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The Devastating Impact of Abandonment on Your Inner Child

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By Isabella Hope JewellPublished 11 months ago 7 min read


Abandonment wounds of childhood are a form of childhood trauma that can have devastating impacts on the inner child. This trauma occurs when a child is abandoned by their primary caregiver, such as a parent or guardian, either emotionally or physically. This experience of abandonment can leave a lasting imprint on the abandoned self, causing a person to struggle with issues of trust, abandonment, and insecurity throughout their life. In this blog post, we will explore the devastating impact of abandonment on your inner child, and what you can do to heal the wounds of abandonment from your past.

Understanding the Concept of Abandonment and Its Effects on the Inner Child

Abandonment is a form of childhood wounding that occurs when a child's caregiver is emotionally or physically unavailable. This lack of connection and support can create a deep core wounding that can impact the child's self-worth, self-esteem, and ability to form healthy relationships as an adult. The effects of abandonment can manifest in many different ways, including fear of intimacy, self-sabotage, and a constant need for external validation.

Healing childhood trauma begins with repairing your relationship with your inner child. This involves learning to love yourself and love your inner child. It's important to remember that your inner child is not separate from who you are as an adult, but rather a part of you that needs attention and nurturing.

Loving your inner child means giving yourself permission to feel your emotions and connect with your innermost feelings. This may involve journaling, meditating, or practicing self-care. It also means acknowledging the pain and hurt that you experienced as a child and finding ways to heal those wounds.

There are many healing techniques that can be used to address abandonment wounds, including inner child work, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and mindfulness-based stress reduction. These techniques can help you to connect with your inner child and address the negative beliefs and thought patterns that may be holding you back.

If you are struggling with abandonment trauma, seeking professional help can be an important step in your healing journey. A therapist or counselor can provide guidance and support as you work through your childhood wounding and begin to heal. Remember, you are not alone, and healing from abandonment is possible with the right support and resources.

Signs of Abandonment Wounds in Your Adult Life

Abandonment wounds can have a long-lasting impact on a person’s life, particularly when they occur in childhood. Here are some signs that may indicate that you have experienced abandonment wounds:

1. Fear of Rejection: People with abandonment wounds often struggle with the fear of rejection. They may avoid close relationships because they are afraid of being left out or rejected by their loved ones.

2. Difficulty Trusting: Those who have experienced abandonment often struggle to trust others. They may have trust issues with anyone they are in a relationship with, making it difficult to form meaningful connections.

3. Low Self-Esteem: Children who were abandoned or neglected often struggle with self-esteem issues, feeling that they were not worthy of love and attention from their caregivers.

4. Emotional Numbness: Abandonment can cause individuals to become emotionally numb. They may struggle to express their emotions or feel disconnected from their feelings entirely.

5. Avoidance Behaviors: Adults who have experienced abandonment may resort to avoidance behaviors to protect themselves from being hurt. This may include avoiding situations where they may be vulnerable or isolating themselves from others.

If you recognize any of these signs in yourself, it’s essential to address your abandonment wounds and seek support. With the right help and techniques, it’s possible to heal the inner child and move forward with a happier and healthier life.

Reconnecting with Your Inner Child

As adults, it can be easy to lose touch with our inner child. We become so caught up in our day-to-day lives that we forget what it feels like to play, imagine, and dream without limits. But if you have abandonment wounds, it's even more important to reconnect with your inner child, as they hold the key to healing and growth.

One way to reconnect with your inner child is to spend time doing activities that you loved as a child. Maybe you enjoyed coloring, playing with dolls, or building with blocks. Whatever it may be, take some time to do it again. Allow yourself to let go of adult responsibilities and embrace the joy and freedom of being a child.

Another technique is to practice visualization exercises. Sit in a quiet, comfortable place and close your eyes. Imagine yourself as a child, perhaps around the age of when your abandonment wound occurred. Visualize yourself in a safe and loving environment, surrounded by supportive and caring individuals. Allow yourself to feel the emotions that come up, whether it be sadness, anger, or joy. You can also picture yourself comforting your inner child and telling them everything is going to be okay.

Journaling can also be a powerful tool for reconnecting with your inner child. Take some time to write about your childhood experiences, both positive and negative. Write a letter to your inner child, offering love, compassion, and support. Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions come up, without judgment or criticism.

Finally, meditation can be a powerful way to connect with your inner child. Find a quiet place to sit and focus on your breath. As you breathe in and out, imagine a bright, shining light entering your body and filling you up with love and compassion. As you exhale, imagine releasing any negative thoughts or feelings. Visualize your inner child standing before you, and offer them love and support.

Reconnecting with your inner child can be a challenging but transformative process. By embracing your inner child, you can begin to heal your abandonment wounds and rediscover the joy and wonder of life.

Healing Techniques to Address Abandonment Wounds

Dealing with the inner child of abandonment wounds is a difficult process, but there are healing techniques that can help. These techniques will require you to invest time, effort, and dedication. The journey to healing is a process that can be achieved through the following practices:

1. Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and emotions can help you understand them better. Through journaling, you can identify patterns in your behavior and recognize where your abandonment wounds are coming from. It’s important to give yourself time to write and process your emotions.

2. Self-Care: Self-care is a crucial aspect of healing abandonment wounds. You need to take care of yourself emotionally, physically, and mentally. Engage in activities that make you feel happy and fulfilled, such as exercise, meditation, or even a relaxing bath.

3. Inner Child Work: Inner child work involves reconnecting with your inner child and addressing the wounds that have been inflicted upon it. This process can be challenging, but it is essential to healing abandonment wounds. You can do inner child work through guided meditations or by creating a dialogue with your inner child.

4. Visualization: Visualization is a powerful technique that can help you overcome abandonment wounds. You can visualize yourself in a peaceful and safe place, and surround yourself with positive energy. Visualization can help you to reframe your mindset and to develop a more positive outlook.

5. Positive Affirmations: Repeating positive affirmations to yourself can help to rewire your thinking patterns. This can help to combat negative self-talk and self-doubt that may have arisen due to abandonment wounds.

Healing abandonment wounds is a long-term process, but it’s worth the effort. By using these techniques and working through your emotions, you can find healing and move forward toward a happier and healthier life. Remember that healing is possible, and with time and support, you can overcome the impact of abandonment on your inner child.

Seeking Professional Help for Abandonment Trauma

If you find yourself struggling with abandonment wounds, it's important to understand that seeking professional help can be a crucial step toward healing. This kind of trauma can be challenging to deal with on your own, and working with a trained therapist can help you process the emotions and memories that are contributing to your current struggles.

A therapist can help you understand the root causes of your abandonment wounds and provide you with effective coping strategies that can assist you in dealing with your emotions. They can also provide you with the tools and techniques needed to build a stronger sense of self and develop healthier relationships.

When seeking professional help for abandonment trauma, it's important to choose a therapist who has experience in working with this type of trauma. You may also want to consider therapy modalities like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), all of which have been proven to be effective in treating trauma-related issues.

Remember, it takes time to heal from abandonment wounds, and there is no quick fix. But by seeking professional help and taking an active role in your own healing process, you can work towards building a brighter, more positive future.

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About the Creator

Isabella Hope Jewell

I am an Indigo Angel who has come to seed Light onto the planet and to Illuminate the Shadow Self within to assist in your ascension journey.

I channel Sacred Angelic Frequencies for your healing, alignment, and ascension.

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