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Add a date dimension table in Power BI

How to easily add a date dimension table in Power BI in 1 minute

By Simon HarrisonPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

What is a date dimension table?

A date dimension or calendar dimension is one of the most common tables in a reporting data model.

It contains one row per date. It also has all different date attributes and classifications that you can customise to suit your needs

A date dimension table allows you to work with dates more easily. Having a date dimension table can eliminate the need for many complex DAX expressions.

Here is an example of a date dimension table

You can see that there is one row per date, and then for each date a column with the most common values that you would associate with each date

Examples of these are Year, Month Number, Day of the week, Quarter, Month Names and so on

What benefits does a date dimension table have?

A date dimension table can save your hours of time by having all the main date attributes ready for use in a single table

After you have created a date dimension table you can set a relationship to a key date field in one of your other tables e,g, Sales data. If you relate the sales date to the date dimension you can immediately begin to analyse the sales data using any of the fields in the data dimension

Because you will be using a consistent set of date groupings you will get consistent analysis across reports if you use the same data structure

Perhaps the best benefit is that you can tailor the date dimension table for your organisation or locale, adding in your public holidays etc

Script to create a date dimension in Power BI

Creating a date dimension table in Power BI is straightforward, you can just copy this DAX code into a new table, then customize as needed.

Calendar table =


CALENDAR(DATE( 2020, 1, 1 ), DATE( 2021, 12, 31 ) ), "DateAsInteger", FORMAT ( [Date], "YYYYMMDD" ),

"Year", YEAR( [Date] ),

"Monthnumber", FORMAT ( [Date], "MM" ),

"YearMonthnumber", FORMAT ( [Date], "YYYY/MM" ),

"YearMonthShort", FORMAT ( [Date], "YYYY/mmm" ),

"MonthNameShort", FORMAT ( [Date], "mmm" ),

"MonthNameLong", FORMAT ( [Date], "mmmm" ),

"DayOfWeekNumber", WEEKDAY ( [Date] ),

"DayOfWeek", FORMAT ( [Date], "dddd" ),

"DayOfWeekShort", FORMAT ( [Date], "ddd" ),

"Quarter", "Q" & FORMAT ( [Date], "Q" ),

"YearQuarter", FORMAT ( [Date], "YYYY" ) & "/Q" & FORMAT ( [Date], "Q" ) )

How this works

The CALENDAR function above generates a list of all of the dates between the two date values entered, which you easily customise or substitute for a dynamic date range which references another dataset, we often use this with a maximum and minimum date from a fact table to make the date dimension fully dynamic


Once you have added the date dimension table you can set the relationships to it and use any of the extra date fields in your dashboards

Having the ability to set a relationship in your data model to this table can save a lot of complexity and make your report development a lot easier

Try out different options and see what works best for you.

This article was originally published in our Blog

Add a date dimension in Power BI

Thanks for reading, if you would like to see more articles and step by step guides for other business analytics use case, get in touch, let me know and I can see if we can share our knowledge with you

I have a a background in Management Accounting, holding a CIMA designation. And have worked in senior positions in large retailers for over 20 years bringing together Financial reporting with data analytics expertise

I now run a business analytics practice in the UK

Thank you


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About the Creator

Simon Harrison

I am the founder and director of Select Distinct Limited

A Chartered Management Accountant with a passion for data analytics.

With real business experience in FTSE 100 organisations, I love turning business data into actionable insights

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  • David Laws5 months ago

    Echo what a useful technique this is.

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