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Be careful with dating

by sulayman Kone

By Sulayman KonePublished 11 months ago 23 min read

the information that you're about to

hear have saved my life on numerous

occasions I'm going to discuss certain

red flags in women that you may not have

heard of before while some of them may

not appear significant personally if I

see this red flag in a girl I promptly

begin preparing to end the relationship

and I suggest you do the same suppose

you meet a girl and have your first

intimate encounter with her afterwards

she stands up and casually walks around

naked in front of you without any sign

of embarrassment or shame when I was

five years old I recall my mother

bathing me I also remember feeling

ashamed of being naked at such a young

age I asked my mom and dad to teach me

how to Bath on my own even children at

the age of 5 or 6 begin feeling a sense

of embarrassment when exposed in front

of others they instinctively start

covering certain parts of their bodies

now consider implications of a girl who

shows no embarrassment while walking

around naked in front of you in front of

a new man with whom she just has her

first intimate encounter it suggests

that she has likely been in this

Situation's countless time before to the

extent that she no longer experiences a

sense of Shame recently I created a

video discussing women with a

narcissistic personality disorder in

short those individuals are psychopath

who drive pleasure from emotionally

abusing and tormenting their Partners if

you delve into the comments section of

that video you will witness the stories

shared by others who have endured years

upon years of betrayal and abuse at the

hands of narcissists narcissists possess

manipulative skills that lure you into

loving them through mind games and I

feel a victim of that mind games too

when I first dated a narcissist I wasn't

aware or I'm dating narcissist however

when I had my first intimate experience

with her that's what I noticed that

something is off about this person

because after the action she casually

stood up and went to the kitchen

complete naked and started cooking the

food completely naked in front of me

that was the moment when I emotionally

disattached from that person and that's

why I didn't fail a victim of

narcissistic abuse I ended that

relationship by the second week when she

started trying to manipulate me

essentially I outplayed The Narcissist

by triggering the narcissistic trauma

when I dumped that girl so basically I

outplayed The Narcissist in their own

mind games and the reason why I

successfully did it because I recognized

this red flag and I took the necessary

action despite my emotions I went

against my emotions that what makes you

a strong man because strong man always

does what he's supposed to do and not

what he wants those individuals who

shared their stories in the comments

they didn't stand up against their

emotions consequently they endured and

experienced years of torment and abuse

do I feel remorse for them no they got

what they deserve you guys all want to

be a strong man well the difference

between strong and a weak man is not a

physical strength most of you probably

can kick my butt any time of the week

but what really makes you a strong man

when you can do hard decisions against

your feelings against your emotions

without having any pity for yourself and

that's what I did I recognized the red

flag and I took appropriate action I was

sad for three days but looking back at

that situation I'm proud of myself and

every time you act against yourself it

builds your character you become

stronger and stronger and stronger and

stronger to the point where you become

very confident very self-respected guy

again watching videos on how to become a

mentally strong man will not help until

you start making actions against

yourself without having pitch for

yourself you do what you're supposed to

do not what you want now let me explain

the logic behind red flags every person

has internal barriers like his science

when he internally knows what's right

and what's wrong even at a young age

children have an innate concern that

guides them on what they can and can't

do I remember when I was four or five

years old I was going to the

kindergarten and one time I stole a

little toy plane from a friend of mine

in a kindergarten when I came home I

couldn't sleep I didn't tell my parents

that I stole a toy I just couldn't sleep

at the age of five years old I realized

what I did is wrong and next day I

returned this plane to my friend well I

made it look like oh I found it look at

the age of five years old my concerns

told me that stealing is bad when a

person crosses those internal barriers

and acts in direct conflict with his

concise it can lead to a profound

transformation of that person for

instance engaging into acts such as

taking someone's life being involved in

a robbery or have an intimate encounter

against with the same against your

