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Normal Things That Are Illegal in North Korea

Truth Or False?

By Amine OubihPublished 14 days ago 4 min read
Normal Things That Are Illegal in North Korea
Photo by Micha Brändli on Unsplash

The North Korea tourism which could be compared to a step into the crazy weird world with an unexplainable appeal might seem like a mysterious journey into a forbidden country. However, behind this glamour lies a reality that is quite as hard as cold steel. Get some more ideas for your essay on Humanize the given sentence. You start to understand the meaning of living in the world of North Korea Democratic People’s Republic (DPRK) almost immediately, as here freedom that you love is endangered and every step on your way is being taken with care.

At the outset, the question begs an answer: why is the world going crazy? I get it from caring people around me who doubt in my plans and ask worriedly. The crushing rule of the regime, the themantic of ROK-DPRK, and the ruthless dictatorship of Kim dynasty will do anything to make this secluded country a less attractive travel destination. On the one hand, the reality is what has been throw at our faces, but on the other, we have people who are fascinated by the mystery of the North Korean world, who might be interested to know what actually is hiding behind the curtain of the most secretive societies on earth.

Yet, do not be misled by the glossy appearance of this taboo fruit, its perils are about to be unveiled, and so, alarm bells must ring. As experienced travel counsellors would warn against travel planning into such a country as the DPRK a traveler would be told of many things that a country like this contains. Firstly, the full reach of the regime imprisons not only your body but also your mind because it penetrates all aspects of your life: your clothing, and thoughts.

For example, simple things like listening/watching music or movies which seem harmless may have a more significant impact on a person’s emotions. It is in most part an amusement at best, even are an innocent loosing pastime in majority of the world. There, however, in North Korea, it is considered a subject to be punished criminally. All audio or visual media from abroad is strictly forbidden. The punishment is the strictest of all, and those, bold to do this nevertheless, will have a tough lesson on the consequences. The movie could cost you the life, jail term in the crime sceneries; conversely, in Bollywood movies, such an action would land you in the prison. Spotting of DVDs from five minutes south dish out labor camp sentences of years and years.

The North Korea is also a master of communication which they absolutely leverage. I may not see Him, but I believe he is always listening and helping me overcome obstacles. The tragic tale of a factory head executed for his crimes was in blatant display of power by the state, and in an open spectacle that could be seen by people as a warning. And if you have absolutely fairy dream about the way out, the internet's the no-go area either. The inclusion of the North Korean draconian censorship overs the cyberspace, with access to the World Wide Web, strictly prohibited for all except few elites, proves the large gap as far as the online communication is concerned between those living in North Korea and the rest of the world.

And possibly the most worrying is the regime's filing away of individuals' free expression. Clothing, hairstyles, and even facial expressions becomes a matter of cross examination rather than individual interpretation; hence, doing what others do not consider as the norm is considered the act of rebellion. Certain dress codes such as the prohibition of wearing jeans or skirts above the knee are barred, likewise one is not supposed to smile during the periods of mourning for country leaders. An example would be: one owning the computer or microwave could be as serious as anything as dangerous as that with the political authorities.

And even though these red alerts are clearly evident, troublesome enough indeed to make some think that there is no way to solve this question without external help, there are still people out there who regard North Korea as a challenge to be encountered. They are talking about the excitement of the project as a whole, which consists of revealing the truth, the latter existing beneath the layers of confusion and mystery that people have built. However in an attempt to pursue the thrilling adventure these people become immensely endangered and their lives are put at stake.

In North Korea, though, it is more than just a destination for tourists; it is a totalitarian regime where even a touch of dissent earns one something completely new and only the state knows what it is. Anyone who is courageous enough to criticize the government, speak out against its rulers or express a dissenting opinion exposes themselves to strangely unlikely consequences such as being imprisoned, tortured or even killed. Attending this country by the name not the same as the one recognized or even just naming its unofficial name could be the act of the treason with penalty direct punishment.

In a nutshell, before setting out your adventurous trip to North Korea, just stop and think about the risks that are likely to await you. Picture yourself as an innocent person who just desires to live in a free country and have no converse with the regime that has abducted, tortured and committed injustice against those who seek for a land of the free. And ask yourself: What is the reason to determine that adventure is only the trade-off? Hence, the chance of never coming back home again.

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About the Creator

Amine Oubih

🌟Amine Oubih🌟

📝 Writer | 🎨 Creative | 🌍 Explorer

Hello,I am a traveler and writer. Whether It's Real Or Fiction, I always find something interesting to write about, and I use this content to spark the desire to learn more in readers.

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