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Add to cart: New skills!

Best Ad ever

By Anastasia SPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Add to cart: New skills!
Photo by Lewis Keegan on Unsplash

In recent months, I tend to spend more and more time on YouTube in my free time, and while watching the content on the platform, you get hit with ads. ADs everywhere! Ads embedded within the videos or sponsored ads explained to you by the Youtuber. And while you try all the tactics to avoid them - either installing Adblockers, skipping through them or simply not looking at them - we see them often enough that our curiosity gets the better of us.

By Natasha Connell on Unsplash

Unconscious Exposure

In our everyday life, we all go to work, watch TV, scroll through Instagram or any other social media platform. In our journey to consume as much NEW content as possible, we are influenced each step of the way. We see new products we never thought we would've needed. We get recommendations based on items we already purchased. The ad shows us a comparison to other brands and why we should pick their product. All of these attract us psychologically, visually and culturally. So these attractive ads affect our lives or not? The answer, as you guessed it - it's YES.

We might not realize it, or we might not want to admit it, but our brain is exposed to everything we scroll through.

By Tengyart on Unsplash

Emotional conditioning

Advertising of a product, together with marketing, does not only help us choose the product or the specific brand we want to buy, but it will also make us feel different from other brands, transferring our feelings in the process. This process is called emotional conditioning. If we hear many good reviews of a brand/service/product, we start thinking and feeling optimistic about it, maybe even considering it and trying it out. If the same brand would do something that goes against your beliefs, you would usually begin not to use the products anymore, or once finished switching to a different brand.

By Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

The Skillshare Ad - how I came across it

And this is how I came across Skillshare. It all started with a British Youtuber called Tom Harlock that usually does comedy videos on influencers, TV or trends. He is your fun, sarcastic lad that gives you a few minutes of good sarcasm and laughter, but he is not for everyone. It's one of those types of things: you like him, or you don't.

I did it. I clicked on the link, all eager to learn about this valuable ad for once. Immediately I was presented with a nicely designed website and a range of courses and workshops.

So what is Skillshare?

Skillshare is an online learning platform with a wide range of courses and classes to deepen the knowledge of your passions. You can try anything from photography, animations, leadership, business or productivity; there is a little something for everybody.

What made me click on this ad was that I could spend my money on getting a new skill. Finally, something that doesn't just get lost in my closet or doesn't get added to the infinite number of lotions and makeup I have. It intrigued me and spiked my curiosity instantly.

What made me finally buy it was that I could yet learn new skills and just for an average of around 10 dollars a month. Watch for the sponsored ads as they usually have discounts or you can try it FREE for a month!

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Was it worth the hype?

I don't have enough words to recommend spending money on your hobbies, learning new skills or personal development. So for me, it was so worth the hype. In the last few months, I have seen this ad a lot once I start being interested in taking up some courses, but I rarely went for it. So once I signed up, I was hooked. My brain wants to continue to consume content and learn new things.

Another huge advantage is that courses have different lengths so you can listen or watch on the way to work, during lunch breaks or over the weekends.

Courses I picked organized by topics of interests

Screenshot of my photography courses from my account in Skillshare

1. Photography

I enjoy photography, and it is one of those hobbies where I have all the equipment but have no clue how to use it. So I am starting at square zero. I also like that you can learn how all those fancy influencers do to create their Instagram esthetics.

Photography for Instagram: Capture and Share Your Life

Street Photography: Unlock the Secrets of Composition, Color & Confidence

Instagram-Worthy Photography: Shoot, Edit & Share with Brandon Woelfel

Outdoor Photography: See, Shoot & Share the Beauty Around You

Screenshot of my development courses from my account in Skillshare

2. Self-development

You never stop learning, and I am all about tools that can help me become more efficient with my time and life! So I have chosen two courses to help me learn a new tool and think about my career.

Productivity with Evernote: Use One Tool for Everything

Career Development: Creating an Action Plan with Design Thinking

Screenshot of my writing courses from my account in Skillshare

3. Writing

I joined Vocal through an Ad on Facebook about a year ago. How funny is that? From an Ad to a direct Add to cart. And I don't regret it once. The community I discovered here, so welcoming to beginners like me, is so amazing. I have always wanted to write down, being inspired by my mother, the person that has one of the most creative imaginations to date. But it wasn't until I wrote my first story and it got published that I knew this is a hobby I am making a priority. The joy when I got the very first few hearts, and views made my heart flutter. So I want to improve, and the only is through courses and workshops. I hope one day I will delve into fiction, but I want to understand and find my style until then.

Creative Writing: Begin with the Body

Writing For Consistency: Finding Your Creative Voice | Learn with Wattpad

By Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash

Don't miss out on the workshops.

Want more than just courses? Skillshare also provides workshops. They can last over a couple of weeks and come with a structured plan for the lessons. Each workshop also has a discussion area which I think is so lovely as you can interact with everyone else that signed up.

My advice: ADD TO CART now! You will thank me later.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this story! I would appreciate it if you leave a heart or any tip is more than welcomed.

You can also check out any of my other articles HERE!


About the Creator

Anastasia S

I always loved writing, but I never got the courage to start

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