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Are you master or slave to MONEY

money manipulation

By kinson chowPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
Are you master or slave to MONEY
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Let's talk about money. In life, are we really the masters of money, or have we become slaves to it? Money is a powerful word that often brings up feelings of desire and temptation. Even those who claim to have no interests or hobbies in life will admit to loving money. This is because money has become a universally recognized commodity.

The concept of money has come a long way. Originally, it was just a piece of metal or a coin. Later on, it evolved into a piece of paper, and now it is merely a string of cold, hard numbers stored in our phones or bank accounts. We work hard and strive to earn more money, but it's not just to accumulate a pile of cold, hard cash. The purpose of making money is to improve our lives.

There is a fable that tells the story of a farmer who saved the life of a wealthy landlord. In gratitude, the landlord told the farmer that every inch of land he could run to before sunset would be his. The farmer began to sprint as fast as he could and acquired more land than he could ever use in a lifetime. However, he was not satisfied, and he continued to run. Eventually, the landlord found the farmer's dead body lying in the field. While this story is fictional, many people still make the same mistake in real life. They work tirelessly, cutting corners in their daily lives, scrimping and saving, and sacrificing their health and relationships to acquire more and more money. In the end, they end up giving everything they've worked so hard for to hospitals and healthcare providers.

We should never become slaves to money. Instead, we should use it as a tool to achieve our dreams and desires. In reality, some people have become masters of their money, viewing it solely as a tool to help them pursue their dreams. They don't work for money, and they don't let it dictate their lives. Instead, they make their own decisions and do what they want. Unfortunately, most people have become slaves to money. They give up their health, time, family, and dignity in the pursuit of wealth. Eventually, they find themselves trapped in a never-ending cycle of work and financial struggle.

It's not easy to change our attitudes towards money, especially in a society where money plays such an important role. However, it's important to understand that there are ways to use money to our advantage. First and foremost, we must view money as a means to achieve our dreams, not as the end goal. Secondly, we should live within our means and avoid getting into debt. Thirdly, we should focus on long-term financial planning and not just short-term gains. Fourthly, we should invest in ourselves and our education, and lastly, we should practice gratitude and avoid comparing ourselves to others.

Living within our means means not spending more than we earn. It's essential to avoid getting into debt by making smart financial decisions. We should also focus on long-term financial planning, such as saving for retirement and investing our money in stocks, bonds, and real estate. Investing in ourselves and our education can help us increase our earning potential and achieve our dreams. Finally, practicing gratitude and avoiding comparing ourselves to others can help us appreciate what we have and feel content with our lives.

In conclusion, money is an important aspect of our lives, but we should not let it rule us. Instead, we should strive to become masters of our money by using it as a tool to achieve our dreams and desires. Living within our means, focusing on long-term financial planning, investing in ourselves and our education, and practicing gratitude are all ways to help us achieve this goal. By taking control of our money and using it wisely, we can lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

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