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Need Education

By Ahmar Naz Asim Published about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time, there was a school located in a small town in the United States. The school was diverse and had students of all races, religions, and backgrounds. However, there was a problem that had been plaguing the school for years - racism. Despite the school's efforts to promote equality and diversity, there were still incidents of discrimination and prejudice that occurred on a regular basis.

The school's principal, Ms. Thompson, recognized that the school needed to take action to address this issue. She called for a meeting with the teachers, staff, and parents to discuss what could be done to combat racism in the school. The group brainstormed ideas and came up with a plan to implement a racism education program for the students.

The program would consist of a series of workshops and lessons designed to teach the students about different cultures and to promote empathy and understanding. The school would bring in guest speakers from different racial backgrounds to share their experiences and stories with the students. The students would also participate in group discussions and activities that would encourage them to confront their own biases and prejudices.

The first workshop of the program was held on a Monday morning. Ms. Thompson addressed the entire student body and explained the purpose of the program. She emphasized the importance of treating all people with respect and kindness, regardless of their race or ethnicity. The students listened attentively and seemed genuinely interested in what Ms. Thompson had to say.

After Ms. Thompson finished her speech, the students were divided into small groups and sent to different classrooms for the first workshop. Each group had a facilitator who would guide them through the activities and discussions. The facilitators were all teachers at the school who had undergone special training to lead the workshops.

The first activity involved the students sharing their own experiences with racism and discrimination. Some students shared stories of being bullied or harassed because of their race, while others talked about times when they had witnessed racism directed at someone else. The facilitators encouraged the students to listen to each other and to show empathy for their classmates' experiences.

The next activity involved the students learning about different cultures. Each group was given a different culture to study, and they were asked to create presentations to share with the rest of the school. The students were encouraged to research the culture thoroughly and to find ways to celebrate and appreciate its unique traditions and customs.

As the weeks went by, the program continued to be a success. The students seemed to be responding positively to the lessons and activities, and there were fewer incidents of racism reported in the school. The guest speakers who came to talk to the students were particularly effective in helping the students understand the impact that racism could have on people's lives.

One guest speaker, a woman named Maria, shared her experience of being discriminated against because of her Mexican heritage. She talked about the hurtful comments and actions that she had experienced throughout her life, and how it had made her feel like she didn't belong in her own country. The students were shocked and saddened by Maria's story, and many of them expressed their support for her and their commitment to fighting against racism.

Another guest speaker, a man named John, shared his experience of growing up as a Black man in the United States. He talked about the ways in which racism had affected his life, and how he had learned to persevere and succeed despite the obstacles he had faced. The students were inspired by John's story and impressed by his resilience and determination.

As the program drew to a close, the school held a special assembly to celebrate the students' accomplishments. Each group presented their culture project to the rest of the school, and the students were treated to a multicultural feast with foods from around the world. Ms. Thompson addressed the students one final time, congratulating them on their hard work and encouraging them to continue to promote equality

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About the Creator

Ahmar Naz Asim

As a story writer, my passion lies in crafting worlds that readers can escape to and characters they can connect with. landscape or a subtle exchange of dialogue between two characters,

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