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Simplest Explanation of E=mc^2

The most elementary elucidation of the mass-energy equivalence

By Kipkemoi Dennis RutoPublished 9 months ago 6 min read

If one were to inquire about the most widely recognized scientific equation in the world, the unanimous response, without hesitation, would be E=mc^2. This equation, attributed to the brilliant mind of Albert Einstein, holds significant meaning. At its most fundamental level, it asserts that energy and mass possess interchangeable properties, representing distinct manifestations of the same entity. Contrary to popular belief, Einstein did not stumble upon this renowned equation in his later years; rather, he made this groundbreaking discovery at the tender age of 26. To illustrate the implications of this equation, consider the hypothetical scenario of converting every atom within a paper clip into pure energy, thereby eliminating any trace of mass. Astonishingly, this transformation would yield an explosive force equivalent to 18 kilotons of TNT, comparable in magnitude to the bomb that devastated Hiroshima in 1945. However, it is important to note that such a conversion is unattainable on Earth, as it necessitates temperatures and pressures surpassing those found at the core of our sun. Einstein, although credited as the sole progenitor of this scientific marvel, was not the sole contributor to its development. Rather, it is the culmination of a century-long history intertwined with the tireless efforts, intellect, and passion of numerous geniuses. It is this intricate tapestry that we shall now delve into, analyzing its intricacies.

Initially, we commence with the letter 'E'. During the early 1800s, the term 'energy' emerged as a surprisingly novel concept, as it was not yet regarded as the sole creative substance in the universe. At that time, scientists held the belief that the heat emitted by fire and the rays emanating from the sun were distinct entities. However, one individual played a pivotal role in altering this perception - Michael Faraday. Despite being a highly skilled apprentice bookbinder, Faraday harboured no interest whatsoever in dedicating his life to the binding of books. Instead, he viewed this occupation as a means of escaping poverty in London during the 1810s. Nonetheless, the job did possess one significant advantage - an abundance of books that he could read.

When Faraday reached the age of 20, a visitor to the shop offered him tickets to a series of lectures at the Royal Institution. It was during these lectures that Sir Humphrey Davy expounded upon electricity and the concealed powers that undoubtedly existed beyond the visible realm of our universe. Faraday attended these lectures and realized that he had been granted a fortuitous glimpse into a more fulfilling life than the one he currently led at the shop. However, he pondered how he could enter this world without having attended prestigious institutions such as Oxford or Cambridge. Nevertheless, he possessed the ability to create an impressive-looking book through his bookbinding skills.

Throughout his life, Faraday had cultivated the habit of taking notes whenever possible. Thus, he diligently transcribed the notes he had taken during Davy's lectures and even included a few illustrations of Davy's demonstrations and apparatus. The result was a remarkable book, which Faraday sent to Sir Humphrey Davy. In response, Davy expressed his desire to meet Faraday, as he was impressed by his work. Eventually, Davy hired Faraday as a laboratory assistant, liberating him from his binding duties.

Then, Faraday and Davey made a significant discovery: when the current in an electric wire was switched on, any compass needle placed on top of the wire would slightly deviate from its original position. However, this phenomenon remained unexplained. After conducting extensive research, Faraday determined that a magnetic field was generated around the wire, perpendicular to the current. In a similar manner, he manipulated the direction of a constant flow using a magnet, thus creating the world's first electric motor. Consequently, he established the interconnectedness of electrical power and magnetic force, giving birth to the new scientific discipline of electromagnetism. It was within this framework that Einstein later capitalized on the principle that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another.

