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22 Riddles That Will Polish Your Mind To Shine

Thank me later

By Bashir NdawulaPublished about a year ago 6 min read
22 Riddles That Will Polish Your Mind To Shine
Photo by Justus Menke on Unsplash

Edward and Stan are best friends Edward

lives with his wife Leah and Stan lives

alone Can you spot Stan's house

there's a love note on the fridge in the

right kitchen therefore Stan lives in

the left one

Edward is furious because Leah cleaned

his home office without permission Can

you spot five changes

thank you

here they are

a lot of neighbors gather for Edward's

garage sale one of them is a robot can

you guess who

this gentleman

Stan is visiting a food court and finds

two similar bakeries Can you spot five

differences between them

what about these burger places can you

find 10 differences

here they are

Can you spot a mistake in this menu

tuna isn't an ice cream

what about this coffee menu any mistakes

Free Toppings have a price

Stan Works in an agency that holds super

secret investigations they're looking

for people with superpowers all over the


one day an anonymous user broke into

their corporate system where all the

data was stored Stan finds three

suspects who are capable of such crimes

and interrogates them he asked only one


what did you manage to find out when you

stole the data Billy says I haven't done

this kind of crime for 15 years I don't

want to go back to prison

Anna says I was going to steal your data

but I changed my mind you didn't have

any valuable information nobody will

believe in superheroes and Liam replies

bruh if I committed such a crime I would

have covered all traces

who's lying

Anna she couldn't have learned the

secret information without breaking into

their system

Stan is visiting a fashion show he

received a clue that one of these models

can be a robot can you guess who

thank you

the second lady she has a USB outlet on

her neck

the robot model Nina is very famous and

nobody knows that she's not human Stan

invites her to his office Nina confesses

I arrived from another planet to study

human behavior unfortunately someone

recorded their secret interrogation and

posted it online only four people were

in the office at that moment

Stan questions them Ryan the cleaner

says I was vacuuming the fifth floor and

couldn't hear anything

Mia the manager says I'm a huge fan of

Nina even though she's not a human I

would never set her up like that

and the guard Billy says I didn't hear

your conversation I was watching a

football match in my headphones

who's lying

Ryan their office is a four-story


Nina invites Stan over for dinner she

lives in a big circular house with a

maid a butler and a gardener Nina goes

to her room to change suddenly Stan

hears her scream and runs to her

oh no someone broke into my safe and

stole my diamond necklace Stan

interrogates the staff the butler says

he was organizing the library the maid

says that she was dusting the corners

and the gardener says she was watering

the Roses who is lying

the maid she was dusting the corners but

Nina lives in a circular house so there

are no corners

Stan invites Nina to a fancy restaurant

to refute rumors that she's a robot Can

you spot any mistakes in this men.

they confuse pomegranate with meat Stan

leaves the table to wash his hands and

returns in two minutes can you spot five


here they are

Nina slips and falls on the floor now

she needs to replace a broken fragment

in her body as soon as possible

Stan takes her to a secret lap they need

to enter a three-digit code to open the

door he starts looking for Clues and

notices some tips written on the wall

but the last digit is erased can you

help them crack the password


the digits indicate the points of

intersections of the lines so the last

digit is four

they open the door and enter a spacious

hallway a note on the wall says lab is

behind the purple door

can you help the guys find the purple


thank you

the first door is wooded but it has an

inscription and an arrow indicating that

the purple door is on the right the

second door is painted blue and red so

it doesn't fit let's take a closer look

at the third door

there is purple color under the layer of

yellow paint so the guys choose this


Nina throws a party at her house and

invites Stan he receives an anonymous

message there's a werewolf among the

guests can you find this person

the first lady is wearing very long

nails and the second guy has a heavy

beard but it doesn't prove anything but

let's take a look at the third lady

she's trying to hide her shiny yellow

wolf eyes under her fancy sunglasses

in the kitchen Stan meets Three Chefs

preparing delicious meals one of them is

a criminal can you guess who

the third lady she's adding glass

fragments to the food

Stan calls the police and they arrest

the third Chef she confesses that one of

the guests John bribed her

he asked her to put glass in Stan's

plate but there are three Johns at the

party the officer asks one of them just

one question

how do you know Stan

John 1 says I'm a billionaire and I

don't do interrogations without my


John 2 says I came here to see Nina

because she's my crush I've never seen

Stan before

and John 3 says Stan and I went to the

same College I haven't seen him for many

years but today we met by chance

who's lying

John 1 he's wearing a fake Gucci sweater

it's unlikely that he's a billionaire

the next day Stan wakes up in a Dusty

basement a creepy voice says that Stan

can pass through one of these three


behind the first door there's a tank

with crocodile

jungles full of wild animals are hiding

behind the second door and there's a

giant blue whale behind the third door

it can easily swallow an adult human

which door is more or less safe

Stan should pick the third door whales

can't survive without water therefore

it's not a threat

Stan returns to his office and finds out

that someone has stolen the most

expensive superhero costume from the lab

only three people knew about this

artifact and had a key Mia Billy and


Stan questions everyone Mia says I was

feeling sick yesterday so I went home

Billy says I locked the office at 10 pm

and carried my key with me

and Rose says I carried out technical

testing of the suit in the afternoon

after that I locked it up and left

who stole the costumes

Mia she's wearing a superhero costume

under her clothes

Stan offers Mia a deal if I write your

exact weight on a piece of paper you'll

give the costume back

Mia agrees and gives Stan a piece of

paper and a pen in a minute she returns

the costume how did Stan do it

Stan literally did what he said he wrote

the phrase your exact weight on the


Stan needs to find new investors for his

agency that's why he's meeting three

people and each offers Stan a deal

Mallory says I used to have unique

superpowers when I was little but I

didn't develop them now I'm old and Rich

and I want to invest in your lab to help

people like me cherry says my parents

left me billions of dollars I want to

invest in Progressive projects and

Alfred says look I can help you develop

your agency but I want to have a

controlling stake and hire my own staff

one of them is a liar can you guess who

take a closer look at Mallory's hand

she's a robot therefore her story is a

lie because robots don't age that's it

for today so hey if you pacified your

curiosity then give the video a like and

share it with your friends or if you

want more just click on these videos and

stay on the bright side

how to

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