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College Is A Joke

Just a college student feeling lost about advancing in the future.

By Tre DPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
College Is A Joke
Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

Guess what? We are still on lock down due to Miss F**king Rona. She is really trying to ruin summer 2020, and all the plans people had including myself. Everyone’s lives having been affected by the pandemic and handling it their own way. People are either boring themselves with the overload of porn, alcohol at 2 pm, or finding a new hobby. But there is the sad realization that some people didn’t have hobbies or interests outside their day to day activities like work or school. Miss Rona is really helping people self-reflect.

All this staying locked up in the house is revealing plenty of flaws in the government. America really sucks right now. They created stimulus checks to help those affected by COVID-19 but at the same time it’s cutting out all college students claimed as dependents. What the f**k? College students… we are supposed to be the business leaders of the future, yet the government really said f**k what ya'll got going on. So plenty of students like myself are not eligible and left out. Then for my campus job, I can’t certify for unemployment because unemployment taxes aren’t taken out of my checks. So literally I have no source of income. This is getting extremely exhausting. I’m hoping for this to pass over and get back to living normal, but it’s also making me realize things I want for the future.

I have applied to Trevor Noah, IRTS, Emma Foundation, and countless other internships, and yet been denied by all. It makes me feel like what is college good for? Everywhere you try to look for work, it has to be through connections. It’s not what you know but who you know. So what’s the f**king point of school? Just to spend four years of your life in some expensive institute to have the first two semesters with courses repeated from high school, then your major classes filled with nonsense papers and connect assignments, instead of actually getting hands-on experience. Jobs don’t even care about your GPA, or the courses you’ve taken. The real question is: What experience have you gained while in college? Well it’s hard to gain experience or land an internship when they are aiming for people who has had a prior internship. Make it make sense please, because I can’t.

Also college doesn’t teach students to be their own boss, instead working under someone else. Especially in my major and the career path I want to go, you land a job in some production company under hundreds of people and not really leave a mark. Can you give me the chance to show what I am capable of, not just going off a piece of paper?

Obviously there are entrepreneur majors but that should become college requirement for all schools. People shouldn't be going to school for years just to meet the requirement of someone else. College students should be wanted and not a preferred qualification.

Most people are reluctant to get a major in something they are passionate about. They want something that would be sure to land a job. All my creative-based majors can agree, most of the stuff we learn can be self-taught. Of course we need to conform to the requirement of society to feel accomplished.

This whole system is such a joke and makes me feel like I wasted my time in school. The hope is literally draining from my body, a quarantine is making me slightly go insane.

Anyways, a girl is just tired. Fingers crossed 2020 isn’t a total dub, and we can hopefully follow other countries’ footsteps for safety. Because….so far this is not it.


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    Tre DWritten by Tre D

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