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Life Begins At 40

Is It Time For A Change

By Neil Coote Published 10 months ago 3 min read
Lets Embrace Life Together

They say life begins at 40 right ?? we tend to worry less about pleasing people & keeping up with the joneses . Am not going to even start with fashion sense , although it doesn't apply to all. Another one for myself was and is going out on a weekend night ensuring the taxi is usually pre booked so you know when your coming home does that sound like you ?? or if not our you usually looking at your watch come 10pm & dreaming of sitting on the sofa watching match of the day ?

Apart from life's general changes lets focus on the working life on a day to day basis , as I write this am coming up to my 45th birthday next month & I only have to go back a few years, well quite a few - to relate to so many people that are reading this post , I was up most days at 6am and on the road for 7am . That 1 hour commute to the office that most days would be more than 1 hour due to the lovely traffic on the motorways that I had to endure , not to mention the fabulous mood this use to put me in when getting into the office. That old 9-5 is clear to all, that firstly it doesn't exist anymore & secondly that business model has well & truly left the harbour . It was only this week I was listening to the talk of the work trial continuing for a 4 day week !! How will that fair up ?? well am not to sure myself for certain industries these days. For me the long daily commute was still leaving me to work late into the night catching up on work that i couldn't get completed in the day .then the thought come Sunday evening at around 7pm - "another 80 - 100 hour week ahead " finally started to grind on me .

So what did I decide to do ?? take action of course and drive my life in a new direction , either that or I would continue asking myself - is this it ?? is this going to be the rest of my life ?? is climbing the ladder that great for that 2% pay rise ??what about having time to spend with love ones and family you know the important stuff in life. Did I really want to be working to get 2 or 3 weeks abroad a year ?? simply put NO !

So like so many things in life a change was needed, it’s never too late and it’s certainly not too late to be starting a new career at 40 and beyond, wasn't it "never say never " that Bond Movie ?? If you still haven’t found that thing that makes you get out of bed and feel alive well STOP & think "How Can I Me Change My Life " having the right mindset and the get up and go attitude you had when you where younger is still in there , so lets look at what action we can take .

So quick question for you ?? Is there another way to earn money at home ?? & build something that you love and can be proud off ?? well the answer is simply yes.....

So final bit from me before we can get right into it .

First let me introduce myself my name is Neil and am the founder of your life your aims . I started my life in the construction business at 16 years of age and soon realised that cold January mornings were not going to be for me for the rest of my life .I progressed in my 20s to sales, & that's where my career took off to another level also finding that I had a passion for retailing products & seeing the happiness this would bring to clients in life changing projects that enabled them to have a better lifestyle in newly created spaces whether this be from transforming there home or just making them see that they never had to move "just to build on it " & create something new.

Thanks for reading my post Neil

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About the Creator

Neil Coote

The skills & success I have achieved I now help thousands of people start & set up there business as I coach & mentor them in the world of digital marketing . I have a passion for where it all started for me reviewing products.

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