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Education? Smart? Stupid? Intelligent?

Here is a are my thought on the book call The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson

By Fayette BrowniePublished 4 years ago 15 min read

You are not intelligent. You don't have any education how would you help out society. In this essay, we will be describing Nell, Fiona, and Starling and how they are influenced by this can create a rich education but you won't need a large amount of knowledge. To have a kind of rich education is important to understand what it means to be smart as well as what it means to be intelligent for they are different from each other. Each of them being different, well being of intelligence, which is influenced by the people around them. In the next part of the essay, we will be discussing intelligence and how there are going to be some people who will help while others will not. Where the younger generation needs to become more intelligent than the last generation, so they know what needs to get done seeing that each day is different than the next. With that being said the essay will discussing the novel called the form the book called the “The Diamond Age” by Neal Stephenson this will enable us to understand what is education. Regarding what is intelligent as well as what we can do with it: the novel’s argument is the most important element of a rich education and Constable teaches the difference between being smart and being intelligent.

For this part let us discuss how Constable Moore teaches Nell about the difference between an intelligent person and a smart person as well as expressing how this is affected by our education. about how this is similar to what it might become. With that being said Nell, a young teenager, is a highly educated person as well as saving the societies from being destroyed; in the book called the “The Diamond Age” by Neal Stephenson. Constable Moore teaches Nell something that has great value in which our society needs to have a rich educational environment. He teaches Nell there isn't just one way or the other, but many other ways just by thinking about what is going on. This can be shown in this quote Constable Moore teaches Nell about what it means to be intelligent

“'the difference between ignorant and educated people is that the latter know more facts. But that has nothing to do with whether they are stupid or intelligent. The difference between stupid and intelligent people—and this is true whether or not they are well-educated—is that intelligent people can handle subtlety. They are not baffled by ambiguous or even contradictory situations—in fact, they expect them and are apt to become suspicious when things seem overly straightforward. In your Primer you have a resource that will make you highly educated, but it will never make you intelligent. That comes from life. Your life up to this point has given you all of the experience you need to be intelligent, but you have to think about those experiences. If you don’t think about them, you’ll be psychologically unwell. If you do think about them, you will become not merely educated but intelligent, and then, a few years down the road, you will probably give me cause to wish I were several decades younger.'” (Stephenson 259).

The reason this is being mentioned is it shows how important to have intelligence can be. This shows the differences between smart people and intelligent people which are key to having a rich education. Constable influence Nell to be thinking about what is around you which was how Nell was able to save the societies. Thus the ingredients to make a rich education, but can we see intelligent people around us? This can be explained from my personal life when I was in high school I was picked on, it wasn't only just for having a learning disability, but for being smart as well. Some of my classes were part of the IEP, individualized Education Program, I was picked on for knowing a lot of information in the IEP classes. Others were part of the General education class in which I was picked on for not knowing a lot of information. No matter what class I was in I saw a lot of intelligent people in both areas, I learned a lot from them. I also notice that we try to shut down intelligent people. In other words, our society doesn't have a lot of intelligent people to have a rich education. An example is my parents in which they think I don't know a lot just because I have a learning disability. I know this well seeing that they wouldn't care how I feel, by their actions, like my thoughts were childish, thinking of me as if I cannot take care of myself and how I acted wasn't "normal". Just to point out that is my parents are very knowledgeable and are very aware of what is going around the world they lived in. When living with them, we would be talking about life issues or problems that are going on in the world. When the mention of my thoughts on the problem my parents would shut me down, saying something like you don't understand you are too young. This goes to show that a lot of people aren't really into listening to what others have to say. This shows us our society doesn't have a lot of intelligent people so, with intelligent people, our society would be able to have a rich education. This can explain that we as a human being would be able to think of not only one way or the other, but also many other ways. In other words, be intelligent doesn't just mean the black and the white, but the gray as well. In which influence Nell into the person she is since she finds that her path isn't on A or B, but her own. As Constable has mentioned this is being intelligent you will need to study your past and see what you can in the now as well as in the future.