religion or beliefs will have a lasting

impact of their Essence and this human

will never be the same it will not be

the same person anymore so when it comes

to women if they have crossed certain

personal boundaries in pursuit of quick

pleasure they are always be likely to be

inclined to cheating applying this logic

in other words like to consider is if a

girl has experimented with drugs I

remember when I first tried smoking weed

oh my God I was so scared I was so

afraid I was afraid I'm gonna get

addicted to this I was afraid I'm gonna

get caught by the police despite those

fears despite those internal boundaries

I still proceeded to try it I distinctly

remember overcoming my internal barriers

however the female psychology is much

much much weaker than men's endurance

for women overcoming those internal

barriers is much more challenging

another example one time on the party I

was offered to try cocaine and I

remember how I immediately got scared

and feared of what if I become addicted

to that what if police is going to barge

into this party like I have so much fear

in my head and this time I refused to

try it I didn't go against my internal

barriers if a girl has experienced with

substances such as cocaine or ecstasy it

suggests that she has already broke her

internal barriers for a quick sense of

pleasure breaking these barriers may not

be a significant task for her anymore

therefore when an opportunity to cheat

arises she won't have problems to break

those boundaries again and she's gonna

treat it as an exciting adventure and

she will be more likely more Brave to

broke those boundaries with the knees

many times I test girls like that I

would build a good report with them I

would ask them if they have ever tried

heavier drugs and I eat girls

unknowingly often reveal the truth

without realizing that at that moment I

have already began planning to exit from

that relationship when I see red flags

in a girl to be honest I don't end

relationship right away because every

relationship that you enter it provides

you enormous amount of experience

enormous amount of practice with women

but what I'm advocating for

instead of ending the relationship just

try to emotion emotionally detach from a

girl and when you see when the problems

arises when conflicts will come

you will be able to practice to make

hard decisions against your feelings

against your emotions which consequently

will make you a an emotionless strong

man so don't when you see red flags

don't end relationship right away but

rather get practice with woman and get

practice to end the relationship when

it's necessary to be ended the reason

why I got so much experience with women

at such a young age because of that

technique I never ended the relation I I

would continue the relationship until

the first problem arises now another red

flag if we continue untie this knot

women who have ever experienced or in

been indulged in extreme sport

activities extreme sports such as

parachute jumping bungee jumping or even

writing on a motorcycle huge red flag

let's consider the underlying motivation

to parachute jumping for example people

pursue you to experience the intent is

thrill of Free Falling as I mentioned

before women's mental psychology is much

much weaker than men's women have much

more fears and phobias compared to men

considering the strong barriers that

women inherently possess when it comes

to saving life it's intriguing that some

girls willingly go to put their life in

danger just to feel a sense of two

minute free-flowing I'm a man and when

someone asks me hey George would you

like to skydive no thanks this two

minute of euphoria does not worth the

risk of putting my life in danger and I

noticed a lot of people who especially

who like those skydiving parachute stuff

and riding motorcycles will say well

it's safe it's super safe but it's so

many things can go wrong like maybe an

eagle will crash into your parachute

maybe you're gonna land on the power

lines maybe you're gonna crash into the

car maybe you're going to crash into the

mountains upon Landing I'm about to show

you a picture of a guy

he was interviewed by some of the

YouTubers and he filmed for some videos

for Dan Bilzerian and his goal in this

life was to make every person on the

planet to jump from a parachute because

he said he it's a such an amazing

feeling of euphoria and he was

advocating that jumping from with the

parachute is super safe no way he is

right now that's right six feet under

the ground so this parachute jumping

bunny jumping motorcycle Rising it's all

huge red flag in the girl motorcycle

writing the same stuff you might think

well what's wrong with motorcycle

driving again guys have you ever tried

to scare prank your girlfriend or have

you seen videos on YouTube where

pranksters try to scare girls watch how

girls react they usually react like ah


it's natural for women to be scared for

their life and imagine when a girl

breaks those boundaries of extreme

sports and even motorcycle riding

