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Future of AI along with its Statistical Data

Statistical data of artificial intelligence

By Vinit KariatukaranPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

Let's dive into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and see what's coming our way. AI used to be something out of sci-fi movies, but guess what? It's now becoming a part of our everyday lives, changing things faster than we can blink.

Imagine AI as a super-smart friend who is here to help us out. It is not just in books and movies anymore – it's real. Think about going to the doctor. AI could make your doctor understand your health better and suggest treatments that work just for you. And self-driving cars? Yeah, AI could make them drive safely through busy streets. I mean, you know about Tesla already, right?

But that’s not the coolest part. AI has a take on aesthetics too. AI isn't just about serious stuff. It can also be a creative sidekick. It might help artists make amazing art, writers come up with great stories, and musicians create beautiful music. It's like a team of humans and AI working together to make cool things happen. Why say ‘no’ to a nudge on your creative side?

Imagine looking ahead to the future of graphic design and how it teams up with AI. It's like two superpowers coming together to create something amazing. Think about websites that can change and adjust based on what you like and want in real-time. Or ads that feel like they really understand you and what you care about.

Some people worry that AI will take away jobs, but history shows us that new tech usually creates more jobs than it takes. AI could actually help us do our jobs better and achieve more than we thought possible.

Now, let's talk numbers for a bit. By 2025, the AI market could be worth over $190 billion worldwide. That's huge and shows how much people want AI solutions. Businesses are excited too – more than 85% of business leaders believe AI can give them an edge over the competition. It's not just a tool; it's becoming the foundation of the future.

Think about health care. The future of AI might cut down on hospital stays by 30% by 2026, making things better for patients and saving money too. And guess what? AI might create over 2 million new jobs by 2025. That's more jobs than it might replace. It's not about replacing people; it's about working together to achieve more. Which I have mentioned once already.

But there's a catch – we need to be careful. About 78% of people think there should be rules and regulations for AI development. That makes sense, considering the power AI holds.

Self-driving cars are on the horizon too. By 2030, there could be 95 million new self-driving cars on the roads. That's not just about convenience; it's also about safety and changing how we get around.

But, there are concerns. More than 70% of people worry about AI-generated fake content, like videos that look real but aren't. It's a reminder that while AI is awesome, we need to make sure it's used responsibly.

Even customer service is changing. By 2023, AI might handle around 67% of customer service chats. That means faster help and adapting to new ways of doing business.

As we look ahead, let's remember that AI's potential is massive, but we need to use it right. We are shaping a future where AI and humans work together to make things better. It's not just a tech journey; it's a partnership that's full of exciting opportunities and challenges. So, let's keep moving forward and create a world where AI helps us achieve amazing things we have only dreamed of.

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About the Creator

Vinit Kariatukaran

I am Vinit Kariatukaran, a mobile developer at Radixweb, a leading mobile app development company, passionate about developing and designing innovative high-reach mobile applications that work well.

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