In this next part of the essay, we will be discussing how Fiona is intelligent, people can lose the spirits even with a textbook education. Something to mention is that intelligence can be shut down which is what happens to Fiona. She, who is from The Diamond Age, is a friend of Nell when they were in school together. When Fiona has a big imagination she starts to be more intelligent in the fact that she is thinking, or dreams, which makes others be inspired. When Fiona's mother, Gwendolyn, doesn't see Fiona's imagination the same way since she mentioned it to Finkle-McGraw. Gwendolyn mentions that Fiona isn't doing her schoolwork because she is in her fantasy world with her Primer. As years went on Fiona started to be more and more depressed. Once she ran away from home to be with her father she found that she enjoyed liked doing plays. This can be explained that Fiona was depressed seeing her education was more on the creative than more of the practical side. This shows Fiona wasn't very interested in textbook education, but she was interested in something that is hands-on education. Fiona's intelligence is what makes her creative, but others, like Gwendolyn, will not see it and break their spirits. This is how we shut down other intelligent people. Something to point out its grades isn't important in that long run. This can be explained from my personal life about two years ago my brother love talking about science. The only thing he would be talking about was science, no matter what time of day. Thus, he would talk about studying different types of science when he goes to college. My brother had so much compassion toward a science; however, he wasn't good at school. In the family, it was always important to have good grades, A's, this wasn't easy for my brother since the other sibling had good grades. My parents didn't like the grade he got in which cause a lot of yelling and punishment. This pushed my brother to a point where he got super sad in which made my brother talk less and less about science and started to hate school, just like Fiona. To point out even highly educated can lose their spirits and become insecure. This can be shown in this quote when Megan Fork a Ph.D. student at the Nicholas School of the Environment expresses her emotions of not being good enough:

Feeling stupid and stressed out has, at times, made me question if I indeed actually belong in graduate school at all. In the worst of these times, I feel that I’m not smart or skilled enough to make it in the PhD program, and that somehow, I’ve fooled the admissions board into letting me into the program. I’ve felt that I’m just faking it until someone finally realizes that I’m not smart enough and kicks me to the curb. (Fork)

The reason this is important when you look at Fork's feelings seeing it is the same as how Fiona felt when she is in school. When you look at it even the highest levels of education person are still unsure about themself. What Fiona and my brother have gone through is the same due to the fact each of them had their parents pushed both Fiona and my brother way form they are their intelligence. This kind of stuff is something that is how we shut down intelligent people's spirits. As Constable has mentioned before there is a difference between well textbook educated and being intelligent as well as have an education will make you highly educated; however, this will by no means make you intelligent. This shows how Fiona and my brother never need the views of their parent(s) shoved on them. In other words information, the parent(s) were being forced into just made them sad and point where they aren't able to become intelligent.

In this next part of the essay, we will be discussing how Starling and Nell get influenced by their mother(s) as well as understanding how this helps to become intelligent. Starling is artificial intelligence, has the ability to be connected to multiple places at once and her brain can process faster than humans. In the short story called "Patterns of a Murmuration, in Billions of Data Points" by JY Yang. To point out that, both of Starling's mothers, Avalanche and Tempo, has influence Starling into the person she is today. This can be explained in the short story when Starling mentions how the mothers teaching her different things including right from wrong. This can be shown in this quote Tempo said to Starling "'Avalanche would tell you the same thing right now. She's not a murderer. She hates killing. She would never kill.'" ( Yang 9). Once you look at it Starling wants to get revenge on the person who had killed Avalanche. However, even after Avalanche's death, Starling is still willing to follow her mother's teaching since she knows that her mother wouldn't like it. With that being said Starling got the support by her mothers in which helped her to be able to become intelligent. This shows that teaching can be an important help to become intelligent, but it doesn't help if someone pushes a view on the other person. This can be explained with Nell and Miranda because Miranda helped out Nell on the journey of her life and teaching her different things. Both of them learn from each other when they are on their journey and learning what they can do in different situations. The relationship between Miranda and Nell is more of teaching where you are able to grow. With this helps Nell to become intelligent. This quote shows the kind of education Miranda and Nell had " ... personalizes everyone's education by taking in information from its surroundings and presenting it to the child in a manner that is tailored to their life situation, personality, and learning style" (Heth). This is important due to the fact that Miranda taught Nell more than just textbook education. As a matter of fact, Miranda has influence Nell to be able to save societies from being destroyed. This can be explained in the novel it shows, Miranda is willing to be with Nell no matter what seeing that Miranda told Carl that she was willing to stay with Nell until she didn't need Miranda's help anymore. This is important due to the fact that Nell isn't alone on her journey; even if Miranda is only their in the Prime. This also shows how Miranda cares about Nell and Miranda is willing to accept that Nell is going to mess up. Unlike the relationship between my brother and I with my parents. Where it was more only knowledge and set intellect, but also taking away creativity and bring down the people's spirits of intelligence people. This can be explained in the relationship between Miranda and Nell where over time both went off an adventure in the Primer. Where they build creativity in which intelligently comes into play. This is important to understand that the novel explains how education isn't just textbook information but to give the building blocks to be able to become creative. As the Constable has mentioned before about intelligence is you have to think about what is going on around you. You cannot have intelligence when you have to deal with the environment that stops you from becoming intelligent. Like what my brother, Fiona, and I went through. It doesn't give a rich education. The influence on Starling and Nell of the mother(s), Miranda Avalanche and Tempo, help then grow, so they can become intelligent. In other words, this makes them intelligent by having a healthy influence.

