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Kirk Cousins: From Underdog to NFL Superstar

A story of dedication, perseverance, and overcoming adversity

By Japen GoPublished 8 months ago 5 min read
Kirk Cousins: From Underdog to NFL Superstar
Photo by Adrian Curiel on Unsplash

Kirk Cousins is an inspiring figure within professional football. Once the underdog, he has transformed himself into one of the most admired footballers in the NFL. In this blog post, we'll delve into Cousins' life and achievementa, tracking his rise from a small-town boy dreaming of stardom to a true champion of the NFL.

Born to be a Footballer

Cousins was born in Barrington, Illinois on August 19, 1988. He started showing an interest in football at a young age with strong influence from his father Don Cousins who used to play as a defensive end for University of Michigan. Cousins would join his father at many Michigan games, sparking an ambition to make his mark on that very stage.

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The High School Stardom

Holland Christian High School in Holland, Michigan saw Cousins become a promising athlete. During his final year at school, he led his team to secure 14 victories out of 14 games and won the state championship title. His performance and leadership qualities did not go unnoticed resulting in heightened interest from college scouts.

Michigan State - An opportunity to Shine

Post high school, Cousins played college football at Michigan State University after undergoing redshirt in his first year to learn bench warming which paid off when he finally got selected starting quarterback in 2009. His four years at college witnessed consistent improvements reflected by over 9,000 yards and 66 touchdowns thrown by him.

A standout incident from his time at college is the victory he secured for this Spartans during the triple-overtime against the University of Georgia at the 2011 Outback Bowl solidifying his reputation as a top NFL prospect.

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NFL Draft and Journey with Washington Redskins

The Washington Redskins chose Cousins as their player from the NFL Draft in 2012. Cousins was selected in the fourth round, marked at 102nd in line. Despite Robert Griffin III already being picked by Redskins, Cousins stood out and demonstrated he was more than just a stand-in.

During his rookie season, he played a limited role but made remarkable use of the game time he got. His ability to handle pressure and skills were impressive. When Griffin got injured during the following season, it was then when Cousins replaced him and led the team to win the division title cementing his reliability on field.

Minnesota Vikings: The Turning Point

Cousins turned free agent after his six-year tenure with the Redskins ended in 2018. Minnesota Vikings grabbed this opportunity to strengthen their team and signed up Cousins for a three-year contract costing them $84 million, completely guaranteed making it a landmark deal in NFL history reflecting their faith in his capabilities.

From joining the Vikings onwards, Cousins has continually delivered impressive stats earning selections for Pro Bowl in both 2019 and 2020. He's proven beneficial to the franchise thanks to his expertise at reading defenses, making accurate passes and key throws during crucial moments.

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The Philanthropist Kirk Cousins

Apart from sports, Cousins is also known for being involved in humanitarian activities. Together with his wife Julie Cousins, they founded "Kirk Cousins Foundation" aiming at positively impacting lives of children who face adversity.The foundation operates various initiatives related to youth programs, education and healthcare focusing on unprivileged children.

Cousins actively participates in charity work across Washington D.C., Minneapolis and other areas where he's had career stints. He consistently gives back to these communities who've accepted him graciously.

Rising Above Doubts and Criticism

Kirk Cousins' path to NFL stardom wasn't a smooth ride. There were doubters questioning his ability to lead team to victories particularly early in the career. Nonetheless, Cousins defied these criticisms and showed continuing resilience throughout his journey.

Despite criticisms related to his postseason record, it's significant to bear in mind that NFL playoffs are renowned for being highly competitive and unpredictable. Successful performance during regular seasons and critical times shows off his talents.

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Record-Smashing Performance

A notable aspect of Cousins' career is his consistency at establishing new records. In 2020, he managed a personal best passer rating of 105.0, threw 35 touchdown passes setting up franchise record and threw for 4,265 yards which marked his consecutive 5th season with over 4,000 yards passing.

His regularity at hitting these high marks every year strengthens his standing as one of NFL's reliable passers. He has proven his capabilities as well as durability reinforcing his position as an elite quarterback despite any earlier lingering concerns.

The Trio - Player. Teammate. Leader.

Besides being a gifted quarterback, Cousins also acts as a leader on field and behind scenes.His colleagues often praise him not just for his work ethics but for going beyond the ordinary working hours and focus on improving both as an individual player and as team altogether.His vocal support for teammates and role of captain gives evidence for this leadership qualities out in open.

Cousins believes in leading from the front, he puts in extra hours after practice sessions fully dedicated towards perfecting his skills. His ability to motivate and inspire comes across hugely advantageous to Vikings line-up during this tenure.

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Serving Community & Engaging Fans

Beyond being a game day player,Cousins also takes active part within the community and promotes fan engagement. He clearly understands the importance of professional sports fans and their significant contribution.

Cousins is appreciated for his warmth and approachable nature towards fans, often seen signing autographs and posing for pictures. He values the support Vikings fan base have provided and seeks to remain available to them as much possible.Being associated with community events, participating in youth programs and charity work presents his commitment towards making valuable contributions.

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What future holds for Kirk Cousins?

Moving forward, it's certain Kirk Cousins is far from done.His journey witnessed him rise from an underdog to a superstar NFL player due to sheer talent, determination, and hard work.With continued dedication from teammates and fans,Cousins seems destined for greater glory within NFL.

Kirk Cousins journey represents dedication hard work, and countless odds faced.From starting out in Barrington, Illinois to breaking records while at Minnesota Vikings he has indeed defied expected norms and silenced critics. Recognized not only as s humanitarian but also a role model,Cousins embodies the character, values required making him popular both on and off soccer field.

The thrill is boundless and fans together across all are set ready for what next chapters hold in.

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