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12 business ideas for woman

business ideas that a SAHM and other women can do to generate passive income

By Vanessa Cátia Paunde MelâneoPublished 10 months ago 5 min read

We are discussing the prospect of generating income through entrepreneurship. I have compiled a list of twelve potential business concepts to present to you today. Of particular interest is the seventh idea, which I am particularly enthusiastic about. I have a reliable source who can provide you with guidance on how to establish this enterprise, should you express interest in pursuing it.

The primary recommendation is to initiate a self-care subscription service at present. If you are a black woman who follows accomplished black women on Instagram, it is likely that you have been introduced to MyLeak. MyLeak previously served as a personal assistant before transitioning to the online realm to generate content, foster community, and establish a subscription-based enterprise. Although MyLeak's subscription-based business caters to curly hair, the same business model can be applied to other ventures, such as a self-care subscription box.

It is a well-known fact that young women today are increasingly concerned with their personal well-being and self-care. This trend has even given rise to the concept of "self-care Sunday," which has gained significant popularity. Individuals are now investing in disposable eye masks, lotions, bath bombs, and other products that enhance their sense of self-worth. These rituals are often performed on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis. As an entrepreneur, you can capitalize on this trend by establishing a subscription-based business that curates various self-care products from different brands. Customers can sign up to receive these boxes on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly basis.

Based on my understanding of my league story, it appears that she lacked any prior business experience and acquired all necessary skills on the job. Therefore, if you find yourself doubting your ability to start a business due to a lack of experience, it is imperative that you examine the success stories of those who have accomplished similar feats. This is precisely why I am referencing my league in point number two, which involves the sale of hair tools. As individuals, we devote a significant amount of time to our hair, whether it be the hair that naturally grows from our scalps or the hair that we purchase. One such individual who has successfully capitalized on this market is Joy, the founder of Joyful Bee. Her company offers wash day products in a box and has grown into a six-figure business, all while she maintained a full-time job.

In my first year of business, my side hustle generated over two hundred thousand dollars in revenue. If you have been contemplating an idea for some time now but are hesitant to quit your job to start a business, consider starting it as a side hustle. Another potential business idea is to create a skincare line for historically excluded groups of people. A prime example of this is a 26-year-old black woman who launched a brand called Topicals, which has raised 10 million dollars for her business and earned her a spot on Forbes' 30 under 30 list. Additionally, there is a significant demand for hair growth products for babies, and if you have a formula that works, you can share it and eventually obtain the necessary licenses to create a product that meets this need. Another viable business model is content creation, which can be monetized through channels such as newsletters and social media. Finally, setting up a gift shop for new moms is another potential business idea, as many people think of purchasing gifts when a baby is born.

Many of us consider purchasing gifts for the newborn, but it is important to recognize that the individual who has undergone the physical and emotional challenges of childbirth is the mother. There is a significant gap in services and gifts that cater to new mothers, and it is possible for you to bridge this gap. As the seventh suggestion, consider establishing a statement jewelry company. A friend of mine has successfully sold over 4,000 pieces through her company, which she created by drawing out her designs, sending pictures to suppliers on, and setting up a Shopify store. Crafting skills or a factory are not necessary. If you are interested in this venture, there are blogs and YouTube videos explaining how to start this from scratch.

The eighth suggestion is to create an education business, as anyone can teach anything and make money online. A recommended resource is the book "How to Teach What You Know." Finally, as the ninth suggestion, consider becoming a consultant to assist individuals in solving their problems.

As a consultant, one can offer services in various fields such as social media, bookkeeping, and legal advice, provided they possess the necessary skills and expertise. The challenge for many is how to promote themselves as the product. However, this can be overcome by hiring a social media manager or creating an online presence through platforms such as Instagram, YouTube, or LinkedIn. Another option is to start a specialized food delivery company, as exemplified by a Nigerian girl who started an African food delivery service in the US, which has since grown to over 10,000 orders. Alternatively, one can start a paper company, as demonstrated by a girl on Instagram who showcases her unique paper products. The key is to identify a need and provide a solution through one's skills and creativity.

When commencing a business venture, it is common for individuals to refer to it as a small enterprise. However, with dedication and hard work, one can elevate it to a six or seven-figure enterprise, and even aspire to reach eight figures. For instance, one can establish a paper-based company or a corporate gifting company. The latter can be a lucrative venture, as evidenced by the fact that large corporations often purchase gift items from suppliers. If one possesses a creative flair for designing shirts, cups, mugs, pens, and notebooks, this could be a viable option.

This article presents numerous ideas, and while not all may be suitable, it is advisable to conduct further research on the blueprint provided to ascertain how others have succeeded in their endeavors. It is essential to recognize that no one is superior to another, and anything that has been accomplished can be replicated. Therefore, one should not allow fear, past failures, or negative comments from loved ones to deter them from pursuing their entrepreneurial aspirations. It is crucial to believe in oneself and the creations they produce.

When the speaker initially decided to start a YouTube channel, many people dismissed it as a joke. However, those same individuals are now inquiring about how to grow their channels and work with companies. It is vital to reject the projections of others' fears and to own one's greatness. It is imperative to show up for one's big dreams and to remember that the speaker is rooting for them, and they should not stop rooting for themselves.

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