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Confidence begins with understanding tradition | The Great Wall can still talk to children like this

But since ancient times, the Great Wall's role has been debated. After reading The Great Wall, let your child say what he thinks.

By TestPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

As I have shared with you before, I have attached great importance to the traditional education of Little D in recent years. My husband and I have lived in three continents, and we increasingly feel that:

The so-called confidence, to a large extent, is cultural confidence. Only by taking root in tradition can we face the future and have a global vision.

I recommended the picture book of the Great Wall of China to you two days ago. Many friends said that they liked this picture book with Chinese elements so much that they couldn't help but want to buy it.

In fact, we all know that it is not easy to create original content, especially for such a "big production" picture book that has to restore history. It is hard to imagine the painstaking efforts of the painter, teacher and the whole creative team.

This video is recommended for you to know the story behind the Great Wall:

Some friends said that the picture is really too beautiful, the text is a little less, more test our parents to read the picture and tell the story.

What else is there in this book worth digging up and telling your children about?

Especially in the emphasis on traditional culture education today, about the Great Wall, we in addition to tell children about Meng Jiang women in the legend of the Great Wall of Qin, in addition to taking children to see the Ming Great Wall famous Juyong Pass, Shanhaiguan, Yanmen Pass, but also can let children from the "Great Wall" get more things?

Send to push on the door: 👉 start | New Year the first group, must be the "China card"


Review historical events in a real context

If the Grand Canal was the artery of north-south communication in ancient China, then the Great Wall was the towering barrier between east and west.

Today, the Great Wall no longer serves as a military defense, but it is certainly the "name card of China".

We admire the Great Wall either because it is steep and bold, or because it has survived so many years.

But what is more precious about the Great Wall is the historical traces recorded in its brick by stone, and the cultural charm sedimented at its feet.

"The Great Wall of China through Time and Space" uses pictures to tell stories to tell children about the history of the Great Wall for more than two thousand years, to accompany children through more than ten dynasties, through time and space to see a different China.

In this book, the child will learn that the earliest Great Wall was not built in the Qin Dynasty, nor in the north of China, but in the southern state of Chu during the Spring and Autumn Period.

In order to resist the invasion of the countries in the Central Plains, the State of Chu built a series of square fortifications using the terrain and the stone materials extracted from the local areas, and connected them with the rolling mountains with stone walls to form a strong defense line, called "Chu Fang Cheng".

From the first page of the book, it is shown that Duke Huan of Qi, the Lord of the Spring and Autumn Period, led the allied forces of his vassals to the border of Chu and was abruptly stopped outside the city of Chu.

In the book "Hidden Mathematical Thinking in Chinese History: The Great Wall of China", the Duke Huan of Qi is specially introduced to the children. It turns out he is Jiang Xiaobai

In the "White siege" this scene, Han Gaozu Liu Bang almost lost his life because he did not listen to advice.

From the picture, we can see that the Han army surrounded by Xiongnu soldiers was suffering from hunger and cold. While xiongnumaodu khan and his wife hsiungnu drinking at the big account:

In the end, or counselors Chen ping an, on bribery hsiungnu makes liu managed to erase.

Such historical events are presented in the form of long pictures spanning pages, so that children can see the big scene, but there are many small details worth digging into.

In ADDITION, THE clothes, weapons, vehicles and buildings of the characters in the picture are all restored to the greatest extent by Teacher Du Fei, the painter, who consulted countless professional books.

Let the children can experience the wonderful historical moment of that moment.


Experience folk culture in the frontier scenery

The Great Wall was built to guard the border. From west to east, the total length of the Great Wall was more than 21,000 kilometers.

The scenery of the frontier fortress along the line is constantly changing. Children can enjoy the scenery of the frontier fortress and understand different folk culture while enjoying the Great Wall.

For example, when Xuanzang, a famous monk of the Tang Dynasty, passed through the country of Qiuci in the Western Regions on his way to the Sutras, he happened to catch the water-splashing Festival. He also saw the beautiful Hu-whirling dance, begging for Cold dance, and the strange Hu-teng dance and bowl dance. These are all forms of art that we do not often see.