In this last part of the essay, we will be discussing how we can get more intelligent people and how it is important to give intelligence to our younger generation. With that being said in this essay, as been mentioned before, we know what is intelligence. So, what can we do to be able to get more intelligent people in our society and what can we do to be able to have a rich education with intelligent people. Breaking down what the Constable has stated; where he talks about the steps of becoming intelligent. This is to study your past in order to know what to do in the now and in the future, creativity is one of the keys to unlocking intelligence, and education, even the highly educated, can only take you so far. Also to know how intelligent people can be shut down which is pushing someone to think one way in that break the spirits of the intelligent person. With this, we need to know how can we create intelligent people. It is going to be the younger generations or also called the Generation Z and the Generation millennial. The reason this is being mentioned is the Generation Z and the Generation millennial are going to deal with technology. Also to pay attention to is that both of the generation are born in the era of technology and know more about technology for work and fun. This can be seen in this quote how much the younger generation knows about technology in the article called “Move Over, Millennials, Here Comes Generation Z.” by Alex Williams in the New York Time magazine; where Williams write about Hannah Payne, an 18-year-old student at U.C.L.A. where Hannah states this “'We are the first true digital natives,' ... 'can almost simultaneously create a document, edit it, post a photo on Instagram and talk on the phone, all from the user-friendly interface of my iPhone.'” (Williams). This is important seeing both of the Generation Z and the Generation millennial knows the change in the society as well as know the abilities towards using technology. Something we don't do it think of what had happen in the past so you know how to deal with is later. For example is in the past we have issues about a white person and a black person getting married, now the issues are the same sex person getting married. This goes to show that our society isn't intelligent due to the fact that the Constable mention about intelligent you need to study your past to know what to do in the now or in the future. So for both of the generations, it is going to be more important than ever to have intelligence. In a way, to be able to have intelligent people you will need to open the mind of curiosity. Ian Leslie in the article called "Google makes us all dumber: The neuroscience of search engine" writes about how doing Google search is making us thinking less as well as how we can get our information better. He mentions about how our creativity can bring information in which gives us the intelligence. This can be seen in this quote, “The psychologist George Loewenstein gave us the simplest and most powerful definition of curiosity, describing it as the response to an 'information gap.' When you know just enough to know that you don't know everything, you experience the itch to know more.” (Leslie). This is important when you look at it is our society needs to become intelligent since we are in the spot where technology able us to receive new information. In that our education doesn't teach us how to become intelligent.

All in all, an intelligence makes an rich education due to the fact that we are able to think out side of the box. If we don't have this we will not be able to move forwards, like what heppen to brother, Fiona and I gone through. For intelligence is that you have enough information about what is going around in the world. To know what had happen in the past so we now what to do next time. Being smart doesn't mean you are intelligence. Influence, like Miranda, Avalanche and Tempo , will help us grow to become intelligent. The Generation Z and the Generation millennial will have to become intelligence in order to deal with new issues that will come.

Work cited page

Fork, Megan. “Impostor Syndrome and Felling Stupid.” Nichols school blogs. Nicholas School of the Environment, 2012 October 15, Accessed 9 Aug. 2016

Heth, Zachary “The Diamond Age: Technology” Center for Science and the Imagination. Arizona state university, 2014 July 22, Accessed 12 Aug. 2016

IAN LESLIE “Google makes us all dumber: The neuroscience of search engines” Salon, 12 OCT 2014, 11:00 a.m. Accessed 9 Aug. 2016

Stephenson, Neal. The Diamond Age. Bantam Books, 1995.

WILLIAMS, ALEX. “Move Over, Millennials, Here Comes Generation Z.” New York Times, 2015 SEPT 18, Accessed 9 Aug. 2016

Yang, JY. “Patterns of a Murmuration, in Billions of Data Points”. Wyrm Publishing, 2006- 2015. Accessed 10 Aug. 2016

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About the Creator

Fayette Brownie

I enjoy writing about poets and I love to make more created art.

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