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Pay attention to your diet

Mindful eating

By Digitalmind Published 10 months ago 5 min read
Pay attention to your diet
Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash


Mindful Eating
Your diet can be improved, you can control your desires for food, and you can even lose weight by paying attention to the present-moment sensation of eating. How to begin eating thoughtfully is shown below.

How does mindful eating work?
Maintaining a present-moment awareness of the food and liquids you consume while eating is known as mindful eating. It entails paying attention to your feelings toward the meal and to the cues your body gives you regarding flavor, enjoyment, and fullness. To practice mindful eating, you must learn to examine your feelings, thoughts, and physiological sensations without judging them. Along with eating, it can also include the actions of purchasing, preparing, and serving food.

Many of us frequently hurry through meals due to our hectic daily schedules. We frequently eat while driving to work, sitting at a desk in front of a computer, or lounging on the couch in front of the television. We consume food blindly, regardless of whether we are still hungry. The truth is that we frequently eat for reasons other than hunger—to sate emotional demands, to reduce stress, or to deal with unpleasant emotions like melancholy, worry, loneliness, or boredom. The antithesis of this harmful form of eating is mindful eating.

Being flawless, always eating the correct stuff, or never allowing yourself to eat on the move again are not the goals of mindful eating. Furthermore, there are no rigid guidelines for how many calories you may consume or which items you must include or exclude from your diet. Instead, it involves focusing all of your senses and being in the moment when you buy for, prepare, serve, and consume your cuisine.

While not everyone can practice mindfulness, many individuals discover that by eating in this way, even for a few meals a week, you may learn to pay closer attention to your body. By doing this, you may be able to prevent overeating, modify your eating patterns for the better, and take advantage of the enhanced health that comes with eating healthier.

Dr. Rawls refers to flour, sugar, and refined carbs as collagen crunchers. Sugar atoms bind to proteins, stiffening collagen as a result.
Along with fried meals, they can cause your body to create inflammatory-causing free radicals, which can exacerbate joint discomfort. The results of a recent animal study were published in the journal Disease Models & Mechanisms. They showed that a high-sugar diet increased joint inflammation and the chance of developing arthritis regardless of weight (an additional risk factor for the disease).

In contrast, it has been demonstrated that a diet high in fish, healthy unsaturated fats, and antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables can reduce inflammation. Therefore, it seems to sense that closer adherence to the Mediterranean diet, which prioritizes fruits, vegetables, legumes, olive oil, and fish while restricting dairy, carbohydrates, and meat, is associated with a reduced prevalence of arthritis. Additionally, a 2016 research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that osteoarthritis patients who "eat like a Greek" experienced reduced pain, greater physical performance, and a higher quality of life.

Advantages of Eating Mindfully

You may learn to relish both your food and the eating experience by paying close attention to how you feel while you eat, including the texture and flavors of each mouthful, your body's signals of hunger and fullness, and how various meals impact your energy and mood. By paying attention to your food intake, you may improve your digestion, eat less and feel fuller for longer, and make more informed food decisions in the future. You may also use it to break bad eating and eating-related behaviors.

Being conscious of your food can help you:

To reduce tension and anxiety, slow down and take a break from your daily routine.

Examine and alter your connection with food, for example by teaching you to recognize when you eat for reasons other than hunger.

As you learn to take your time and thoroughly appreciate your meals and snacks, you will enjoy your food more.

By concentrating on how each food type makes you feel after consuming it, you may choose what to eat in a better way.

Slow down when you're eating to aid with digestion.

Eat less food and feel satisfied more quickly.
Increase your awareness of the origin, production, and path your food has traveled to reach your plate.

Eat in a healthier, more balanced way.

Diet and exercise are the two most crucial elements for reducing bone loss and hence avoiding osteoporosis, according to scientific research. Indeed,

Proteins, calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K are all elements that are crucial for bone health when it comes to food.

Whether it comes from animals or plants, dietary protein is good for bones. However, it does not assist in preventing bone loss if consumed in little doses, especially beyond the age of 40, when bone loss starts. Therefore, it's crucial to make sure that high-nutrient-density meals contain a sufficient quantity of protein in addition to other nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K which are crucial for bone health.

Calcium serves as the foundation for healthy bones and teeth. The most readily available sources of calcium are dairy foods and canned fish with fragile bones, such as sardines. Include three servings of dairy products each day to consume the recommended amount of calcium. Almonds, leafy greens like spinach and kale, and citrus are also good sources of calcium for vegans and vegetarians..

Calcium is deposited in cartilage to create bones and is absorbed by your gut with the aid of vitamin D. The optimum time to obtain vitamin D is in the sun, when it is at its greatest point and safe to do so. Thus, for Caucasian individuals, three weekly exposures of 15 minutes each to noon sunshine are sufficient to maintain appropriate levels of vitamin D. Recent studies from nations that receive a lot of sunlight, such Greece, Cyprus, and Spain, however, reveal a widespread vitamin D insufficiency. This pattern shows that for optimal vitamin D exposure in the general population, a combination of solar exposure and a diet rich in vitamin D-containing foods (such as eggs, fish oils, milk, and butter) and fortified foods is required.

There are two types of vitamin K (K1 and K2), and both are crucial for activating the proteins necessary for the development and mineralization of bones. Vitamin K2 is created by bacteria and is also present in hard cheeses, poultry, pig, and fermented meals, whereas vitamin K1 is mostly found in leafy green and cruciferous vegetables. While research examining the effects of vitamin K in the form of supplements has produced conflicting results, it appears that vitamin K2 may have a higher protective effect on bones than vitamin K1.

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