps that include planning, design, development, testing, and deployment.

Planning: Before you start development, it is essential to carefully plan out the features and functionality of your e-commerce site. This includes determining the types of products you will sell, setting up a payment gateway, and deciding on a layout and design for the site.

Design: Once you have a clear plan in place, you can begin designing the look and feel of your e-commerce site. This includes creating wireframes and mockups, choosing colors and fonts, and developing any graphics or images used on the site.

Development: With the design completed, you can begin developing the e-commerce site. This typically involves building out the site's front end (the part that users interact with) and back end (the part of the site that handles tasks such as processing orders and storing customer information). It is vital to ensure that the site is responsive and works well on various devices, such as tablets and smartphones.

Testing: Before launching the e-commerce site, it is crucial to test it to be sure it functions properly and thoroughly. This may include testing the checkout process, product pages, and other vital site features.

Deployment: Once the e-commerce site has been developed and tested, it is ready to be deployed and made live for users to access. This typically involves transferring the site to a live server and updating DNS records to point to the new location.

It is worth noting that developing an e-commerce site can be a complex process, and it may be helpful to work with a team of professionals, such as web designers, developers, and project managers, to ensure that it is completed successfully.

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Become An Online Audio/video Presenter

With the growing popularity of internet-connected devices, more people are turning to online audio/video services. Earning money through these services is a great way to supplement your income. There are many different services available, price points, and quality levels.

There are many ways to become an online audio/video presenter. Here are some steps you can follow to get started:

Determine your area of expertise: Online audio/video presenters often specialize in a particular topic or area of interest. Think about what you are knowledgeable and passionate about, and consider how you can use that expertise to help others.

Create a compelling online presence: Whether you're presenting through a video platform, a podcast, or a live stream, you'll need to have an online presence that showcases your expertise and personality. This can include creating a website, social media accounts, and a professional headshot or profile picture.

Develop your presentation skills: Good online audio/video presenters are engaging, confident, and able to communicate effectively through the screen. Consider taking a public speaking or presentation skills course to improve your delivery, or practice in front of friends and family to get feedback.

Choose your platform: Many platforms are available for online audio/video presentations, including YouTube, Twitch, and Zoom. Consider the type of content you want to create and the audience you want to reach, and choose a platform that best fits your needs. You don't always have to show your face, either. You can share your screen instead as you cover the type of content created.

Promote your content: Once you have created your content, it's essential to promote it to your target audience. This can include sharing your content on social media, reaching out to relevant communities or groups, and collaborating with other creators.

Anyone can become a successful online audio/video presenter with hard work, dedication, and willingness to learn and improve. Choosing engaging and searching for topics will help with engagement, whether educational or newsworthy. Another thing to note is choosing and adding the proper keyword tags. It will assist your content is being shown to the audience that is looking for it.


One way for women to make money in 2023 is by freelancing. This can involve providing services such as writing, editing, graphic design, social media management, and more. Freelancing allows women more flexibility in their schedules and the freedom to choose their own projects.

Becoming a freelancer can be a great way to have flexibility and control over your work. Here are some steps to consider when starting as a freelancer:

Define your services: Think about what you can offer to clients. This could be a specific skill such as writing, graphic design, or programming or a more general service such as project management or consulting.

Determine your target market: Who are the clients you want to work with? Consider factors such as industry, location, and size of the company.

Set your rates: Research the going rates for your services and consider your experience and expertise when determining your prices.

Create a Portfolio: Gather examples of your previous work to show potential clients. This could include samples of writing, design projects, or code you have written.

Build your network: Networking is essential for finding new clients and opportunities. Attend industry events, join relevant online groups, and reach out to potential clients or collaborators. You can also use LinkedIn to find businesses and contacts. LinkedIn is the social media platform for businesses, and people display their work experience within their profiles.

Get organized: Freelancing requires a high level of organization and self-motivation. Create systems for managing your workload, invoicing, and communication with clients.

Consider your business structure: Decide whether to operate as a sole proprietorship, partnership or incorporate your business. Each design has different legal and tax implications.

Starting as a freelancer can be challenging, but with determination and hard work, it can also be a rewarding and fulfilling career path.

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Starting An Online Business

Another way women can make money in 2023 is by starting an online business. This can be as simple as setting up a shop on Etsy or as complex as building an e-commerce website from scratch. Online companies allow women to reach a global audience and sell products or services on their terms.

Starting an online business can be a great way to make money, as it allows you to reach a wider audience and sell your products or services without needing a physical storefront. Here are some steps you can follow to get started:

Identify your niche: The first step to starting an online business is identifying what you want to sell or the service you wish to offer. Consider your interests and skills and look for gaps in the market that you can fill.