because one time I drove a motorcycle

with my brother oh my God this was the

most scariest experience I ever had well

he started driving so fast we almost got

under the truck and all those biker

girls and bands of motorcycles Rising

they usually Drive really fast between

the cars because they enjoy this feeling

the wind the feeling of speed and when

girls being naturally scared for the air

for their life when she experienced

those emotions if you're gonna get in

that relationship with her she will

constantly be looking for drama for

conflicts because she will be an

adrenaline and emotion janky and when it

comes to infidelity the same thing she

won't be afraid to take risks just to

have a 10 minute pleasure with another

partner again from my own experience the

amount of biker girls that I hooked up

with is probably over 10 by now because

I was actually when I was living my dark

life when I didn't find God yet I was

specifically targeting biker girls

because I knew this feature about their

brain and I'm telling you they usually

hot and they're the easiest to hook up

with and even that girl the narcissus

girl she was a biker too she had this

Ducati bike and that also raised the red

flag for me when I emotionally detached

from her now there is a channel called

how to Beast so this guy has so many

videos that he films with his wife how

to spot red flags in a girl yet he

doesn't see that his wife is a walking

red flag if we go to her Instagram and

scroll all the way down we can see her

parachute jumping and bungee jumping

just from these two photos I can tell

that she is not relationship material

now another very important red flag is

when a girl

uh dresses up too openly once she wears

short shorts when she wears short skirts

she does everything to get attention and

validation from other men what I find

funny about men when men confront their

girls while you're dressing up so openly

girls who usually would reply oh this is

my feminine thing like I don't know why

you're so controlling they make it look

like that girls don't know what they're

doing and the funny thing is that most

men believe their lies girls do that on

purpose they know exactly what they're

doing they're trying to get attention

and validation and the problem with that

if you try to build a family with a girl

like that she will never trade that

attention and validation for her man

because again it's the same concept

she's an adrenaline janky she becomes

attention janky and she will always

provoke other men trying to seduce them

when girls wear this open t-shirts with

open cleavage they're doing it on

purpose and what fun thing is all men

fall for their lives when they say oh

I'm just trying I'm just being feminine

I don't know what's the problem I'm just

this is who I am I'm just trying to get

my female energy come on you're gonna

make a huge mistake if you think you're

gonna get into relationship with a girl

like that build a family with her and

thinking that you're gonna change her

you will never change a girl like that

look I'm super experienced with women

I'm super experienced with relationship

even me if I get into relationship with

a girl like that knowing all the

knowledge that I know about how to

manipulate women I realize that there is

no way I I can change a girl like that

before you get into the trouble don't

get into the trouble in the first place

if you don't want to end up in a divorce

we're going to refer back to the channel

how to Beast they film videos on red

flags in a girl but they always casually

don't call the number one red flag which

is when a woman is an attention seeker

if she exposes her butt her cleavage on

social media guess what let's look at

her Instagram every photo of her is an

attention seeking photo and this is his

wife the whole world saw your wife's

butt and this door calls himself a

high-valued man the only reason why

she's with him is because they have

successful business that is tied to him

and to her the moment this guy loses his

income that will be the moment she

leaves him that's why she created her

own Instagram her own dating school

because she wants to break out from him

but can't do it yet pay close attention

when you watch their videos he always

acts like an overexcited child around

her and she's always very strict and

annoyed by him watch their body language

now if you've reached this point of the

video you might feel a bit sad because

you might want to ask me George you just

described 99 of women who are basically

Undateable and not family relationship

material how the hell I'm gonna build a

healthy family and it's true and

statistics supports my theory because

this is why we have 75 divorce rate in

America and all over the world and as

you guys know I used to run this

relationship Consulting business back in

the days and the divorce rate is

actually 99 the other 24 who are still

married officially on the paper those

couples hate each other's guts in those

relationships men stay longer at work so