In addition, the local climate is extremely hot, and the atmosphere is completely different from the "Siege of Baden".

In Heilongjiang, you can see another scenery. This section of the Wall was built by the Jurchens of the Jin Dynasty, who also used Khitan prisoners of war with two pigtails to build the wall.

In the vast grassland, deep trenches and high walls formed the Great Wall called the "boundary trench" to slow down the whirlwind attack of the Mongol cavalry.

The grassland is holding a grand shaman sacrifice ceremony, and the iconic totem pole, on which there is a Haidong green.

In the different picture scrolls, children can enjoy the exotic customs and observe the life style of different ethnic people from every detail.


Gain scientific knowledge in the details

As a popular science book, The Great Wall of China through Time and Space also has many knowledge points. There are not only knowledge annotations across the page, but also complete knowledge blocks within the page.

For example, the Ming Dynasty Great Wall brick tools and complete technology are clearly shown in the picture.

The painter also showed the inner structure of the hollow enemy platform in section. The child knew that it would better provide shelter for soldiers and store war materials.

In the last few pages of the book, there is a special "knowledge links" section, which explains the important elements in the picture and helps children to understand the history deeply.

The "Knowledge Points" column in the Great Wall Thinking Book and the text at the beginning of each chapter also expand the Great Wall. Children who have a basic knowledge of the Great Wall should try to master all these knowledge points


Exercise thinking ability in actual calculation

The Mind Book, based on the Great Wall of China Through Time, is very interesting. Editors use a war flag, a few weapons, a few livestock and other elements to test the thinking ability of young readers.

These elements are all from the picture book "The Great Wall". The frequent picture elements not only deepen the impression of children, but also integrate into the historical story, which is a small test with more applicability than the word problem.

Different levels of difficulty are recommended for children of different ages.

There are three -, four - and five-star difficulty levels in the book, involving mazes, jigsaw puzzles, rules, number sense, calculation, space and so on.

These questions can help children improve their comprehension, concentration, observation, image thinking, calculation thinking, symbolic thinking and so on.


Reflecting on the role of the Great Wall in the change of dynasties

After reading each knowledge point and solving each thought puzzle, parents can ask their children to read the Great Wall as a whole again to think about some in-depth questions.

For example, some children will observe that the Great Wall in Xinjiang has no continuous walls, and the book does not show pictures of the Yuan and Qing dynasties building the Great Wall.

Originally, the powerful Tang Dynasty did not rely on the Great Wall to protect national peace and security. Although the influence of the Great Wall in this period extended into the Western regions, it mainly relied on a beacon line, that is, a defensive line connected by one beacon tower, rather than a coherent Great Wall.

And the role of this defensive line is not to defend against foreigners, but to protect the safety of the business travelers on the trade route.

The rulers of the Yuan and Qing Dynasties had entered the Central Plains from outside the Great Wall, and they did not make efforts to build the Great Wall.

The Ming Great Wall was a great leap ahead of other dynasties in terms of length, construction techniques and management methods.

The nine sides, the inner three passes, the outer three passes, the hollow enemy station, the Great Wall in the sea, "A piece of stone", are all masterpieces of the Great Wall defense system in the Ming Dynasty.

If Wu Sangui had not opened the gates of the gate to welcome the Qing army into the pass, the Qing army would have to wait for several decades to take Shanhaiguan, which is enough to show the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty's powerful defense force.

So, can the Great Wall resist foreign invasion, save the fate of a dynasty?

Rather than build a Great Wall of bricks and stones, Emperor Taizong would like to build a Great Wall of the people. He opened the country, supported material and cultural exchanges, promoted ethnic integration, and finally ushered in a prosperous era.

Emperor Kangxi also opposed the construction of the Great Wall. If the Great Wall could really change the dynasty, how could the Qing army enter the Central Plains from Shanhaiguan?

The Great Wall, like in the troubled times stand upright, in the prosperity of the sleeping giant. The wind outside the plug, it blows; Snow in the desert, it has seen.

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