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What is an article? Why read articles?

By Dave HanlanPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

What is an article? An article is creative writing. Written work either about a person, place, or thing or even an idea that can be specific or general. This work may be broadcast by print or electronically for news, research, discussion, or academics. However, the simple definition for an article is a verbal form of contact from a writer to the reader. Why do we read these articles? A person reads these articles mainly for two reasons: enjoyment and improvement. What value is an article? You never know. They say knowledge is power.

Several important factors that make an article powerful and have an impact on the reader. The first factor is the three letters at the beginning of the word article, which is art. The creator is the writer who believes they have something which may be helpful to potential readers. A writer shares this information with readers because of the positive outcome or proven success. The writer knows from personal experience that the reader will benefit from this knowledge and feels confident it will manifest.

The most important part of an article is the reader. If people do not read the article, how will it succeed? Readers like things of interest, people they can relate to, a place they can connect with, or an idea that will better themselves. The article must create a thought or paint a picture within the mind of the reader as they begin to read the heart of it. Otherwise, the reader will skim through the article and browse on to something else. Therefore, the beginning of the article must capture the reader's attention fast and keep them engaged.

The title of an article is what opens the door to invite the person to read the next part. The title for a writer to a reader is equivalent to a greeter and a customer. For example, "Good day, welcome to our store," says the greeter to the customer. The customer replies, "thank you." This approach makes the customer feel appreciated and may buy things more than intended because of the greeter. The title should be strong enough to stand out and impact the entire article that the reader will remember the key points upon recollection.

The subtitle is important as the title. It indicates the message that will be following within the body of the article. The subtitle bonds the title and body together. The subtitle is like the last name of the person, and the title the first name. The reader may like the title, but subtitles will determine if they want to continue further or not. For example, if the flower is the title of the article. However, the negative effect of owning a flower is the subtitle. The reader may be a lover of flowers, and this subtitle may prompt the reader not to continue.

The article is not complete without the subject matter. This content directs the reader like the GPS of a vehicle that helps the driver reach the destination. The person that reads the content expects the body (like a road) of the article to take them somewhere they desire to go. That is what gives the reader fulfillment. This feeling is like a couple, selecting a ride of interest at the carnival or amusement park. They decide to go on a roller coaster ride together. They see the name, "The Fly High Sly Low ride." The couple anticipates a fun ride as they view the length of the roller coaster. As they reach the front to go in, the couple sees a message at the front gate. It says, "This Fly Sly makes riders cry, ha! ha!." The couple laugh at each other, buckle up in the cart, and off they go! Just like the readers with the content, smile, focus, read on the go.

The article must be similar to the reader. It must be lively and motivate the person reading it. Not everyone feels this way when going through their daily routines, but most times, they should because it will help someone else that might see you. If a reader looks at a new article and approves of the title, subtitle, and then start reading. Suddenly, the reader gets bored and turned off. No article should read like the theme song from terminator 2, "dun dun dun, dun da dun, da dun, da dun."

Articles are for everyone and are educational. People are learning every day about themselves, such as likes and dislikes, that reflect their lifestyle. We never stop learning. During the time of infancy, school, careers, until now, we continue to read into things. We read into our relationships, our interests, and our environment. After all, we are what we read. Maybe, this is why reading articles will aid our direction in life.

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