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Golden daffodils

1 min read

By MaryannPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Golden daffodils
Photo by Dustin Humes on Unsplash

It was a beautiful day in the countryside, the sun was shining, and the birds were chirping. The grass was green, and the wildflowers were in full bloom. The air smelled sweet and fresh, and the breeze was refreshing. It was a perfect day for a walk, and that's what Alison had decided to do.

Alison was a young girl of 12, with long brown hair, sparkling blue eyes, and a big smile on her face. She had decided to take a stroll in the fields behind her cottage. She loved these fields, as they were always filled with wildflowers. Her favorite flowers were the daffodils, with their bright yellow petals and green stems.

As she walked through the fields, she started humming a tune. It was a song she had heard on the radio the other day. She loved music and loved to dance. As she hummed the tune, she started swaying her hips and twirling around. The rhythm was infectious, and soon she was dancing and spinning in the field.

She twirled and danced around, and the flowers around her seemed to dance with her. The grass, the trees, and the sky seemed to join her in her dance. She felt free and alive, as if nothing else mattered. She closed her eyes and let the music take over her body.

As she danced, a butterfly flew by her. It was a beautiful butterfly, with wings as blue as the sea. Alison stopped dancing and watched the butterfly. It flew around her and then landed on a nearby daffodil. Alison walked over to the butterfly and the flower.

The daffodil was beautiful, with its bright yellow petals swaying in the breeze. Alison picked it up, and it felt soft and delicate in her hand. She put it behind her ear and continued her dance.

For the next few hours, Alison danced and twirled in the field, with her daffodil behind her ear. She felt free and alive, and she enjoyed every moment of it. As the sun started to set, she knew it was time to go home. She walked back to her cottage, feeling happy and content.

The next day, Alison woke up early and decided to go for a walk again. This time, she had brought her radio with her. As she walked through the fields, she turned on the radio and started humming the tune she had heard the other day.

As she hummed the tune, she started swaying her hips and twirling around. She was lost in her dance, and the flowers around her seemed to dance with her. The grass, the trees and the sky seemed to join her in her dance.

She twirled and danced around, and suddenly she heard a voice. "What are you doing?" the voice asked. Alison stopped her dance and turned around. It was an old man. He had a long white beard, and he was wearing a brown coat.

"I'm dancing," Alison replied, with a smile on her face.

"Dancing?" the old man repeated. "Hmm, I haven't seen anyone dance like that in a long time. Come, sit with me."

The old man sat on a rock nearby, and Alison sat next to him. He looked at her and smiled. "Do you like daffodils?" he asked.

"Yes, I love them," Alison replied. "They're my favorite flowers."

"I see," the old man said. "You know, daffodils symbolize joy and happiness. They remind us of the beautiful things in life."

Alison smiled. "Yes, they do," she said.

The old man looked at her and said, "You know, you remind me of a young girl I used to know. She loved to dance too. One day, she danced in a field of daffodils, just like you. It was a beautiful sight."

"Really?" Alison asked, her eyes lighting up.

"Yes, really," the old man said. "She danced with all her heart, just like you're doing now. It was as if the entire world joined her in her dance."

Alison smiled. "That sounds wonderful," she said.

"It was," the old man replied. "She was a free spirit, just like you. She went on to do great things in life, and I'm sure you will too."

Alison looked at the old man, feeling inspired. "Thank you," she said. "That means a lot to me."

"You're welcome," the old man said, smiling. "Remember, always dance with joy and happiness, just like the daffodils."

Alison smiled and stood up. She picked a daffodil from the field and put it behind her ear. "I will," she said, and then she started dancing again. The old man watched her dance, and he felt happy. He knew that she would do great things in life, just like the young girl he had known.

Alison continued to dance in the field, and the old man watched her from a distance. He smiled, thinking of the young girl he had known. She had loved to dance, just like Alison, and he knew that she would be proud of the young girl dancing in the field of daffodils.

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