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Now Upskilling The Only Way To Bridge Digital Gap

Closing the Digital Divide: Empowering Through Upskilling

By Arun ChakravartyPublished 12 months ago 9 min read
Now Upskilling The Only Way To Bridge Digital Gap

According to the McKinsey Global Institute, as many as 375 million personnel throughout the world would need to learn new skills by 2030 as their existing employment transforms alongside the expansion of automation and smart technology.

Is your personnel equipped to thrive in the digital age?

Businesses are doubling down on their efforts in digital upskilling in response to this key question. Leaders should focus on upskilling meaning.

Considering Amazon’s announcement that it will invest $700 million by 2025 to educate 100,000 staff with a comprehensive digital focus. Now upskilling is the only way to bridge the digital gap.

New Skill Sets are Required for the Future of Work

Did you guys know that leveraging data is required for three of the top five most in-demand practical skills for 2023 and beyond?

According to the poll, specialists in digital marketing, affiliate marketing, blockchain, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence will be in high demand.

Professionals must rapidly focus on digital upskilling and get operational of emerging digital technologies in order to keep up and prepare for the future of work.

According to studies, existing skill levels are insufficient to meet this demand.

As per a survey of 9,000 people conducted by the Vodafone Institute, 85 percent are conscious of the need for digital skills, yet only 29% believe their present skill levels are appropriate.

This rising disparity between digital skills needed and accessibility has been noticed by the World Economic Forum. It was projected that by the end of 2025, there might be 756,000 empty jobs in Europe’s Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

It’s really no surprise, then, that businesses are taking major steps to remain ahead of the curve by implementing a strong digital upskilling program.

How to Overcome the Challenges of Digital Upskilling?

But it isn’t all smooth sailing: digital upskilling frequently necessitates battling a transition culture in the organization.

Employees must first become acquainted with technology and dynamic mentality before they can learn hands-on hard skills.

When it came to investing in digital upskilling, it was one of the most important roadblocks. “For many people, especially those who are used to more standard center-led innovation models.

To address this, businesses used a hybrid strategy, combining collaborative /citizen-led /reverse mentoring training with formalized workshops on the one hand.

Another effective strategy was to leverage on-the-spot learning to allow busy professionals to fit in digital upskilling.

To be effective in a digital environment, a strong leader must majorly focus on the two ways where success can be achieved:

First “through hosting quarterly ‘Infinite Learning Days,’ which are devoted to upskilling”.

Second, “we can encourage and enable people to learn as groups and departments for their immediate learning needs.”

Employees have benefited greatly from the company’s digital upskilling program. Consider the case study of a few employees who left the life sciences industry after 10–15 years to pursue a job in data analytics after having children.

“I’m not implying it was an easy road — returning to work while transitioning to a new place is difficult and does not really occur overnight.”

Then there’s the unavoidable culture shock of dealing with a staff of technologically savvy younger generations.”

“However, with the commitment to stick to the plan, an open mind, and, most critically, the desire to seek help to update and bridge skills gaps, a whole new sector of possibility opens up.”

How did Technology Advancements occur?

The post-pandemic world has witnessed some of the most significant technological developments, resulting in not only workplace improvements but also a strong drive for people to upskill and reskill themselves.

As businesses struggled with the pandemic’s challenges, they realised they needed a workforce with new-age, tech-driven competencies. Leaders should know how technology facilitates the implementation of change in today’s workforce.

Upskilling is typically considered when someone is seeking a new job or a new role in this digital world, but during the pandemic, businesses realised the importance of having a staff that could aggressively upskill in order to remain marketable and useful in the new workplace.

The world of work changed swiftly as a result of the epidemic, but automation, digitisation, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are poised to disrupt workplaces worldwide in the next few years.

Because there is a big transition going across sectors towards digital and cashless technologies, strong digital know-how has become vitally important for most organisations, and it is a major aspect of upskilling.

The pace of technological advancements has resulted in a significant shift in the workplace, motivating employees to continually study, develop, invent, reinvent, and upskill themselves.

Fast-Forward Technology Trends

Digital upskilling is nothing new: last year, Amazon announced a $700 million drive to improve its workforce’s digital skills.

The COVID-19 epidemic, on the other hand, punched the fast-forward button, speeding up a technological transition that was already underway.

“Since the epidemic began, businesses have accelerated their adoption of digital technologies,” said AFFLOSPARK’s Managing Director, Mr Kulwant Nagi. “They’re allowing individuals to learn from anywhere, at any time, on any device, Technology is everywhere”.

It stands to reason that preparing personnel for the digital age would have a favorable impact on the bottom line.

According to the Global Digital IQ survey, digital training courses increased employee engagement and productivity in 86% of top-performing organisations.

So, what precisely are we dealing with when we say “Tech Skills”? Data science, data storage technologies, AI, tech support, and digital literacy topped LinkedIn’s top 10 list of sought-after abilities when it reviewed job postings for sought-after skills.

In fact, LinkedIn has partnered with Microsoft to create a training center ( It provides free training tools for the top 10 jobs with the most openings, consistent growth over the last four years, a living income, and online-learnable skills.

Software developer, Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, IT admin, and Data Scientist or Analyst are among the in-demand jobs.

The true issue in digital upskilling is implementation, particularly in large organisations with thousands of people. It’s a bit like chasing cats to get a full team to be digitally knowledgeable, especially since the latest technology is constantly evolving.

In an exclusive interview with AFFLOSPARK’s, Managing Director, Mr. Kulwant Nagi, talks about how the pandemic has contributed to the digital revolution, which has influenced companies across industries and driven them to explore and broaden their horizons By looking at how digitalization and the tech revolution have influenced businesses, the new world of work may better appreciate how firms can accept transformational change while also recognizing the crucial need to upskill workers for the post-pandemic period.

