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Revision Tips

Mainly for Those Doing GCSE/A-Level

By Shelby DosdosPublished 6 years ago 3 min read


At least for A-Levels & GCSE, make sure you have the SPECIFICATION/Course Outline from the start of the year so that you always have something to refer to during revision. If you can, try to go through it before getting to your first lesson of that subject so you know what you will be learning that year, even if you don't understand anything yet.

Tip 2: Make revision materials NOW.

Although seemingly long, it's better to get everything out if the way as soon as possible. By this, I mean making revision notes and flashcards AS SOON AS THE LESSON IS FINISHED. This way, you’ll always have something to look over during the year and you won’t have to worry about cramming closer to exam time.

Tip 3: LOVE your stationery.

Some people are into it whilst others may not be. But being organised will help to keep you motivated and on top of things! For example, with the notes that you make, putting them into a folder will make sure nothing goes missing. Having a small box for your flashcards is also very good at making sure you have everything you need for revision in one place, not to mention things like highlighters, pens, pencils, and calculators (if you need one).

Tip 4: Don’t highlight EVERYTHING.

Be careful what you highlight. Try to highlight only the KEY BITS OF INFORMATION. For example, what I like to do is highlight an important sentence but only highlight the parts that are important and try to only read the highlighted parts to see if it would make sense in my head. Missing words out like “the” is also a good way to keep everything concise.

Tip 5: Make use of the internet.

Don’t just stick to your textbook! Watch YouTube videos and scholarly articles to also read AROUND the topic.

Tip 6: Mark schemes are BAE.

As said in Tip 1, you are revising for the EXAM. Especially in A-Level and GCSE, you may know the content but if you don’t word it SPECIFICALLY, and as it says in the mark scheme, you won’t get full marks. Thats why it's extremely important for you to take a look at possible questions they may ask you on that topic and also the way that the examiners want you to answer it.

Tip 7: Do.Every.Single.Past.Paper.

In order to ensure that no stone is left unturned, leave yourself enough time before your exams to begin past papers. Roughly about 3 months will give you enough time. This will help you to get used to the questions asked and, more specifically for A-Level, get you used to the random bits of information they may throw out at you that you need to interpret and apply your knowledge to.

Tip 8: Be good to yourself.

Revise hard. But also reward yourself for hard work. For example, maybe have a break on Sundays to do something other than studying. Change your place of revision so you don’t get bored. Make sure to sleep early and wake up early so you’re not sleepy! Eat well and try to do some exercise either before you go to bed, in the morning, or even in the middle of revision.

Tip 9: Water is life.

Drink a lot of water. Honestly, in most exams, it's the only thing that you will be allowed to have. It not only will help to keep you awake, but also help you to feel refreshed.

Tip 10: Stay positive.

Whatever happens, be determined and positive. One bad grade during a mock exam does not mean that you are failing. Talk to your teachers for help and don’t be afraid to talk to classmates for help either. At the end of the day, its about YOUR exam results. Being shy and embarrassed may mean that you aren’t able to get the information you need that will help you improve. Good luck.

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