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By evidencePublished 11 months ago 9 min read
Photo by Mubariz Mehdizadeh on Unsplash

15 ways to instantly look more


do you want to know how to instantly

look more attractive

you don't have to be born with good

genes or spend a fortune on beauty

products and treatments

there are simple things you can do every

day that will make you look and feel

more attractive

this video is going to show you the best

15 ways to look your best without

spending too much time or money

if you watch this video to the end and

apply these 15 simple tips you will be

surprised to see how much people will

start admiring you more

you will feel much more confident and

attractive than ever before

so learn these tips and make everyone

attracted to you

welcome to a new video from the social

psychology masters youtube channel

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social psychology videos let's start

number one relax your face

we all know that an attractive face

should be relaxed calm and collected

when you're tense your jaw tightens up

and can accentuate lines

so before going out or meeting people it

is important to relax your facial

muscles into a gentle smile for around

one minute

this will get oxygen flowing through the

bloodstream for clear thinking studies

have shown that relaxed people have a

significant advantage over those who are


when you give your face a break from

tension it can help reduce dark circles

and puffiness in the eyes and this will

make you instantly more

attractive number two smile a lot

this one is self-explanatory

when you smile it makes you look and

feel more attractive and people will be

attracted to you like a magnet

there's tons of signs behind it

when you smile your brain releases

dopamine a chemical that makes you feel

happy and serotonin

a chemical that helps reduce stress

so when you smile your body is sending

signals to itself about how to act

it will make people like you more

because it will instantly boost your

attractiveness level

number three

fake confidence to hide insecurity

for a lot of people insecurity is the

number one reason they feel

unattractive when you are insecure it

shows on your face and people will be

less attracted to you

so if you want to look more attractive

instantly learn how to fake confidence

so that no one can tell how insecure you

are deep inside

for this strategy to work you have to

act like you are the most confident man

or woman on earth

this is very important because it will

trick people into thinking that you are

just an incredible person with endless


and most importantly faking confidence

will train your mind and body to become


so with time you will become much more


number four

make yourself look taller

did you know that tall people are

considered more attractive by everyone

and not only that they are seen as more

successful and intelligent

so there is a good reason why you should

try to make yourself look taller

and the easiest way to do this is to

isolate your spine from your legs by

pulling your shoulders up high while

standing tall this will instantly add

two to three inches to your height

so learn this simple trick to make

yourself look taller

and if you need more height try wearing

high heeled shoes

number five

wear the color red

it is scientifically proven that women

wearing red are twice as attractive to

men than women not wearing red

this doesn't mean that you have to wear

red all the time but once in a while it

can be very attractive

if you want to look and feel more

attractive try wearing red every now and

then and notice how people will start

reacting to you differently than before

not only for women although it's less

common for men to wear red but when they

do it will attract a lot of attention

and admiration

number six

listen more than you speak

there is a scientific fact that people

who talk more are considered less


people in general think that talking too

much means being insecure and not


and if you want to look more attractive

all the time you have to learn how to

communicate better by listening price as

much as you speak

when you are listening to other people

it shows that you care about what they

have to say

and this will make them feel much more

attracted to you

so if you want to look attractive all

the time learn how to listen more than

you speak

number seven

walk with your head up and your back


having good posture not only makes you

look more attractive but it also makes

you feel much better inside

a straight back and a head up show that

you care about yourself and your body

and this will make people attracted to

you instantly

you don't have to exaggerate the way you

stand because too much of anything is

never good

just try to stand straight with your

head up even if it's natural for you

and if you need to remember this tip say

don't slouch

over time the body will get used to

standing straight automatically

number eight wear clothes that suit your

body type

this one is crucial if you want to look

more attractive

you have to wear clothes that fit your

body type and this is something that

most people don't do on purpose

if you are too loose or tight clothes it

will make you look unattractive and not

confident at all

so if you want to look more attractive

it's time for a makeover

and it doesn't matter if you are skinny

or overweight there is always a perfect

size of clothes that will fit your body

and make you look attractive number nine

sleep more and drink water

according to science getting enough

sleep and drinking enough water are

directly related to making you look more


sleep deprivation and dehydration will

make your body look tired and drained


this in turn will make you look less

attractive than you actually are

so if you want to look beautiful all the

time remember to sleep at least seven

hours per night and drink eight glasses

of water every day

and find a good sleeping schedule to get

enough sleep every night so you can wake

up looking refreshed and beautiful

number 10 don't avoid eye contact

for a lot of people avoiding eye contact

is the easiest way to avoid any


and the truth is that people who are

avoiding eye contact are not confident

in themselves and don't have enough


but if you want to look more attractive

you have to overcome this bad habit

because it's actually one of the biggest


so next time you go out or meet new

people look them in the eyes and show

that you're confident in what you do and

who you are

number 11

accept yourself for who you are this is

probably one of the most important

things if you want to look more


you have to learn how to accept yourself

for who you are and let go of all those

critical thoughts that make you feel

insecure about yourself

and this is something that takes time

but it's worth the effort because being

happy with who you are will make people

attracted to you instantly

so stop thinking that there is something

wrong with you and start accepting

yourself for who you are

and if someone doesn't accept you it

doesn't matter because it doesn't mean

that you are less attractive

number 12

don't take everything too seriously

taking everything seriously all the time

is never good if you want people to be

attracted to you

happy people are always happy and

positive no matter what comes their way

and this is how they attract people to

them because happy and humble people are

always fun to be around

so make sure that you don't take

everything too seriously and learn to

enjoy life every minute of the day

this doesn't mean that you should be

careless about your responsibilities or

stop what you are doing

it's just important to have a balance

number 13 show respect to everyone

this one is obvious but many people

nowadays tend to forget about it or they

don't even care about the simple rule

people are naturally attracted to those

who are polite and respectful towards

everyone but on the other hand they are

turned off by those who have arrogant

personalities that tend to disrespect


so next time when you feel the itching

sensation to act like a bad boy or girl

stop yourself and remember that showing

respect will make you look more

attractive than ever

number fourteen

wear bright colors wearing bright colors

will make you stand out from the crowd

and this is one of the most important

things if you want to look attractive

because it's always good to have an eye

catcher that will attract people's


so instead of wearing black and brown

every day try to experiment with

different bright colors like white blue

purple or red and see how they make you


bright colors will look amazing on

people with darker skin but they will

also look great on pale skin so it

doesn't matter what your skin tone is

number 15 don't be afraid to ask


asking questions shows that you are

interested in others and it also allows

you to learn more about them

and this is always a good way to make

people feel that they matter because

nobody wants to be ignored or unheard

so next time you go out with friends or

meet new people try asking questions and

see how their faces light up with


many people feel intimidated when they

meet new people because they are afraid

to ask questions

but the truth is that asking questions

is a great way to connect with others

and make them feel special so don't be

afraid to do it


looking more attractive is something

that can be easily achieved if you just

follow these simple tips

and the best part is that you don't have

to be born with good genes or spend a

fortune on beauty products and


just by following these tips you will

start feeling more confident about

yourself and people will start being

drawn to your positive energy

it's very important to keep in mind that

you are beautiful just the way you are

so don't let others make you feel

insecure about yourself because there's

nothing wrong with who you are you are

unique in many ways and accepting

yourself should be your priority not

trying to impress others

to learn more check out other articles

how to

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