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Don't Feed Cancer

80% of cancers can be prevented.

By Isaac Ekow AnyidohoPublished 4 days ago 6 min read
           Don't Feed Cancer
Photo by Angiola Harry on Unsplash

80% of cancers can be prevented, with obesity being a major risk factor. Cancer plays a significant role in maintaining high mortality rates. It is a mitochondrial metabolic disease that affects energy metabolism. Metabolic therapy has shown promise in treating cancer and other related conditions. To prevent cancer, it is important to avoid consuming foods that promote the growth of cancer cells. Contrary to popular belief, cancer is primarily a metabolic disease rather than a genetic one. Cancer models often fail to accurately represent real-life clinical scenarios. Studies have demonstrated that calorie-restricted diets can reduce the aggressiveness of tumors. Biochemical experiments and our understanding of genetics support the notion that cancer originates from disruptions in energy metabolism rather than gene mutations. The misconception that cancer is solely a genetic disease has impeded progress in treating and reducing mortality rates. By approaching cancer as a metabolic disease, there is potential to significantly decrease the death rate by more than 50% within five years.

Current cancer treatments are frequently influenced by rigid beliefs and financial interests. Viewing cancer as a metabolic disorder could result in improved outcomes, similar to how other metabolic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes are managed. Cancer can arise from mitochondrial dysfunction, which disrupts energy production. Mitochondria generate energy within our cells to support their functions. These organelles enable cells to maintain their specialized functions and regulate metabolic balance. Prolonged disruption of mitochondrial energy production can contribute to cancer development. Cells can adapt to alternative energy sources such as fermentation. Uncontrolled cell growth and division can lead to the formation of tumors. Various factors can disrupt energy metabolism, leading to cancer. Damage to the oxidative phosphorylation capacity of mitochondria is a key factor in cancer development. Carcinogens, blocked milk ducts, radiation, genetic mutations, and aging are among the factors that can trigger tumor formation in different organs. All cancer cells exhibit high levels of fermentation, relying on glucose and glutamine for fuel. Elevated blood sugar levels can trigger systemic inflammation, which in turn can harm mitochondria. Cancer is not primarily a genetic disease, but rather a metabolic dysfunction within mitochondria.

Conventional cancer treatments may result in long-term health complications, and new therapies may not always be effective. Standard treatments like radiation and chemotherapy can have negative impacts on overall health and lead to various issues. Immunotherapies are based on the somatic mutation theory of cancer, which may not be entirely accurate. 1. Novel treatments in conjunction with radiation and chemotherapy may not lead to a significant decrease in mortality rates. Elevated body temperature is occasionally correlated with successful cancer therapy. The administration of live bacteria to induce high fevers has demonstrated encouraging outcomes previously. While immunotherapy can be costly, a more economical option is to trigger a fever using pyrogens. Immunotherapy hinges on patients developing a high fever to be effective. A comprehensive understanding of cancer biology is essential for the development of efficacious treatments. Immunotherapy can have adverse effects, with 10-20% of individuals experiencing rapid disease progression and premature death. Maintaining healthy mitochondria is crucial in cancer prevention.

Obesity and high blood sugar are associated with both cardiovascular disease and cancer. Obesity has now surpassed smoking as a primary risk factor for cancer. Curbing an obesity epidemic is imperative in cancer prevention. Engineered processed carbohydrates are convenient and delicious but contribute to chronic illnesses. A ketogenic diet is known to have a positive impact on cancer prevention and treatment. Consuming meat played a crucial role in the Paleolithic lifestyle of our ancestors, providing the necessary energy for their active way of life. It would have been challenging to survive without meat in ancient times. Achieving nutritional ketosis solely through a vegan diet is quite challenging. Cancer patients are often recommended to follow a zero-carb diet. Monitoring GKI values is essential for assessing nutritional ketosis, with a GKI value of 2.0 or lower indicating ketosis. The Keto Mojo device is utilized for measuring GKI levels. Regular testing of GKI levels, either before or after meals, is recommended. Individuals with normal metabolism typically have lower GKI values, which rarely result in ketoacidosis. Achieving nutritional ketosis involves making dietary and lifestyle changes. Most individuals following a Western diet have GKI values between 50-100.

