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How to Become Obsessed with Your Goals & Demolish All Your Excuses

Demolish Your Excuses

By @RISING YOUPublished about a year ago 4 min read

You either live the life you want or live with excuses as to why you never got it.

“I suggest that you become obsessed about the things you want; otherwise, you are going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making up excuses as to why you didn’t get the life you wanted.” - Grant Cardone

Make Your Dreams More Powerful than Your Excuses;

"Make Your Dreams More Powerful than Your Excuses" is a motivational statement that encourages individuals to prioritize their dreams over the excuses that may prevent them from achieving their goals. It implies that one should focus on their aspirations and desires rather than finding reasons to avoid taking action towards them.

In practical terms, this statement suggests that a person should develop a strong mindset and determination to pursue their dreams, regardless of the obstacles that may arise along the way. It encourages individuals to overcome their fears, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs and to use their dreams as a source of motivation to push through any challenges they may encounter.

By making our dreams more powerful than our excuses, we can tap into our inner strength and resilience and develop a growth mindset that allows us to achieve our goals. It requires us to take ownership of our dreams and to be accountable for our actions, instead of blaming external factors for our lack of progress.

We Have More Than Enough Time if We Organize What We Want to do with it;

"We Have More Than Enough Time if We Organize What We Want to do with it" is a statement that emphasizes the importance of effective time management. It suggests that by organizing our priorities and tasks, we can make the most of the time we have and accomplish more than we might have thought possible.

In practice, this statement implies that we need to be intentional and strategic with our time. Rather than letting our days slip away with distractions and unproductive activities, we should identify our goals and create a plan to achieve them. This requires us to prioritize our tasks, allocate time for each activity, and eliminate any unnecessary tasks that do not align with our objectives.

Effective time management also involves creating a schedule or to-do list to track our progress and hold ourselves accountable. By breaking down our goals into smaller, manageable tasks, we can make progress consistently and avoid feeling overwhelmed or stuck.

In summary, "We Have More Than Enough Time if We Organize What We Want to do with it" highlights the importance of intentional time management. By prioritizing our goals and creating a plan to achieve them, we can make the most of our time and achieve more than we may have initially thought possible.


In conclusion, becoming obsessed with your goals and demolishing all your excuses is a powerful approach to achieving success in any area of life. To become obsessed with your goals, you need to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and a burning desire to make it happen. This requires you to eliminate any self-doubt, limiting beliefs, or negative self-talk that may hold you back.

To demolish all your excuses, you need to take ownership of your actions and be accountable for your results. This involves identifying the excuses you use to avoid taking action towards your goals and replacing them with empowering beliefs and a growth mindset. You need to be willing to take risks, push past your comfort zone, and learn from your failures to achieve your desired outcomes.

To make this approach work, it is important to have a strong support system and surround yourself with positive, like-minded individuals who will encourage and challenge you to grow. You also need to be willing to prioritize your goals and manage your time effectively to make progress towards them consistently.

In summary, becoming obsessed with your goals and demolishing all your excuses is a mindset shift that requires commitment, perseverance, and a willingness to take action. By adopting this approach, you can unlock your full potential and achieve the success you desire in any area of life.

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I make CONTENT on this channel to help you learn how you can better yourself, how to be more productive and how to take care of yourself - basically anything about self-improvement.

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