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By evidencePublished 11 months ago 11 min read
Photo by Vicky Sim on Unsplash

gone are the medieval days when the

strong were those who hunted Bears rode

into battles as Knights had the

protection of vassals or acted as proper

ladies in modern times strength has

taken a different meaning the strong in

most cases are those that project the

most confidence and wield their Charisma

like a weapon the survival of the

smoothest is the new darwinian principle

to look strong you have to be confident

or at least appear to be

at first glance the new social structure

might be easier no more hunting bears

and fighting Wars on the contrary it got

a tad bit difficult for a lot of people

some are born with a natural charm and

confidence but most have to live without

these qualities and believe it or not

life can be harder without them but it

doesn't have to be that way it is

possible to look Strong by practicing a

few tricks whenever you are with friends

family or strangers because it is

possible to appear confident even when

you are nervous you can come off as a

strong person without actually feeling

strong you can achieve your goals and

even become a better person here are 15

ways to look strong welcome to alux

number one go out with friends

humans are social animals and our

relationships with others play a big

role in our lives we like to know that

others like us or feel we are social

enough to want to be around us also we

decide whether we want to be around

others if we see other people

interacting with them this is called

social validation and it is a shortcut

to being strong and powerful even when

you are not talking to anyone by Simply

Having people around you or talking to

you others gravitate toward you when you

go out to a bar party or social event

have friends for company you can take it

a step further and invite female friends

if you are a man or male friends if

you're a woman that could be married

relatives or colleagues at work it

doesn't matter having them around you

becomes a means of social validation and

others would notice that having friends

around you will make you feel safer keep

you conversing and smiling and also get

the attention of others being able to

get people's attention is a sign of

Power number two exploit The Red

Sneakers Effect The Red Sneakers effect

was popularized in 2014 by a study

conducted by Harvard Business School it

showed that by breaking the rules in

certain circumstances you gain the

respect of others and look strong for

example you can walk into a board

meeting wearing a hoodie while everyone

else is wearing a suit or maybe a

turtleneck yes that illusion was to

Steve Jobs the iconic founder of Apple

it is also a reference to Silicon Valley

where several CEOs have quirks or

eccentric traits that make them stand

out in their companies according to

Harvard this is a way of saying they do

not have to follow the rules because

they have power by breaking the rules

they show their High status within the

company Unfortunately The Red Sneakers

effect does not applied to every

situation or setting to pull it off you

should have both confidence and

sufficient power to get off with it

nevertheless it is important to note

that confidence is self-fulfilling

acting confident and strong will make

you confident and strong number three

wear a power suit the power suit and tie

are a symbol of business worldwide thus

it represents power in a capitalist

Society like ours wearing a suit shows

that you mean business and will get you

respected wherever you go your suit

should be fitted with a good tie and

Polished shoes in general if you intend

to play the role of a powerful man then

do not go halfway put on a good suit

tailored to fit your body and

accessorize properly you will look

strong and capable when you walk into

the office number four dress well what

if you are going to a get-together not

an office this is where the next piece

of advice is key dress well you don't

have to wear a three-piece suit or a

designer shirt to look good you also

don't need flashy jewelry gold teeth and

ten thousand dollar Nike to get people

to admire your outfit dressing well is

more about wearing clothes that fit your

body than putting on a designer shirt

with a look at me inscription know your

body type and dress for it don't wear

shirts that are too short or trousers

that don't reach your ankles if you are

a short person try to avoid baggy

clothes wear colors that complement your

skin tone for example black or gray

shirts if you are light-skinned dressing

well increases attractiveness and we

naturally ascribe good qualities to

Attractive people it is a sure way to

walk into a room and be seen as a strong

person number five box breathe the Box

breath technique is used by Marines the

Navy and even astronauts during Blast

Off it consists of four steps first you

breathe in while counting to four when

you inhale you must hold your breath for

another four seconds next you breathe

out for four and hold your exhale for 4

seconds when you box breathe things slow

down down and you can then become more

rational and analytical the technique

helps you gain inner confidence and

having that can easily project outwards

and make you look strong number six

listen to high Bass music it is not

unusual to suddenly lose energy when

you're about to do something

nerve-wracking like going on stage for

example you want to be full of energy

you want to be psyched up in these

situations doing box breaths would be of

little help one way to pull through is

to listen to high Bass music Kellogg

School of Business researched the effect

of high Bass music on our confidence it

divided participants into two groups one

of the groups listened to high bass

while the other listened to low Bass

music after listening they had a debate

and 34 percent of those that listened to

the high Bass music asked to start the

