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Different Perspectives Regarding the Burning Use of Technology for the Education of School Students

Positive and Negative Aspects of Technology in School Education

By Arkaprava DasPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Different Perspectives Regarding the Burning Use of Technology for the Education of School Students
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

 Main question:

Obviously, there is hardly any synchronized thought process expected in this topic. Different people of different age groups will undoubtedly keep different perspectives. The people of middle age groups who have started to use digital platforms/technology to simplify their lives will be more aligned about the positive use of technology. But retired people who have not used technology and digital platforms might be on the side of doing everything offline. But the question is how technology will influence the next generation. Either it is going to make them smarter and save time or it will become the reason for their main distraction from the early stage of life.

 Main Positive and negative aspects:

It is impossible to claim that technology in the classroom is the best or the worst thing. If the students use cell phones to do some research about any assignment with the help of the internet, it is a proper utilization of time as well as technology. If the cell phone is used to share valuable information among the pupils, it is positively impacting their education by saving time. Using internet technology, a student can cross-reference of the resources among themselves and cite the information which will save their time. However, if the internet of the cell phone is used to watch Netflix and do a Tik-Tok in the school level, the waste of time may become a habit. Most of the time Netflix or social media platforms like Tik-Tok become quite addictive and may cause emotional damage. Therefore, it is mainly about the consumption of the content and utilization of the tools that will lead to the positive or negative impact upon the students who are using technology from the very beginning of school level. It can be a valuable tool for saving time or it can be the reason for needless distraction.

 Three bullet points summarizing the use of technology:

As a writer, I googled the question to dig out different perspectives. However, as Google itself is a technological platform, most of the views are with a positive opinion regarding the technological use for school-level students. However, summarizing all I have found three bullet points to explain the impact of technology on future generations.

1. We know that technology can be dangerous in school - cyberbullying, academic dishonesty, and more can come out of the classroom into the classroom. Recent evidence suggests that technology can even mimic symptoms of addiction. This is concerning for a lot of reasons. However, we need to be careful with how we use technology.

2. The power of technology is indisputable - it can help students learn in ways that teachers and schools can't replicate, and it has the ability to turn even experts into lay people or lay people into experts.

3. What we understand about technology helps to clarify the situation. Another point to consider is that technology is advancing rapidly, rather than slowing down. It is reasonable to conclude that technology is not a passing trend, similar to bottle flipping, and does not have a limited lifespan. So, irrespective of positive and negative influence, technology will always remain as a part of our daily life.

 Conclusion:

Generation Z, often referred to as digital natives, has never known a world without the internet, cell phones, and constant access to information. For these students, technology is not just a possession, but an integral part of their environment. However, if schools face issues like cyberbullying, they may consider banning technology as a solution. While this may temporarily address the problem, it is not a long-term solution. Eventually, students will leave the confines of the classroom, enter the digital world outside, and be exposed to the same risks and dangers, possibly unprepared. Instead of asking whether technology is more beneficial or harmful to our students, we need to recognize our responsibility as educators to do what is best for them. Our students carry devices in their pockets that are both valuable and potentially dangerous. Therefore, it becomes clear that incorporating technology in the classroom is not merely a choice, but a duty. As educators, it is our obligation to prepare students for the challenges they will face as digital natives. Just as we teach students various skills, navigating the digital landscape is a skill that requires practice. It is our responsibility to provide students with opportunities to develop their digital literacy skills and become independent learners for life.


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