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Book Review : Who Moved My cheese by Spencer Johnson

book review of who moved my cheese with sub headings

By Leo EdwanPublished about a year ago 5 min read

Book Review: Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson

Have you ever felt stuck in your life or career, unsure of what direction to take? If so, Who Moved My Cheese by Spencer Johnson is a must-read. This short yet powerful book provides valuable insights on how to deal with change and navigate life's challenges.


In this article, we will dive deep into the key themes and concepts presented in Who Moved My Cheese. We will explore the characters and plot, as well as the lessons that can be learned from this book. By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the book's message and be inspired to apply its teachings to your own life.

About the Author

Spencer Johnson, the author of Who Moved My Cheese, was an American physician and author. He is best known for his books on business management and self-help, including The One Minute Manager and The Present. Johnson's writing style is simple yet impactful, making his books accessible to readers of all ages and backgrounds.

Summary of Who Moved My Cheese

Who Moved My Cheese tells the story of four characters who live in a maze and rely on cheese as their source of happiness and sustenance. The two mice, Sniff and Scurry, are always on the lookout for new sources of cheese and adapt quickly to change. The two little people, Hem and Haw, are hesitant to embrace change and are complacent in their current situation.

One day, the cheese in the main storage area disappears, forcing the characters to search for new sources of cheese. While Sniff and Scurry quickly adapt and find new cheese, Hem and Haw struggle to accept the change and remain stuck in the maze. Eventually, Haw learns to let go of his fear and embrace change, leading him to new sources of cheese and a more fulfilling life.

Key Themes and Lessons

Change is Inevitable

The central message of Who Moved My Cheese is that change is inevitable and must be embraced. Whether it's in our personal or professional lives, change is a constant and we must learn to adapt in order to thrive. The characters who resist change, like Hem, become stuck and unhappy, while those who embrace change, like Haw, find new opportunities and happiness.

Fear Holds Us Back

Fear is one of the biggest obstacles to embracing change. The characters in Who Moved My Cheese are initially afraid of the unknown and the possibility of not finding new cheese. However, Haw learns that fear is just a product of his own imagination and that the unknown can hold great opportunities.

Attitude Determines Success

Attitude is a key factor in how we respond to change. Those with a positive attitude, like Sniff and Scurry, are able to adapt and thrive in new situations. Those with a negative attitude, like Hem, become stuck and unhappy. By choosing to have a positive attitude and embrace change, we can set ourselves up for success.

Take Action

Finally, Who Moved My Cheese teaches us that we must take action to achieve our goals. Simply waiting for things to happen will not lead to success. We must be proactive and take risks in order to achieve our desired outcome.

Analysis of Who Moved My Cheese

Who Moved My Cheese may be a short and simple book, but it is packed with valuable lessons and insights. By using the metaphor of cheese to represent happiness and success, Johnson is able to convey complex ideas in a way that is easy to understand and relatable.

The characters in the book are also relatable and represent different attitudes towards change. Hem and Haw represent those who resist change and become stuck in their ways, while Sniff and Scurry represent those who embrace change and take action to find new opportunities.

One criticism of the book is that it oversimplifies the challenges of dealing with change. While the characters in the book are able to quickly adapt to their changing environment, real-life situations are often more complex and difficult to navigate. However, the book's message of embracing change and taking action is still relevant and valuable.

Overall, Who Moved My Cheese is a quick and enjoyable read that provides valuable insights on dealing with change. It is a book that can be read and appreciated by people of all ages and backgrounds. If you are feeling stuck in your life or career, this book may be just what you need to inspire you to embrace change and take action towards your goals.


In conclusion, Who Moved My Cheese is a powerful and inspiring book that teaches us valuable lessons on how to deal with change and navigate life's challenges. By embracing change, letting go of fear, having a positive attitude, and taking action, we can achieve success and happiness in all aspects of our lives.


Is Who Moved My Cheese a true story?

No, Who Moved My Cheese is a work of fiction. However, the book's message and lessons are based on real-life experiences and are applicable to anyone dealing with change.

How long does it take to read Who Moved My Cheese?

The book is short and can be read in about an hour. However, it is recommended to take the time to reflect on the book's message and how it can be applied to your own life.

Is Who Moved My Cheese only for business professionals?

No, the book's message is applicable to anyone dealing with change in their personal or professional lives. It is a book that can be appreciated by people of all ages and backgrounds.

Are there any other books by Spencer Johnson?

Yes, Spencer Johnson has written several other books on business management and self-help, including The One Minute Manager and The Present.

How can I apply the lessons from Who Moved My Cheese to my life?

By embracing change, letting go of fear, having a positive attitude, and taking action towards your goals, you can apply the lessons from Who Moved My Cheese to your own life and achieve success and happiness.

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About the Creator

Leo Edwan

Hey I'm Leo Edwan.I'm a versatile and experienced content writer with a passion for creating engaging and informative content across a wide range of industries.

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