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Human brain learn better than Ai say experts

Human brain learn better than Ai

By Ghuge Bhagwat Published 5 months ago 3 min read
Human brain learn better than Ai say experts
Photo by Hannes Richter on Unsplash

Title: Unveiling the Learning Race: How Human Brains Excel in Grasping New Information Compared to AI

Subtitle 1: The Marvel of Human Learning: A Built-in Advantage

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, a captivating question persists: Can artificial intelligence (AI) surpass the innate learning abilities of the human brain? An insightful study from Oxford University delves into this inquiry, suggesting that our gray matter possesses a unique edge over AI robots.

The Human Advantage: A Methodical Approach

Envision a future adorned with self-driving cars, instant cancer checks, and computer-generated music – a future that sparks excitement. Yet, scientists argue that amidst this technological marvel, the human brain stands out as a superior learner. What sets us apart is our methodical approach. When faced with new information, our brains engage in a meticulous process. Before solidifying nerve connections, we consolidate knowledge, skills, or memories, acting as an in-built error-correction system. This unique step minimizes errors when recalling information, providing humans with a distinct learning advantage.

Subtitle 2: AI's Struggle: Backpropagation and Repetitive Learning

On the flip side, the world of AI operates differently, akin to learning methods depicted in sci-fi tales like Terminator. AI relies on a technique known as "backpropagation." This method entails learning through the elimination of errors until the correct answer is reached. However, here's the catch – AI needs to repetitively process data, sometimes hundreds or even thousands of times, to fully absorb it. This stands in stark contrast to the efficiency with which human brains adapt to new information.

Einsteinian Brilliance: The Human Advantage

Consider the brilliance of figures like Albert Einstein, often regarded as the pinnacle of human intelligence. These "clever clogs," as the article playfully puts it, showcase the human brain's ability to connect ideas instantly. This instantaneous connection highlights a remarkable efficiency in learning that AI struggles to match.

Subtitle 3: Dr. Yuhang Song's Insights: Human Learning Superiority

Delving into the study led by Dr. Yuhang Song at Oxford University, we gain further insights into the superiority of human learning. Dr. Song emphasizes that "Learning in the brain is superior in many critical aspects. Backpropagation requires more exposures to learn and suffers from catastrophic interference of new and old information. Our biological systems often need to rapidly adapt to changing environments and have an advantage in this respect."

Peering into the Future: Human Ingenuity and AI Evolution

As we peer into the future where AI continues to evolve, the study prompts essential questions about the potential limitations of machine learning. Despite technological advancements, the innate abilities of the human brain to consolidate and adapt set us apart, at least for now.

Subtitle 4: Broader Implications: Balancing Progress and Ethics

Zooming out, the concerns expressed by hundreds of experts regarding the "risk of extinction" by AI underscore the need for careful consideration and ethical guidelines. Integrating artificial intelligence into various aspects of our lives demands a delicate balance between technological progress and safeguarding humanity.

Exploring AI Evolution: Constant Learning and Adaptation

To add depth to our understanding, let's explore the evolving landscape of AI. While it has made remarkable strides, AI's journey is marked by constant learning and adaptation. The study sheds light on the challenges AI faces, especially in comparison to the human brain's natural ability to rapidly adapt to changing environments.

In Conclusion: Navigating the Learning Landscape

In conclusion, the learning race between human brains and AI unveils a fascinating dynamic. While AI holds immense promise and has made significant strides, the unique approach of the human brain in consolidating information, coupled with its rapid adaptability, remains a formidable force. Navigating the future successfully requires a nuanced understanding of these dynamics, enabling us to harness the full potential of both human intelligence and artificial intelligence 


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    GBWritten by Ghuge Bhagwat

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