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Hindu from a word to religion


By Sakshi VermaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Today too many people of other nation attracted to the Hinduism or hindu religion. So if you one of them who got attracted then this information is very usefull to understand how the word hindu connected to religion and How the ancient people use the word hindu.Hinduism embraces many religious ideas. For this reason, it’s sometimes referred to as a “way of life” or a “family of religions,” as opposed to a single, organized religion.Hindus strive to achieve dharma, which is a code of living that emphasizes good conduct and morality.

How the Hindu word come into existence ÷ the first invader of india at the period of Aryan near 1500 BC was Persian . Aryan lived at West part of the india where the river Indus and it's tributaries flow, they called this river Indus as sindu . But when the Persian invader came they pronounce the sindu as hindu, which show Persian inability to pronounce the word 's'. From that period every foreigner invader who came describe it as the Hindu , wo now we now how the word hindu came into existence. But still they use this to describe the geographical area not to religion.

Hindu word as a religion÷ it was in era of 8th to 9th century when this word hindu exactly used as the religion . So in 8th century the dharma guru or first chief priest of hindu which gave the recognition to advita (non -dualism) which means atma (soul) and Brahma ( god) this guru name is Sri adisankracharay the person who used to describe the Hindu as a religion.

Diffrence between the Hindu and hindustan ÷ Now the word hindu is gave description about the people who are follower of hinduism. But hindustan is wider and this describe the religion but is described the geographical area of a land , in simple word hindustan is another name of india. If you ever heard that India is the most diversified country where people of different religion live and share their culture.

At very first the Hinduism was known as vedism because they all relly on the Veda the people of sind read the Veda and worship the nature forces like the wind, fire,Strom etc. There are four type of Veda which describe rituals and performance and culture of at that period this Vedas are rigveda, yajurveda, samveda and atharvaveda. From these Vedas rigveda is one of oldest Veda od the world.these Veda was written by the priest of that period these people's are Aryan .Hinduism developed over many centuries from a variety of sources: cultural practices, sacred texts, and philosophical movements, as well as local popular beliefs.

This relationship between a believer and the deity is most apparent through the many festivals observed throughout the year. Among the most popular is Diwali, the festival of lights, which celebrates the triumph of bright energies and light over the forces of negativity and darkness. In this festival, as in daily observance, the presence of a statue or figurine of a deity is important in making connection and elevating the mind and soul of an adherent.

Diwali is probably the best example of the discipline of Bhakti Yoga which focuses on loving devotion and service. People clean, renovate, decorate, and improve their homes in honor of the goddess of fertility and prosperity Lakshmi, and give thanks for all they have received from her. There are many other deities, however, who may be called upon at Diwali to take the place of Lakshmi depending on what an adherent needs and what has been received over the past year.


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