Embracing a ketogenic lifestyle can lead to improved overall health by reducing inflammation. Water fasting and consuming ketone solutions have the potential to decrease blood sugar levels and elevate ketone levels. Including complex carbohydrates from vegetables in the diet is beneficial for overall health. Insulin resistance plays a key role in the development of metabolic diseases and type 2 diabetes. Metabolic therapy offers a drug-free solution for curing type 2 diabetes. While some individuals opt for the convenience of medications, others prefer personal discipline and lifestyle changes. Lowering cancer risk can be achieved through regular exercise and maintaining optimal blood sugar levels. Exercise is essential in reducing the risk of cancer. Maintaining low blood sugar levels helps prevent insulin resistance and competition for glucose by cancer cells. Managing diseases without harmful side effects is a significant objective. Entrepreneurs can explore innovative ways to generate income while pursuing this objective. Enhancing overall health and implementing metabolic therapy can significantly decrease the mortality rate associated with cancer. Cancer has emerged as a leading cause of death in numerous regions. Embracing a holistic lifestyle can serve as a preventive measure against cancer and other chronic illnesses.

Effective stress management is crucial for individuals battling cancer. Reducing stress levels aids in regulating cortisol and blood sugar levels. The medical system must integrate stress management techniques into treatment plans. A comprehensive guide on managing glioblastoma brain cancer. Prolonging survival can be achieved by targeting the fermentation dependency of cancer cells. Although the outlook for glioblastoma patients is grim, breakthroughs in this area could lead to advancements in treating other types of cancer. There have been no significant advancements in the treatment of glioblastoma in the past century. The current system hinders breakthroughs in cancer treatment. To bring about effective and non-toxic solutions, it is crucial to prioritize education and awareness. Cancer is a metabolic disease that primarily affects the mitochondria and can be effectively managed through metabolic therapy. While Otto Warburg's discovery of cytochrome C oxidase was significant, our progress has been hindered by genetic factors. It is important to retrace our steps and analyze Warburg's findings, acknowledging both his accurate and inaccurate conclusions. The solution to fixing mitochondrial dysfunction lies in metabolic therapy.

Cancer cells are fueled by glucose and glutamine. When we refer to glucose, we are not solely addressing excessive sugar consumption, but also elevated blood glucose levels over an extended period. The ketogenic diet can help regulate glucose levels effectively. The cancer field is not well-versed in the pathway of glutamine fermentation in the mitochondria, which allows for energy production without oxygen, creating an alternative fermentation pathway. This glutamine glutaminolysis pathway is operational in cancer cells. The future of cancer management lies in targeting both glucose and glutamine. Transitioning the body to ketones and halting fermentation fuels may lead to the death of tumor cells. When combined with medications that stimulate the system, this approach can effectively manage the disease. Physicians must recognize metabolic therapy as a promising tool for the future.

Understanding that cholesterol is not inherently harmful is akin to the adjustment period required for diets like keto or carnivore. Metabolic therapy involves targeting both glucose and glutamine, rather than focusing solely on one or the other. Cancer cells thrive on highly processed foods, such as Twinkies, due to their high fructose corn syrup and other additives. Nearly 90% of our food intake consists of packaged items, many of which are loaded with highly processed carbohydrates. This presents a challenge as preserved foods have negative effects on health and can lead to obesity and cancer. A significant number of individuals reside in areas with limited access to nutritious food choices. Even within the realm of meat products, there are heavily processed options such as deli meats. Opting for fatty cuts of meat may be a more economical choice. The importance of food nutrition cannot be overstated, yet the availability of healthy alternatives is restricted. Due to limited options, individuals often resort to consuming highly processed carbohydrates.

Unhealthy exercise habits and sedentary lifestyles further contribute to health problems. Open Access allows individuals to independently access and assess all available information. Professor Seyfried's Open Access papers can be located in the video description. Open Access empowers individuals to make well-informed decisions and form their perspectives.

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Isaac Ekow Anyidoho

A calm person with a cascading mind filled with ideas of my own and know that; I can make a difference with the support of people like you. Thank you.

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