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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a YouTube Channel

Follow these steps to help get millions of views on Youtube

By Saeed SalimPublished 11 months ago 6 min read
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a YouTube Channel
Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash


Are you an aspiring youtuber looking to start your own YouTube channel? You're in luck! There are a lot of resources out there that will help you get started, but it's important to know what mistakes to avoid in order to make sure you get off on the right foot. In this blog post, we'll discuss 5 of the biggest mistakes new youtubers make when setting up their channel and provide some helpful tips on how to avoid them. So, let's dive in and get started!

1) Not Planning Ahead

Starting a YouTube channel can be exciting, but it's important to plan ahead. One mistake that many beginner YouTubers make is diving into the platform without a clear vision of what they want to accomplish. Before starting a channel, take the time to set some goals and define your niche.

Think about what kind of content you want to create and what your target audience is. Consider researching popular topics and trends to get ideas for your channel. It's also a good idea to create a content calendar to keep yourself organized and on track.

Not planning ahead can lead to a lack of direction, which can be confusing for your viewers. It's important to have a clear message and purpose for your channel to keep your audience engaged. By taking the time to plan ahead, you'll have a much stronger foundation for your channel, and you'll be better equipped to create successful content.

2) Not Focusing on Quality

When you're first starting a YouTube channel, it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement and want to post videos as quickly as possible. However, one major mistake that many new YouTubers make is not focusing on quality.

Your viewers are looking for videos that are both entertaining and informative, so it's important to take the time to create high-quality content that they will enjoy. This means investing in good equipment and editing software, as well as putting effort into scripting, filming, and editing your videos.

Additionally, it's important to pay attention to small details like lighting and sound quality. Poor lighting or audio can distract from your content and make it difficult for your viewers to engage with your videos.

When it comes to quality, it's important to remember that it's not just about the technical aspects of your videos. Your content should also be well thought out and structured, with a clear message or story that your viewers can follow. Taking the time to plan out your content ahead of time can help you create more engaging and high-quality videos.

Remember, your viewers are your biggest asset on YouTube, so it's important to focus on creating content that they will enjoy and come back for. By putting effort into the quality of your videos, you can set yourself up for success and build a loyal following on the platform.

3) Not Being Consistent

One of the biggest mistakes that new YouTubers make is not being consistent. Consistency is key to building a successful channel, and without it, you'll have a hard time growing your audience.

When you start a YouTube channel, you need to commit to a consistent upload schedule. Whether you decide to upload once a week or once a day, make sure that you stick to your schedule. This will help your viewers know when to expect new content from you, and it will help you build a loyal audience.

In addition to having a consistent upload schedule, you also need to be consistent in the quality of your content. Don't rush to upload videos just to meet your schedule. Take the time to create quality content that your viewers will love. If you're not proud of your videos, don't upload them.

Consistency also means being consistent in your branding. Make sure that your channel's logo, intro, and overall style are consistent across all of your videos. This will help your viewers recognize your content and build your brand.

Lastly, consistency is important when it comes to interacting with your audience. Make sure that you respond to comments and messages in a timely manner. This will show your viewers that you care about them and value their feedback.

4) Not Engaging with the Community

One of the biggest mistakes new YouTubers make is not engaging with their community. Your viewers are your biggest asset, and building a strong connection with them is crucial to your success. It's not just about posting videos and waiting for views, likes, and subscribers to roll in. You need to actively participate in your community, whether it's responding to comments, asking for feedback, or hosting Q&A sessions.

Here are some ways to engage with your community on YouTube:

1. Respond to comments: When viewers leave comments on your videos, make sure to reply to as many as possible. It's a great way to build a relationship with your viewers and show that you appreciate their support. Even if someone leaves a negative comment, respond politely and respectfully.

2. Host Q&A sessions: Q&A sessions are a great way to engage with your community and get to know your viewers better. You can either answer questions in the comments section or create a separate video where you answer the most popular questions.

3. Collaborate with other YouTubers: Collaborating with other YouTubers is a great way to reach a new audience and build relationships in the community. Find YouTubers who have a similar niche or audience and reach out to them to see if they're interested in collaborating.

4. Attend events and meetups: Attending events and meetups is a great way to meet other YouTubers and connect with your community in person. Look for events in your area or attend industry conferences to network with other creators and learn more about the industry.

5) Not Promoting Your Videos

Starting a YouTube channel is not just about creating videos. It’s also about getting them out there so that people can see them. If you don’t promote your videos, nobody will know that they exist, and you won’t be able to grow your channel.

One common mistake that beginner YouTubers make is not promoting their videos enough. They may post their videos on YouTube and then sit back, waiting for the views to come in. But that’s not enough.

To get more views and subscribers, you need to actively promote your videos. There are a few things that you can do to get your videos seen by more people .

First, make sure that you share your videos on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. These platforms have a massive reach and can help you get more views and subscribers.

Second, consider collaborating with other YouTubers in your niche. When you collaborate with someone, you can tap into their audience and get your videos seen by people who might not have discovered your channel otherwise.

Third, make sure that you optimize your videos for search engines. This means using relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. When you optimize your videos, you increase the chances that they will appear in search results when people search for related topics.

Finally, engage with your audience. When people leave comments on your videos, make sure that you respond to them. This shows your audience that you care about them and are willing to interact with them.

If you want the key to getting monetized and earning money on Youtube click here!

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About the Creator

Saeed Salim

An aspiring writer trying to share a bit of my knowledge with the world!

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