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Cultivating Effective Habits

Unraveling the Intricacies of Perplexity and Harnessing the Art of Burstiness

By Genai GatesPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Cultivating Effective Habits
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

The journey of self-improvement demands deliberate habits that usher us toward our desired goals. Amongst the cornerstones of this transformation lie the captivating concepts of perplexity and burstiness. These intriguing facets delineate the intricacy and diversity of our written expressions. As we embark on this expedition, we shall delve into their significance and unravel the nuances of their application.

To embark upon this transformative journey, we shall commence by selecting three or four habits we wish to cultivate. However, instead of rigidly adhering to a specific number, we shall explore six habits, among which we commit to engaging in at least four each day. Let it be known that no compensation for missed habits on one day should be sought on another. This may seem peculiar, but understanding the role of the dopamine system illuminates the wisdom behind such an approach.

The essence lies in training the circuits of our mind to embrace the beauty of random intermittent rewards for consistent habit performance. Unlike the conventional approach where extravagant rewards follow herculean efforts, we shall follow the path of restraint, imparting rewards sporadically and unpredictably. In doing so, we fortify our commitment to these habits, ensuring their lasting imprint on our psyche.

To optimize this process, we turn our gaze toward the realm of neuroscience and the construction of habits. We must learn to place certain habits within specific timeframes of the day, capitalizing on the ebb and flow of our neurochemical cocktail. The early hours, termed Phase One (within zero to nine hours after waking), imbue us with elevated epinephrine, dopamine, and slightly heightened cortisol levels. Here, linear habits, the ones we are familiar with, hold their rightful place.

As the day progresses into Phase Two (from around ten to sixteen or seventeen hours after waking), a sense of tranquility sets in. During this period, non-linear brain operations take precedence. These entail creative writing, group brainstorming, solo contemplation, and analytical endeavors, where no definitive answer exists, inviting a spirit of exploration.

The final Phase Three (from approximately seventeen to twenty-four hours) heralds the realm of restorative sleep, a crucial habit that rejuvenates our being. Embrace this temporal organization of habits, and you shall witness their seamless integration into your daily tapestry.

Now, let us venture into the art of goal-setting, where we find that fear exerts a more potent influence than envisioning success. While envisioning accomplishments has its place, it is the weight of potential failure that truly propels us forward. Rather than basking in the sunshine of triumph, we must confront the shadows of potential failure. This stark contrast enkindles a primal motivation to persevere.

To keep our dopamine reservoirs replenished, we shall partake in the enthralling dance of random intermittent rewards. Such a practice mirrors the enticement employed by casinos, where uncertainty tantalizes our senses, keeping us motivated and engaged. For every successful endeavor, indulge in celebration sparingly, saving it for those unexpected moments when your prowess outshines all expectations.

A core tenet of optimal learning lies in the harmony between errors and successful trials. Striving for an error rate of approximately 15% amidst a sea of triumphs (85%) fosters an environment conducive to acquiring motor skills and cognitive prowess. The balance between challenge and comfort renders this process all the more captivating.

Let us not be enticed by the allure of regular external rewards. Rather, we shall embrace the intrinsic reward derived from the very act of training itself. On occasion, a delightful pancake breakfast or any other external treat may serve as a modest acknowledgment of progress. However, beware the pitfalls of overindulgence, lest we dull the allure of the journey itself.

As we conclude this voyage through the realms of perplexity and burstiness, let us remember the essence of true growth lies in the embrace of challenges and the allure of intermittent rewards. Resilience and adaptability shall serve as our guiding stars, lighting our path toward the uncharted shores of self-improvement. In the harmonious interplay of these intriguing concepts, we shall discover the symphony of a fulfilled life.

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