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5 Steps to Overcome Unemployment Depression and Get Moving

Don't let unemployment depression get the better of you! Use these 5 effective steps to overcome job stress and get your career back on track.

By HarikrishnanPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Unemployment can be a difficult and emotionally draining experience. It's common to feel overwhelmed, frustrated and even depressed during a period of unemployment. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to accept the situation and start putting together a plan to find your next job.

Acknowledge Your Feelings.

The first step to overcoming unemployment depression is to acknowledge your feelings. It’s natural to feel upset, anxious and discouraged when you don’t have job security. It’s important to acknowledge these emotions and be honest with yourself about how you are feeling. Try writing out your feelings in a journal or talking with a trusted friend or family member.

Make sure to validate your emotions, don’t try to ignore or suppress them as that can make the depression worse in the long run. Additionally, try to see this time of unemployment as an opportunity for growth. It can be a chance to reassess what you want out of life and take the steps needed to get there. Lastly, don’t forget that it isn’t a failure if you need additional help during this time. Talk therapy or medication could be enormously beneficial if needed.

Reach out to family and friends. Sharing your struggles with people you trust can help take some of the burden off you. They might be able to offer advice or a fresh perspective on the situation. On top of that, staying connected with them will reinforce the idea that you are not alone and there will always be people in your life to support you. Make it a point to check in with someone every day or week, even if it is just a short phone call or text as small acts of connection can make a huge difference in feeling supported.

Find New Ways To Occupy Your Time.

Finding new ways to occupy your time can help prevent you from feeling bored and unmotivated. Take up a new hobby that you’ve always wanted to try, like painting or playing an instrument. This can give you a sense of structure and accomplishment, as well as providing an outlet for your creativity. Also look for volunteer opportunities in your area! Volunteering is a great way to give back to the community, learn new skills, and make valuable connections.

You can also explore different job options, even if you’re not sure about them. Thinking about new kinds of professional opportunities can help take your mind off the depression of unemployment. Many job-seekers benefit from pursuing projects in their chosen field in order to stay engaged with their work. Consider starting a blog or website focused on your skillset, doing freelance writing, or taking on temporary contract jobs. This will make you feel more productive and connected to the workforce, which can make unemployment much easier to cope with.

Remind Yourself of the Positive Things In Life.

Take the time to recognize and appreciate all the good in your life. When you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, focus on the happy memories, positive moments, or successes that make you feel proud. By doing this, you can give yourself an uplifting boost of motivation. You can also write down a list of activities that bring you joy and do at least one of these activities every day as a way of reminding yourself that there is still beauty and goodness in life even during difficult times.

Additionally, you can make a list of all the qualities, experiences, and achievements that make you unique. Remember to include even the biggest accomplishments like graduating college or passing a test because these successes will remind you of your strength and potential. Being able to recall these experiences in times of doubt and struggle can provide reassurance that better days are ahead. Allowing yourself to recognize your individual achievements is an empowering way to keep hope alive during periods of change and adversity.

It can be tough to stay hopeful, especially if you’ve been unemployed for a long time, but reminding yourself of all the good things in life will help. When you start to slip into a negative thought pattern, think about all the friendships you have made and kindness that has been shown to you. Appreciate moments like talking to a loved one on the phone or enjoying your favorite cup of tea as these tiny moments can add up over time and make a huge difference to your state of mind. Focusing on the present and appreciating even the smaller aspects of life helps promote perspective and gratitude which are vital components of managing depression.

Connect With Friends and Family.

Unemployed people often feel socially isolated and disconnected from their loved ones, which can further add to feelings of depression. Make an effort to reach out and connect with your friends and family. Maybe you can have a virtual coffee or Zoom chat with your closest pals, or call up an old friend for a friendly phone chat. Even if nothing significant is discussed, talking can be therapeutic in its own way and help to reduce feelings of loneliness and anxiety.

Talking about your feelings of unemployment depression with friends and family can also be freeing and provide a sense of emotional release. Plus, as you open up and share what you’re going through, you may receive helpful support or advice from other people who understand. Your friends and family may also be able to offer ideas for getting out of the funk, which can be a great help in achieving relief from depression.


Experiencing unemployment can be a challenging and emotional time, but it's important to remember that it's a temporary situation and that there are steps you can take to overcome unemployment depression and move forward. By following the five steps outlined in this guide, you can take control of your mindset, focus on your strengths and goals, and develop an action plan to find new opportunities. Remember to take care of your physical and mental health, seek support from your loved ones, and stay persistent in your job search. With the right mindset and a commitment to taking action, you can overcome unemployment depression and come out on the other side with a new sense of purpose and direction. Maintain your forward motion and never give up on your goals!

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