Mr. Kulwant Nagi, a graduate engineer is an internet entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in Online Marketing, Founder of Affiliate boosters, a Professional Affiliate Marketer, Coach, International Speaker, and World Traveller, Helping Bloggers to Monetize their Blog with Affiliate Marketing and many more to add. He has traveled to 20-plus countries so far.

Sharing the highlights from his interview:

How has the pandemic accelerated the digitalization and technological innovation processes in businesses?

While COVID-19 empowered millions of people to work remotely and adopt different models, it also prompted many businesses to automate processes and services. Some businesses had begun their digital transformation path before the epidemic, but many more had to quickly adapt and develop to meet the new reality. In some ways, the epidemic has compelled businesses to rethink and reinvent functions in order to improve efficiency. Employees must upskill and evolve in conjunction with the industry in order to remain meaningful in their professions during the fast-paced digitalization process.

How can businesses rebuild, innovate, and cultivate in-demand talents for the modern workplace?

Technology is currently growing at a fast pace, resulting in the creation of new professional categories and rising demand for certain digital skills. Organizations across sectors are attempting to stay up with a rapidly changing environment by allowing staff with industry-relevant skills. In fact, in the previous year, the number of business enrolments increased by 80 percent. Imagination, emotional intelligence, resulting in skills, and the capacity to evaluate data and make judgments have all grown increasingly vital as industry patterns changed.

How can businesses overcome the digital gap and adapt their workforces in order to boost productivity, creativity, and expansion?

Bridging the digital gap necessitates solutions that address accessibility, cost, and digital skills, as well as solutions that impact socioeconomics, infrastructure, and technology. Everyone must be able to participate in the implementation of a strong digital culture. Meaningful upskilling is critical in facilitating digital adoption on this front. Organizations must focus on training their personnel with the proper skills, in addition to infrastructure, to enhance productivity, creativity, and expansion.

When the market demands change, practical training becomes more effective, and digital acceptance skyrockets, how can business leaders innovate outside the box?

Due to the challenges currently faced by the pandemic, it is critical for top management to remain updated on new technology, continuously explore new concepts, promote diversity within their organizations, and focus on small, effective changes, testing the market effectiveness of the same at each step to remain relevant in the new normal.

What are the best practices and tactics for creating a flexible and productive workforce?

The key to developing a flexible and effective workforce is to be adaptable, embrace diversity, and constantly encourage employees to gain new digital skills in order to meet changing industry demands.

Training is the mantra that should be a continual process. Should frequently encourage the staff to take any digital course they want to upskill. At AFFLOSPARK we also have a separate staff that plans monthly training to keep corporate personnel up to date on cutting-edge digital abilities.

How can businesses make their learning programs more digitally focused?

To accommodate the evolving demands of the business and specific needs with specific solutions, it is essential to understand the changing requirements of the industry and company goals. A real-world example of this would be in the post-pandemic when professionals needed to upskill in order to fulfill market expectations and explore new career options.

With several new technologies, expertise in Cloud, Data, Digital Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, and Cyber Security are in high demand. Organizations should encourage their employees to look into relevant upskilling programs for each sector. Promoting and supporting staff upskilling in order to meet industrial needs will be the first step toward shifting learning programs into digital solutions.

According to you, what are the best techniques to succeed in Affiliate Marketing?

As a newbie, I recommend experimenting with SEO and free marketing tactics.

Despite the fact that SEO is quite competitive these days, this is always a low-barrier-to-entry field where you may do several trials with little expense.

When you’re a beginner, you have enough time to develop your own content, build backlinks, participate in question-and-answer websites, and experiment with some tried-and-true affiliate marketing strategies.

Here are a few of my recommendations:

When you advertise a thing, you should have a deep conviction in it.

Enhance your writing skills by reading copywriting sites.

Reading books on human psychology is a good idea.

“Today’s main challenge for bloggers is “Traffic”. What are the most effective techniques to drive traffic to a blog?

In the web economy, traffic is such a buzzword that everyone is chasing it. Before I get into the traffic, let me clarify the difference between TRAFFIC and QUALITY TRAFFIC.

Option 1: There are 100 visitors that visit your website but do not make a transaction.

Option 2: If you have 10 visitors to your website, you will only make two sales.

We can all agree that option 2 is preferable to the first. Rather than chasing traffic, focus on attracting high-quality visitors to your blog.

People that search for precise terms and go to various search engines with the intent to buy are considered quality traffic.

As a result, in order to attract QUALITY traffic, we should focus on long-tail keywords with buyer intent and then write educational articles about them.

Returning to your query, a new blog can get initial exposure by posting its content in various Facebook groups, participating on question-and-answer websites, or guest writing at certain well-known blogs.

Why should starters learn Affiliate Marketing or become Affiliate Marketers in this new era?

Top Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer

Simple to Begin

Addressed with Little or No Investment

Addresses a Current Need

An Endless Supply of Products

Low Barrier of Entry

Be Your Own Boss

Have a Healthy Work-Life Balance

Creating Passive Income

Can Be a Side Gig

Earn a Sizable Sum of Money

If you had any questions about why you become an affiliate marketer, all of the reasons stated above should have convinced you.

Wrapping Up

Investments in Digital Upskilling of personnel or individuals may be one of the most important initiatives that businesses must do to continuously adapt in the digital era.

It’s time to take a look inside, find and cultivate talent from within your firm, and emphasize digital upskilling in 2023 and beyond. For more information click here.

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About the Creator

Arun Chakravarty

I am Arun Chakravarty, loves sharing actionable ideas and information about my professional experience. Having a vast experience of 25 years in corporate sectors, penning blogs focusing on different important areas of Human resources.

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    Arun ChakravartyWritten by Arun Chakravarty

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