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Our School days

1 min read

By MaryannPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Our School days
Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash

School is a place where children are educated and prepared for their future. It is where they spend most of their childhood and adolescence. The amount of time a child spends in school is significant, and the memories he or she creates in school last a lifetime. A school day consists of various activities, including classes, extracurricular activities, and socializing. In this essay, we will explore the experiences of a typical student during school days.

The School Day

A typical school day begins early in the morning, usually between 7:30 to 8:00 AM. After arriving at school, the students assemble in the school auditorium or gym for morning assembly. The morning assembly is an essential part of school life. It begins with a prayer or a devotional song and includes announcements, speeches, and important information about the school.

After the morning assembly, the students proceed to their classes. Classes are usually divided into periods of around 45 minutes to an hour, and each class focuses on an academic subject like mathematics, science, social studies, or language. The teacher explains the concepts and principles of the subject, and the students take notes or follow along with the lecture. Classroom learning is an integral part of education, and it provides a solid foundation for future studies.

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities are an essential component of school life. These activities include sports, music, drama, debate, and other club activities. They give students opportunities to develop their talents, learn new skills, and make friends. Extracurricular activities provide a much-needed break from academic studies and help students to rejuvenate and refocus.

Participating in sports is one of the most popular extracurricular activities in school. Sports activities like basketball, football, cricket, and badminton are a great way for students to keep fit and healthy. They also provide an opportunity for students to learn teamwork, leadership, and sportsmanship.

Music and drama clubs are also very popular among students. Participating in music and drama activities allows students to develop their creativity, express themselves better, and boost their self-confidence. It also exposes students to different cultures, traditions, and customs.

Other club activities like debate, quiz club, and science club help students to hone their analytical and reasoning skills. They also provide a platform for students to showcase their talents and interact with like-minded peers.


Socializing is an essential part of school life. It is where students learn to interact with each other, build friendships, and develop social skills. Socializing takes place during recess and lunch breaks, extracurricular activities, and other school events.

Recess and lunch breaks are the most significant opportunities for students to socialize. During these breaks, students chat with their friends, play games, or just relax. It is where lasting friendships are formed, and memories are created.

School events like sports day, cultural day, and other celebrations are also ideal times for students to socialize. These events bring students from different classes and grades together and provide opportunities for cultural exchange and interaction.

Challenges During School Days

While school days are full of activities and experiences that shape a student's life, it also comes with its challenges. One of the most significant challenges students face during school days is academic pressure. The pressure to excel in studies and maintain grades can be overwhelming, leading to stress and anxiety.

Another challenge students face is bullying. Bullying is a prevalent problem in schools, and it can cause significant emotional and psychological damage to students. Cyberbullying is also a growing concern among students, and it can lead to depression and anxiety.

Apart from academic and social pressures, students also face physical challenges. Early morning starts, long periods of sitting, and inadequate physical activity can lead to health problems like obesity, back pain, and posture problems.


School days are an important part of a student's life. It is where they learn and grow academically, socially, and emotionally. Extracurricular activities and socializing provide opportunities for students to develop their talents and build lasting relationships. However, school days also come with their challenges, including academic pressure, social pressures, and physical challenges. It is crucial to strike a balance between academic and extracurricular activities, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and seek support when facing challenges. School days may be over, but the memories of those times are likely to stay with us forever.

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