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Regression Testing - Its Example, types, techniques, regression vs UAT

The platform of regression testing assures that the new changes or updates introduced in the code does not alter or modify the existing functionalities of the software product or application.

By Jessica WoodPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

The platform of regression testing assures that the new changes or updates introduced in the code does not alter or modify the existing functionalities of the software product or application. In this testing method, the re-execution of test cases takes place to ensure to verify whether the earlier functionality is working as expected or not.

In this article, you will get to know about regression testing along with its types, techniques and an example.

What is regression testing?

It is a testing method wherein new bugs are uncovered in the existing functionalities of the software product or application. The previously completed tests are re-run and then the results are compared with the expected outcomes.

Regression testing definition:

It is a type of software testing wherein functional and non-functional tests are re-run to make sure that an application is working as per the expected requirements despite going through code optimizations, improvements, revisions, updates or changes. The regression testing definition helps in understanding the meaning of regression tests in a much better manner.

Regression testing example:

There is a website and one of its important features include uploading images in PNG or JPEG format. But, the issue is that one of the file formats is not being able to upload because of a bug involved in it. A regression test is performed by a developer to fix this specific bug and to also make sure these changes/fixes does not affect other specific features that are included in the image-uploading activity.

The regression testing definition written above will help in understanding the above-mentioned regression test example.

Types of regression testing:

1. Progressive regression testing: When new test cases or testing environments need to be developed, then there is a requirement for introducing new system components through the platform of progressive regression testing. This regression test type helps in ascertaining whether the existing components get affected by changes or updates that have been made.

2. Corrective regression testing: When the source code has not gone through any specific updates or changes, then this testing type is used. In corrective regression testing, when the functionality of the current features is being validated, the existing test cases can also be re-used.

3. Partial regression testing: When the application's existing source code has gone through some changes, the implementation of partial regression tests is done to ensure that the application's overall performance has not been disrupted or influenced by the new programming line.

4. Selective regression testing: When only a few select components need to be retested, then selective testing is applied. This, in turn, saves resources and time that is necessary for the entire system.

5. Complete regression testing: When the root code is introduced with multiple updates, then the entire software structure goes through the complete regression testing process.

Regression testing techniques:

1. Regression test selection: The selected part of test suites, such as obsolete test cases or re-usable test cases, are executed

2. Retest all: All the tests are re-executed that are in the existing test bucket. It is considered to be quite expensive as it requires a huge amount of resources and time.

3. Test case prioritization: It depends on used functionalities and business impact.

Significance of automated regression testing:

Whenever there are multiple regression test cycles or multiple releases, then the platform of automated regression testing is used.

Difference between regression testing and User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

The following information will provide you with information about the difference between regression testing vs UAT.

What is regression testing?

It is a software testing method that ensures that a software product or application works as expected, despite code updates, changes or improvements.

What is UAT?

It is a testing method wherein end-users will test the product or application in a real-time environment and then provide their valuable feedback about the product or application.

Conclusion: If you are looking forward to implementing mobile usability testing for your specific project, then do get connected with the finest software testing services company that will provide you with a structured testing blueprint that is in line with your project-specific requirements.

About the author: I am a technical content writer focused on writing technology specific articles. I strive to provide well-researched information on the leading market savvy technologies.

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About the Creator

Jessica Wood

I am Jessica wood and I am a Software tester for over 9 years , blogger, technology geek, and I use software testing to explore and learn about my world.

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