that they don't have to interact with

their wives at home and wives on the

other side have all kinds of lovers

where she can get those emotions the

feeling of being loved but I have some

good news for you the one percent of

women that I mentioned earlier who would

be a good wife who would good who would

be a good mother for your future kids

they are out there and they are in

abundance and they're all single this

exceptional women want to find a man

they want to be loyal to a man they want

to have a healthy family with a man but

you guys you modern men are not

attracted to those women it's not that

those girls are ugly but every time you

interact with them you don't feel

emotions you don't feel that you fell in

love with a girl isn't it true that's

what it is again those girls okay

looking but they don't radiate those

crazy emotions that men usually have

with toxic women this is why I've been

saying on my channel that the fact that

so many girls have red flags and

promiscuous it's not a women's fault

it's what you guys crave so for example

let's say we're gonna take a go Jennifer

who comes from a good family somewhere

in Midwest she's grown up she has

Traditional Values she wants to build a

healthy family but she sees that guys

are not attracted to her because she

doesn't radiate those emotions for in

men but she's looking at her friend

Stacy who has who dresses up openly who

puts a ton of makeup on her face who has

only fans who has big Instagram

following she sees that that Stacy girl

is swimming in a pool of attention and

validation from a batch of men because

this is what men demand this is what men

crave this is what men Modern Men are

subscribed to and even a good girl

Jennifer will start thinking well let me

try to be promiscuous and dress up

openly and join my open cleavage too and

then she tries it and she sees that our

Modern Man start getting attracted to

her now and that's how basically even

good women turn into bad girls turn into

not family not relationship Material

Girls you men do that this is why back

in the days in 1950s 1960s there are so

many videos where red pillars coaches

say that all back in the days women were

great the reason why back in the days

women were great because back in the

days men acted like men when the girl is

getting divorced she's becoming banned

from the society even other women would

bash her or you divorce your husband how

dare you and now divorced woman is

praised oh she's a strong independent

woman and mother and weak Men actually

go ahead and marry those single mothers

they create demand for those promiscuous

toxic women so it's not women's fault

it's modern man's fault 100 but again I

know like especially if you're a younger

person watching me it's still not

convincing still the future looks sad

according to my logic what I'm saying

here in this video is not going to make

sense to you you will disagree with me

because you still want to have a

beautiful wife but here's my

recommendation and here's my blueprint

for everyone who is watching blueprint

for your life how to marry healthy

without getting divorced go ahead date

those women with red flags date those

toxic girls get dumped get emotionally

destroyed go through that experience

because what I am saying here right now

is not gonna make sense to you if you've

never been dumped if you've never been

with a toxic girl I'm sure this video is

gonna hit a mill over a million views

over the years why because you're gonna

go and date those girls you're gonna get

down you're gonna get emotionally

destroyed after that you're gonna come

back to that video watch this video

again and then you're gonna be like oh I

think this George is making sense now

and only after that experience you'll be

able to appreciate a good woman who is

not toxic who is not drama queen who is

not an attention seeker as of right now

what I'm saying here if you've never

been in a toxic relationship I'm telling


um this video is not going to make sense

to you now I would like to show you a

fragment of the interview of Muhammad

Ali watch this video and realize why he

was so great and what you're gonna find

there you're gonna find him saying

exactly the same thing I'm telling you

here because that's the only right way

to go about marriage so at the end of

the video I will attach the interviewer

now I have another good news maybe not

so good news guys I tried everything

possible to avoid

um offering some kind of services on

this channel because I was hoping that I

would be able to make enough money from

views on YouTube so I don't have to sell

online courses or any other online

products but I connected my monetization

and I'm making only like 30 bucks a day

which is nothing there is no way I can

survive with this money and now I have

two people helping me to grow this


and I have to pay the money so in order

for me to me for me to make this channel

profitable I started offering one-on-one


so if you guys want me to answer certain

questions that I will answer anyway

