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Reasons to Hire Professional Localization Services

Hire Professional Localization Services

By Jany LinPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
Reasons to Hire Professional Localization Services
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

The world has become a global village. In this global village, you can access everything from your home with just a click of a button. This is possible because of technological advancement. No matter in which part of the world you are. With the help of digitalization, you can buy anything from any part of the world. Here the question is how to show the world about your business, and how to convince them to buy your products and services. For this, you may need to develop a website.

The website is your first source of contact with the customer. No doubt, English is a global language. However, people around the world like to communicate in their native language. They will be convinced to buy products from your website if you have translated the website according to regional and cultural nuances. That’s why you need help from the best website localization services.

Translation and Localization of Website

Let’s say you and your company partners have developed the website and now you want to translate it. But do you know what is meant by website translation? It is not supposed to be a word-to-word translation. It should be the translation of the website content regarding cultural and regional contexts. Surely it will not make an impact on the target audience. Thus, if you want your products and services to be well received in foreign markets, you must go for professional localization services.

With the help of best website localization services, you can change the overall user interface of the website. The content on the website that you have translated gets across the consumer's minds and they can understand the intended message of your marketing campaigns. Also, it is important not to use such images and colors on the website that are considered offensive in the target market. The interface of the website should be altered in a way that date, time, and currency are according to the specific region.

Difference Between Localization and Translation

The translation is about altering the words from one language to another. On the other hand, localization is about altering the message according to linguistic, cultural, and regional differences. In addition to translation, localization considers the following things to provide quality results.

· Slang

· Expressions

· Idioms

· Legal requirements

· Formatting

· Cultural and Religious material

What Needs to be Localized

Attention to detail is very important in localization because any small error can ruin all your efforts and damage the brand's reputation. For instance, the Japanese automotive company must change the name of Pajero for the Spanish-speaking community because it has some sensual meaning in the Spanish language.

Another example of localization is Coca-Cola which launched a marketing campaign Share a Coke. It is the best example of localization because they put the local names of the people on the cans in each country.

The next important example is fast-food chains like Subway and McDonalds. They both have changed their menus according to the tastes and preferences of the people of each country. Moreover, they also use localization solutions in their web pages, commercials, and videos.

Why Hire a Professional Localization Services?

Localization is a little bit more complicated than translation because it not only requires the knowledge of linguists but also demands the know-how of culture, you must hire a professional translation company that can provide you with the best website localization services.

Let’s dive into the reasons for hiring them.

High-Quality Results

Whether you are introducing a new product in a market or tapping into foreign markets, you must communicate with potential customers appropriately. Professional translation companies usually have a team of native translators who are hired through strict scrutiny. The best part is, they know the culture of the target market and provide you with localization solutions accordingly. Moreover, they are not only good linguists, but they possess all the competencies to provide the best services on time.

Industry Specific Knowledge

Another reason to look for professional localization services is that the translators who provide you with localization services are the subject matter experts in their fields and they have knowledge of specific industries. Therefore, they use industry-specific terminologies accordingly.

Know-How of Culture

One of the best advantages of hiring localization services is that the translators working there immerse them in the culture. If translators are unaware of the cultural differences of various countries, then they can end up with embarrassing mistakes that will damage the repute of your business. Translators at professional translation companies take into consideration the culture. Also, they pay attention to the legal compliance of the specific country to save clients from a lawsuit.

Wrapping Up

Localization is the key to success in the globalized world. It not only mitigates the communication barriers but also helps to improve brand image. Moreover, it helps to target global markets easily.

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About the Creator

Jany Lin

We are your go-to Translation service provider. Our language experts are qualified, vigilant, and professional.

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