debate in comparison 20 of the low-based

music listeners made the same request

since debate openers are seen as more

aggressive it can be implied that

listening to high Bass music boosts our


a good proof of this is that athletes

usually listen to such music before

entering a game number seven Stand Tall

good posture has a lot of physical

benefits such as easy breathing better

back support and prevention of back pain

but even more it makes you look and feel

strong people who slouch or have

withdrawn body movements are seen as

uncertain and lacking confidence keep

your shoulders back and straighten your

spine push your chest forward a little

and raise your chin higher it's best to

do these in moderation pushing your

chest too forward would make you look

boastful and raising your chin too high

can be interpreted as arrogance number

eight make eye contact making eye

contact is one of the hardest things for

most people to do in public they would

rather look at the ground or their

phones however you must understand that

making eye contact is vital for

increasing your perceived confidence

avoiding eye contact can make you look

inattentive or even raise suspicions

about you when speaking look into the

listener's eyes if you're in a crowd

don't just make eye contact with other

people but alternate between them also

observe the three-second Rule and do not

stare at anyone for more than three

seconds staring longer may make you look

a little creepy number nine fidgeting a

lot of people fidget without ever

knowing they are doing so fidgeting is

done in various Ways by different people

it could be a nervous leg jiggle

flailing hands while speaking or

repeating certain words some people

adjust their standing position or not

excessively take control and stand still

but not rigidly only move deliberately

with intention in mind

if you fidget unconsciously practice

speaking to friends and get them to make

you aware of any quirks they notice in

your movement number 10 speak slowly and

clearly hurried speech or a low tone

makes you appear less confident you

leave the impression that you either

want to say everything at once or would

rather not speak you may also say things

you do not mean or make verbal slip ups

that can be embarrassing the solution is

to speak slowly and clearly speaking

slowly gives you time to make better

word choices and you will feel confident

practice recording your speech on a

phone which you can play back and listen

to articulate words clearly and speak

loudly when you do these in a social

Gathering you look strong and confident

number 11 allow silence awkward silence

is often denounced by many as a sign of

a bad conversation on the contrary a

little bit of Silence does not harm

silence can serve different purposes in

a conversation you can use it to let an

important statement sink in or allow it

before replying to someone to let the

person know you were listening use

silence to your advantage it allows for

consideration and shows you are a

confident speaker so don't neglect it

number 12 use your hands as long as you

are not fidgeting hand gestures are a

powerful way to look strong when

speaking to others your hands say a lot

about you even if you don't know they do

gesticulate as you speak keep your hands

visible and occasionally touch your

listener on the shoulder or wrist if the

situation warrants it too much or

inappropriate touching will offend and

is not what you want once again keep

your hands visible don't put them in

your pockets fold them or keep them

behind you

number 13 walk confidently you do not

have to watch YouTube tutorials on how

to walk confidently all you need to do

is take wide and sure-footed steps

rather than hurried steps when you enter

exit or move around in a room avoid the

temptation to take hurried steps if it

will help count your steps and force

yourself to walk in sync with your

counts keep your body posture aligned

and take deliberate steps you will not

only project strength but you will also

attract others as they will easily pick

up on your confidence

number 14 go to the gym muscles are the

stereotypical indicator of strength by

putting in work at the gym you will

become toned and instantly look strong

wherever you are exercising does not

have to be a regimen for war you don't

need to lift dumbbells and spend 6 to 12

hours at the gym doing push-ups and

morning jogs at least twice a week will

suffice the goal is not to get a

bodybuilder's body but to become more

visibly strong in the right places

number 15 believe you own the room like

I said earlier in the video confidence

is self-fulfilling when you begin to act

confident you begin to be confident to

look strong you have to be seen as

capable of commanding some level of

power one of the ways to do so is to

believe you have that power we live in a

world where you are guilt-tripped if you

act better than everyone only stars and

celebrities are granted this privilege

it seems but it would be best if you

didn't fall into the Conformity trap you

are unique with abilities and knowledge

that only you know of you may not be

better than everyone else and do not

interpret confidence for arrogance but

believing you are strong will make you

look Strong by just changing your

mindset you are on your way to truly

become strong and confident

we have gone through all 15 ways to look

strong but here is bonus advice for

staying until this point number 16 wear

red red is one of the most eye-catching

colors and for some reason most people

associate it with power so incorporate

the color into your outfit it could be a

tie handkerchief or even a red baseball

cap if you're going for a casual look

however try to keep it moderate it would

help if you only had a touch of red and

did not go for an all red Splash you may

end up looking like an emergency siren

here we draw the curtain on another

insightful episode thank you

how to

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