you're just gonna take me maybe a year

or two to answer them for free here on

this channel if you guys don't want to

wait if you have certain topics that you

want to discuss

hit me up in the email and we can

schedule a one-on-one consultation again

I I apologize for that but at this point

it's just impossible for me uh to not

offer some kind of online services but

in return uh I will be able to make more

than one video a week so the video

should be start coming in more often

alright watch the interview with

Muhammad Ali and let me know what you

think in the comments not

Scurry up to here

to here kind of freaks and and no good

people on the street while I want my

wife she came then over because the pan

is show if the wind blow it shows behind

cows and animals and news human beings

don't walk I know Savages walking over

to bahanzo and my wife's behind me for

every man to look at you understand so

it makes a lot of sense so how can I

protect my woman if I'm walking down she

she's half naked some sadders run up and

grab her hell I shouldn't have put out

there if I got merchandise I want to

sell I put them and put them in the

window for you to see so if I want my

wife if I don't want anybody to see my

wife what's private what's mine

everybody looking at them it was me

what's wrong with it how can you have a

wife or somebody you love anything God

made precious he Nature has it you

cannot find diamonds easy you have to

dig and dig and dig and then you gotta

work to clean them you cannot

you cannot fight listen and you did not

find Gold Everything God made valuable

he made it hard to get pearls rubies uh

and ain't my all you have to dig and

half time it don't strike everything God

created that was valuable he made it

hard to get to ain't my woman more

important than some diamonds and some

smaller some gold when she's The

Fearless produced my sons and daughters

why should she walk around all nude in

all of these design close her breasts

out she's on the beach wearing clothes

that show more than her panties when she

go to bed

that's right people don't just might as

well come out with a Brazil and her

panties she'd be more covered up than

she do in the European style with just

something covering up on her nipple and

just a little low g string over and

she's walking out on the beach naked

he's a Savages I'm gonna have my

daughter my wife or my woman walking

around for her Amanda ooh look like I do

boy if I could get to her and said well

I want that for She's Mine what you mean

what's wrong with walking around half a

[ __ ] that don't look bad to you because

you're the European nature and the black

people are righteous and the Europeans

have made their money look I mean before

you go on there are lots of black tribes

of nudities is their dress they walk

around naked there's nothing wrong with

that either they don't look at it like

you do and I don't know enough about

them they were Savages they said

you're talking about the ones who went

out into the jungles and who started

Living the beach like life you know all

about the history of Africa and how it

started and this never the Civilized

people there too and these are the ones

we pattern I want you two people to

stand up and take a bow to show you how

women dress and how my wife

so the sister stand up who've been

converted to our move in America this is

where our women these are women right

here do that look bad to you ain't that

beautiful and that's that's the way the

black woman should look that's where she

should walk around that's where our

women look they are sisters who

converted through the Muhammad six

newspaper these are thousands and

thousands and thousands of women in

America in every city you'll see this

take place in the day you understand

they're clean they should serve God

Allah They don't serve some English

clothes designer they serve God and

they're proud of it and what's wrong

with that you asked what's wrong with

the minister what's wrong with that that

does nothing what man wouldn't want his

woman covered up he can go to work

knowing the sheen somewhere flirting

some some man chasing down the street

for a behind part what's wrong with that

there's nothing wrong with it nothing no

there's something wrong with that though

I don't think there's anything else

you're right


nature is not right to me let me let how

do you mean my name are you stage you

don't mind you're making some incredible


have you got the priority on the truth

yeah you know the truth more than I do

the truth is that you don't mind your

woman walking in heaven sure sure you

don't mind it no because well then that

means you're not righteous but look let

me let me put a point to you good

afternoon let me perform and you're a

Christian too let me put it on


I understand why then you're

non-believer I'm sorry no no I'm sorry

if you're a man believe in God then I

understand why you don't care about me I

believe in my own kindness

how to

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