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Be aware of the plants!

dangerous plants

By Ervīns StūrītisPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

You search under the sofa, but no luck. Opening the cupboard proves futile as well. Frustrated, you lie down on the floor and peek under the bed, only to find dust bunnies and no sign of your cat. Your panic intensifies as you rush outside into the backyard. To your dismay, the once vibrant and blooming space is now covered in asphalt, artificial plants, and pots. But where is your beloved feline? In a state of fear, you spot your cat playing with something on the ground. As you approach, you discover a small green sprout breaking through the asphalt. However, this seemingly harmless plant poses a significant threat to your cat. In these modern times, plants have become more dangerous than bears, crocodiles, or even sharks. Let me take you back to a time when carnivorous plants were a fascination rather than a widespread menace.

In the past, there were roughly 700 known species of carnivorous plants scattered across the globe, with the exception of Antarctica (because, well, penguins have their preferences). These plants displayed various methods to capture their prey, such as pit-shaped traps, snap traps, and sticky flypaper traps. Their modified leaves, coated in wax or adorned with colorful flowers, lured unsuspecting insects. The primary purpose was not only to feast on these tiny creatures but also to facilitate pollination. Bright and showy flowers were positioned away from the traps, ensuring that pollinators played their part in reproduction before becoming potential prey.

While most plants gained sustenance from sunlight, carnivorous plants resided in nutrient-poor soil. To compensate, they evolved to catch prey, obtaining a high-protein diet that promoted growth and survival. Some formed symbiotic relationships with bacteria to aid in prey digestion, while others developed powerful traps. One particularly treacherous type was the snap trap, epitomized by the famous Venus flytrap. Its leaves, equipped with sensitive trigger hairs, snapped shut in less than a second upon contact with an unsuspecting insect. The trapped prey was then dissolved by the plant's digestive juices, leaving only traces behind.

But alas, the era of fascination turned into a nightmare when a scientific experiment spiraled out of control, leading to what became known as the Great Carnivorous Disaster. Suddenly, all plants on Earth transformed into carnivorous beings. Grass, trees, and bushes succumbed to this transformation, forever altering the landscape. Construction projects faced new challenges, necessitating additional safety measures and advanced tools. People's diets shifted as traditional vegetables became scarce, and outdoor activities like jogging and swimming became perilous endeavors.

Flower shops shuttered their doors, for floral arrangements turned into deadly traps. The simple act of throwing the bride's bouquet at weddings became a potentially lethal endeavor. Animals suffered as well, with many species going extinct or migrating to safer areas. Deserts, surprisingly, became favored settlements due to their relative safety. Cacti, once harmless, developed the ability to detect and attack prey. The world had to adapt to this new reality, with gyms, swimming pools, and takeout restaurants gaining popularity.

In the midst of this chaos, you find yourself facing a specific plant that uses sticky tentacles to capture its prey. It wraps itself around your cat's tail, and you cautiously intervene, protecting your pet with a glove you keep handy for desperate times. You breathe a sigh of relief, knowing it's not a snap trap, which would have posed a more immediate danger.

Life continues to evolve in this carnivorous world, and people are learning to navigate the treacherous landscape. Herbicides are coveted resources, and caution is exercised at every turn. The natural order has been disrupted, but humanity's resilience prevails as it finds ways to coexist with these transformed plants. The journey continues, and only time will tell what further adaptations and challenges await.

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Ervīns Stūrītis

My mission is to educate my dear readers with true, interesting and helpful information to make their daily lives easier.

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