Let us now delve into the concept of mass, denoted by the symbol "m". For a considerable period, the concept of mass was akin to that of energy. To gain an understanding of mass, we must back in time to the 1770s. Antoine Lavoisier, a chemist, made a significant discovery regarding mass. In his laboratory, he conducted an experiment where he injected steam through a hot iron tube and collected it on the other end, subsequently cooling it. This chemical reaction caused the iron pipe to rust. The difference between the mass of water used for heating and the mass of water eventually cooled was equal to the sum of the gas mass released during the chemical reaction and the increased mass of the iron pipe. During his time, it was postulated that when wood is burned, the mass of the substance is permanently expelled by a substance called phlogiston. This led scientists to believe that the weight of the excess ash was less than the weight of the original wood. However, Lavoisier, with the assistance of his intelligent and supportive wife, proved that the mass of an object does not increase or decrease, regardless of the changes that occur. The two sides of a chemical equation are always equal, as energy and mass are interdependent and thus present in the equation.

However, how did light manage to enter into the equation? The phenomenon of moving at an accelerated pace is referred to as "calaridis" in the Latin language. According to human understanding, only light possesses this ability, reaching an approximate velocity of three lakh kilometers per second (with the precise value being 299,792,458 m/s). At this juncture, the renowned figure of Michael Faraday resurfaces. For an extended period, he staunchly believed that light, akin to electricity and magnetic fields, relied upon electromagnetism. Regrettably, his mathematical acumen fell short in substantiating this notion. Indeed, he was an exceptionally gifted individual despite his lack of formal education. Enter James Clark Maxwell, a young man well-versed in the realm of mathematics, who joined forces with Faraday. Together, they harnessed electricity from a magnetic field at a specific velocity, which happened to be the speed of light. Through their mathematical calculations, they conclusively demonstrated to the world that this velocity remains constant and unchanging.

Currently, all aspects have been clarified, however, the origin of the square remains uncertain. This implies that the velocity of light must be multiplied by itself. Nevertheless, the question arises as to why this is the case. The response to this inquiry can be attributed to a young French woman named Emilie du Chatelet, who was renowned for her innovative ideas during the 18th century. From the tender age of 23, she acquired mastery in mathematics and engaged in intellectual challenges with works of luminaries such as Isaac Newton. It is a well-established fact that a moving object possesses energy. According to Newton's theory, if a ball travels at twice the speed of another ball, its energy should also be twice as much. However, Emilie posited that the energy would actually be four times greater. She substantiated her claim through a small-scale experiment. By dropping small lead shells from a specific height onto brittle clay, she measured the depth of penetration. This experiment conclusively demonstrated that the energy of the balls dropped onto the clay was not proportional to their speed, but rather four times greater. For instance, according to Newton’s law, if a ball is dropped from a height of one meter onto the clay, it will penetrate one centimetre. Similarly, if the same ball is dropped from a height of two meters, it should penetrate two centimetres. However, Emilie's experiment revealed that the ball actually penetrated four centimetres.

Returning to Einstein, it is evident that he possessed knowledge regarding energy, mass, the speed of light (c), and the concept of c squared, although he encountered some confusion when attempting to merge these concepts. However, he was unequivocal about one aspect - the interconnectedness of mass and energy. In his understanding, energy and mass are essentially one and the same; energy is mass and mass is energy. Einstein made a significant breakthrough during a discussion on time with his close associate Michel. It was during this exchange that Einstein formulated Maxwell's idea: if the speed of light (c) is a variable quantity, what would be the mass of an object as it approaches the speed of light? The mass of the object would undoubtedly increase, given that the value of c squared is exceedingly high. Consequently, an object possessing even a minuscule mass would possess an inexhaustible amount of energy. The proper comprehension of this equation lies in recognizing the processes occurring within the cores of stars, as we are all composed of these stellar particles, and the energy available to us from the sun can be expressed as E=mc^2. Furthermore, it becomes apparent that stars are converting their immeasurable masses into energy. Regrettably, the detonation of a single atomic bomb resulted in the loss of countless lives. This is the essence of the equation E=mc^2.

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About the Creator

Kipkemoi Dennis Ruto

In three succinct terms, I am a physicist with a penchant for writing. My written works are characterized by their ability to convey complex scientific concepts in a manner that is accessible to a broad audience.

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Comments (1)

  • Alex H Mittelman 9 months ago

    Great work! Fantastic!

Kipkemoi Dennis RutoWritten by Kipkemoi Dennis Ruto

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