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Escaping Reality: The Spell of Fairy Tales on Human Consciousness

We tell ourselves this story to make sense of the world, to find order in the midst of chaos. However, deep down, we know it's just a story we tell ourselves to feel better. Then there's the notion of fate or a higher purpose guiding our lives. We like to believe that there is something or someone out there looking out for us, steering us in the right direction. It gives us a sense of security, a belief that we are not alone in this vast universe.

By JPPublished 15 days ago 3 min read
The Spell of Fairy Tales on Human Consciousness

We believe that fairy tales and possibly even excellent anime are truly wonderful. The only downside is that there will always be people who dislike this article, regardless of what I say. They are gone. So, let's get started! If you haven't watched or heard of a fairy tale, you must be living under a rock or not into anime. I suggest watching it before I spoil the entire show by discussing every detail in every arc. I understand that it's a controversial opinion to love fairy tale, let alone like it, especially among anime fans who often dismiss it as trash.

Now you might be familiar with this story, or stories like it, because as we grew up, we all enjoyed hearing these folk tales. Human read these tales without giving them much thought beyond the enchantment they held. Their imagination run wild, to dream, and hope, even to create their own unique inner world.

But what if these tales didn't do that?

Let's be honest, humans have a soft spot for fairy tales. We grow up listening to stories about destiny, fate, and higher purposes. Whether it's through religious teachings or cultural myths, we are constantly fed narratives that give meaning to our existence. These tales become our life rafts in the midst of a stormy sea. Even when the evidence suggests otherwise, we hold onto them dearly. Take, for example, the famous line "everything happens for a reason." It's a thought that brings comfort, isn't it? It implies that there is a grand plan behind the chaos of life. It suggests that our struggles and triumphs are not mere random events, but rather part of a larger scheme.

We tell ourselves this story to make sense of the world, to find order in the midst of chaos. However, deep down, we know it's just a story we tell ourselves to feel better. Then there's the notion of fate or a higher purpose guiding our lives. We like to believe that there is something or someone out there looking out for us, steering us in the right direction. It gives us a sense of security, a belief that we are not alone in this vast universe. But once again, it's just a story, a comforting illusion we cling to when faced with the harsh realities of life. Despite all the nonsense, we even manage to find meaning in our passions and relationships.

Life is full of achievements and stories we tell ourselves to feel important and give our lives purpose. But when we strip away the layers of storytelling, what are we left with? Just a brief flicker of existence in the grand scheme of things. The reality is that life is messy, unpredictable, and filled with suffering. We are born, we struggle, we love, we suffer, and then we die. Despite all the evidence, we cling to our fairy tales with stubbornness. We'd rather live in denial than face the brutal realities of existence. Embracing the harsh realities of life can actually be liberating.

Letting go of our fairy tales and embracing the randomness and chaos of life can free us from the shackles of illusion. Maybe it's time to loosen our grip on the stories we tell ourselves and embrace the messy, beautiful, unpredictable reality of existence. Let go of the need for purpose and meaning, and just revel in the absurdity of it all. In the end, maybe that's the only truth worth holding on to. Life is too short to waste on comforting illusions. It's time to face the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. Think about it.

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