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10 Things I Learned in High School

The best and worst moments of f your life are from high school.

By E MPublished 6 years ago 5 min read


I can NOT tell you how many things I missed out on because of a boy. In this modern time, we are pressured by thinking we HAVE to be with someone. On TV, we see all these young characters finding love on Disney Channel and Nickelodeon. Do NOT think you HAVE to be in a serious relationship at the age of fourteen. I missed dances, the football games (even though I'm not a fan of football), going out with my friends, and even prom. Yes, PROM. While my friends were having good old fashion fun, I would be at home. Fighting with some loser on the phone. Let me tell you, not many high school relationships last. Some do, but a lot don't. It is an immature time. You won't find "the one." And don't even try going for them older "bad boys" who are graduated and looking for some young meat. They WILL take advantage of your innocence. They WILL try to get you on the dark side. You are risking STDs, teen pregnancy, and the loss of trust from your parents.

2. Don't Say "No..."

To getting out of having fun with friends. Some of your friends won't always be around. They'll move. Go to University. Go traveling. Join the army. Get married. Have children. Enjoy your friends. High school is all about making memories, along with your typical learning. You don't have to go out every day to the mall. You can just relax and enjoy each other's company in your own home. Go for walks. Go to the movies. Go eat at Taco Bell. Go to those "lame" high school events. JUST HAVE FUN!

3. DO Say "No."

To drugs. To alcohol. To sex. To getting in trouble. You don't want to waste your time, acting stupid and doing things you KNOW you'll regret. I lost my virginity at a very young age and, let me tell you, it sucked. ESPECIALLY, when EVERYONE found out. There is NOTHING wrong with being a virgin. Do NOT let anyone tell you different. It is OKAY to say no to something you can never get back. If you do give in to sex, wear protection. Make sure it is with someone you trust. Someone who RESPECTS you.

4. Build a Strong Relationship with Your Parents.

It is typical for a teenager to disrespect their parents. As seen in movies, the kids think it's "cool" to hurt their parents feelings. Don't be that person. Your parents biggest fear is how to raise a teenager and how they can keep you safe and healthy. When you feel misunderstood, let your parents know. I know there are some parents who are not as loving and nursing, but give your mom and/or dad a chance. When I was a Freshman, my mom was diagnosed with stage four, colon cancer. It was a really difficult time, but we were bonding a lot more. In the summer before my Junior year, she passed away. You never know when you'll lose someone close, so always keep them close and let them know you love them.

5. Give In to Some of the Trends.

In my school, we had days where we could dress up, whether it was Nerd Day, Red Day, Superhero Day, or whatever day. It was a fun time for the school to come together and make memories.

6. Don't Give in to Drama.

The "He said/She said" will always be the famous trap. High school is a stressful time thanks to puberty and gossip. Don't be the person who falls in this trap. Always be the bigger person when getting into those petty arguments. Make sure you know all the facts before reacting. I can't tell you how many times my friends and I fought because people would stir the pot.

7. Don't Procrastinate.

Even in college, I procrastinate. It's always best to get your work done as soon as possible. Focus in school. You don't realize how important that GPA is for college. You want to make sure you look as smart as possible if you want to get into that dream college. I know you probably think high school is stupid, I thought so too. I sometimes still think it, haha. But you're there to learn and get educated. It isn't just about making friends and building your personality, it's about what you can make of yourself in and for the future.

8. Don't Be Afraid to Join the Clubs.

When I was in high school, I low-key wanted to do everything. I mean, I wasn't into FFA (Future Farmers of America), but I was into the drama club, FCCLA, FTA (Future Teachers of America), Band, and some others. However, I was in Journalism, which I really enjoyed. When you looked at those people in the clubs, they looked so close and happy. You could tell they all enjoyed each other and what they were doing. In Journalism, I enjoyed working on the yearbook, especially because I was the writer. I loved taking pictures of people and interviewing them. It was one of my highlights of being in high school.

9. Don't Be Afraid to Be You.

"Always be yourself." A phrase you've heard millions of times. You are unique, so why not show others what you're made of? No one likes a fake person, so be you. Genuine you. Don't be afraid to "nerd out" about your passions. Don't be afraid to throw your ideas out in a group project. Don't be afraid to share your beliefs (just make sure you respect others while doing so). Don't be afraid to show off your "A." Don't be afraid to where your sweat pants. Don't be afraid to not wear makeup or wear pounds of makeup. DON'T BE AFRAID TO BE YOU. I can't stress that enough.

10. Enjoy It While It Lasts.

You spend four years, FOUR YEARS, in high school. Of that four years, you make memories that you will look back on forever. Make sure they're good memories. Being an adult is not what it's cracked up to be. There are so many responsibilities. Enjoy being young. Try the new trends. Go to the dances. Go to the football games. Even if you hate school events, go anyway. Make as many friends as you can. Join as many groups as you can. High school is all about learning and developing your true self, so make the best of it. You'll be glad you did.

high school

About the Creator


I am a wife to a loving husband. I am a college student. I work in a daycare. I enjoy comedy, romance, writing, makeup, shopping, nature, trying new things, and photography.

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