Research your competition: Once you know what you want to sell or offer, research to see what other businesses are already doing in your niche. Look at their websites and social media profiles to see what they offer and consider how to differentiate your business from theirs.

Create a business plan: A business plan is a roadmap that outlines your goals, target market, marketing strategy, and financial projections. It's a helpful tool for organizing your thoughts and keeping you on track as you start and grow your business.

Choose a business name and domain: Your business name and domain will be the first thing potential customers see, so it's important to choose something memorable and professional. Consider using keywords that relate to your business and try to get a .com domain if possible. If the one you want is taken, try various variations of it.

Set up a website: Your website is the hub of your online business, so it's important to invest time and resources into creating a professional, user-friendly site. Many tools and platforms, such as WordPress, can help you build a website without coding knowledge, such as WordPress and Squarespace. Start marketing your business: Once you have your website set up, it's time to start promoting your business. This can include social media marketing and paid advertising. The key is to be consistent and to focus on the relationship with your customers.

Starting an online business can be rewarding and exciting, but it requires time, effort, and dedication. By following these steps and staying focused on your goals, you can create a successful online business and make money from the comfort of your own home.

Selling Products On Amazon

Another way for women to make money in 2023 is by selling products on Amazon. Whether you have your own products to sell or source products from wholesalers, Amazon provides a platform for you to reach a large audience and sell your products online.

Drop shipping is one example of a fulfillment model in which a retailer does not keep inventory in stock. Instead, when a customer places an order, the retailer forwards the order and shipping details to the manufacturer or wholesaler, who then ships the product directly to the customer.

Selling products on Amazon using the dropshipping model can be an excellent way to start an e-commerce business with a low upfront investment. It allows you to offer a wide range of products without worrying about storage, shipping, or handling inventory.

To start dropshipping on Amazon, you must sign up for a seller account and create product listings for the items you want to sell. You will also need to identify a reliable supplier or wholesaler who can provide the products and handle the shipping, such as Alibaba, AliExpress, or SalesHoo. Once you have set up your seller account and identified a supplier, you can start marketing your products and taking orders through the Amazon platform.

One advantage of dropshipping on Amazon is that you don't need to worry about holding inventory or managing fulfillment. However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. Dropshipping can be less profitable than other fulfillment models because you may have to pay higher product prices due to the added shipping costs. Additionally, you will need more control over the quality of the products you are selling and the speed of fulfillment, as you rely on your supplier to handle these aspects of the business. Some of these wholesale retailers are overseas, such as in China, where it can take two weeks or more for the product to reach the customer.

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Investing In The Stock Market

Investing in the stock market can be a way for women to grow their wealth over time. While it does carry some risk, investing in a diversified portfolio can help to mitigate those risks and potentially lead to higher returns.

Investing in the stock market is one way to potentially make money and grow your wealth over the long term. When you invest in stocks, you are essentially buying a small ownership stake in a company. The value of your stocks may rise or fall depending on the performance of the company and market conditions.

There are a few different ways to invest in the stock market. One common strategy is to buy and hold stocks for the long term in the hopes that the value of the stocks will increase over time. This is known as long-term investing. Another strategy is to engage in short-term trading, where you buy and sell stocks within a shorter time frame in the hopes of making quick profits.

To start investing in the stock market, you must open a brokerage account. This is an account with a financial institution that allows you to buy and sell stocks. You can choose between a traditional brokerage account or a Robo-advisor, an online service that uses algorithms to make investment recommendations.

It's important to do your research before investing in the stock market. This includes looking into the financial health and stability of the companies you are considering investing in, as well as the overall state of the market. It's also a good idea to diversify your portfolio by investing in various stocks and asset classes rather than putting all your money in one place.

Investing in the stock market carries risks, and it's crucial to be aware of them, especially if you are new to investing. Learning the various proven techniques and the how-to will assist in your trading journey, which is critical! Equally essential is to remember that investing in the stock market is not a get-rich-quick scheme and that it can take time to see returns on your investment returns.


Overall, there are many ways for women to make money in 2023. Whether you choose to freelance, start an online business, invest in the stock market, or sell products on Amazon, there are plenty of opportunities for women to earn an income and achieve financial independence.

How people work is changing, and employers are starting to recognize this. The future of work is likely to be more flexible than the current model of 9-5 jobs, and employers that want to maintain outdated structures will need help to stay competitive. With the growing popularity of online platforms, women can make money online in 2023. These new methods of making money online will make it even easier for women to find employment.

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