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Protect the environment from plastic

By testPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

According to the Research report on the production characteristics and Management of Express Packaging waste in China, a total of 9.41 million tons of express packaging materials were consumed in 2018, equivalent to the weight of about 130 million adults.

The rapid development of online shopping has a direct impact on the environmental problems of plastic packaging waste produced by the express delivery industry.

> > the impact of the epidemic on residential economy-express delivery < <


Increased demand for express delivery during the epidemic

"Don't go out" makes express delivery an important carrier of circulation.

During the epidemic, people's travel was restricted, and people who originally liked to go to the market to buy fresh food had to choose door-to-door delivery, which was delivered to their homes by couriers driving minivans or riding electric bikes.

The domestic express industry, by speeding up the return to work of couriers, supports consumers' consumption mode of "staying at home".

Overall sales of the platform rose 450 per cent year-on-year in just half a month from January 27th to February 13th, according to 's consumption data.


The impact of the new plastic restriction order on express delivery during the epidemic

The new plastic restriction order is our country's new five-year plan and guideline to control plastic pollution. During the outbreak, the consumption of express delivery and its packaging waste also increased. Now, with the epidemic under control, our life has gradually returned to the right track, so under the guidance of the new plastic restrictions, how to take the green road of the express delivery industry?

On January 19, 2020, the "opinions on further strengthening the Control of plastic pollution" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Ecological Environment put forward requirements for plastic reduction in e-commerce, express delivery and takeout industries.

The following goals and suggestions are put forward for 2020, 2022 and 2025 respectively:

In 2020, we will take the lead in banning and restricting the production, sale and use of some plastic products in some areas and areas.

In 2022, the consumption of disposable plastic products will be significantly reduced, the corresponding alternative products will be promoted, and the proportion of resource utilization of plastic waste will be greatly increased; in areas where plastic pollution is more prominent, and in emerging fields such as e-commerce, express delivery and takeout, form a number of replicable and popularable plastic reduction and green logistics models.

Provide clear guidance for e-commerce, takeout and express delivery platforms to cultivate and optimize new business type's new model


How should the express industry respond to the national policy

Take the road of greening

Whether from the point of view of the sustainable development of enterprises, or the transformation of express products and the adjustment of industrial structure, the waste of express packaging has become a social and environmental problem concerned by many people.

For example, some head e-commerce and express delivery enterprises, including, SUNING, and Shun Feng, have begun to take some measures on the greening of express packaging, such as "slimming" tape, electronic noodles, and turning bags in circulation, as well as locally carrying out pilot projects for reusable express boxes.

However, at present, the effect of these enterprises on the operation of plastic packaging recycling system, the design of reduced packaging and the promotion of reusable express boxes is still not significant.

By 2020, will reduce the use of disposable packaging cartons in the supply chain by 10 billion, which is equivalent to the number of express cartons used nationwide in 2015; from brands to the supply side of e-commerce enterprises, Logistics will achieve 80 per cent recyclable packaging consumables and a 25 per cent reduction in packaging weight per unit of goods.

On the customer side, more than 50% of logistics plastic packaging will use biodegradable materials, 100% logistics packaging will use renewable or recyclable materials, and 100% logistics packaging printing will use environmentally friendly printing technology [9].

Next, the express delivery industry.

How to move forward on the green road

Implementation of recycling packaging:

At present, the express packaging of fresh products has a tendency to change from plastic foam packaging to reusable fresh boxes. In the non-fresh express packaging, the utilization rate of circular express boxes is not high, the coverage is still very limited, effectively promoting the application of circular packaging is expected to reduce unnecessary waste of resources.

Reduction in consumption of transport links:

The capacity consumption of the transportation process is an unavoidable important link in the logistics industry. Through the upgrading of the logistics industry, we can optimize warehousing, reduce freight, localize production, and shorten the carbon emissions of the transportation link.

Optimization of packaging materials:

Continue to invest in the research and development of green packaging to ensure performance and reduce the consumption of packaging raw materials. The state should also formulate relevant support policies, such as the corresponding tax reduction system, which is expected to reduce the financial pressure of enterprises on packaging research and development to a certain extent, but also contribute to the continuous promotion of packaging green action.

The unified construction of the recycling system:

Whether it is the recycling mode or the existing express mode, the construction of recycling system is indispensable to reduce the waste of resources. The recycling system covers the whole logistics network and recycling network from top to bottom, and is an indispensable part of the circular economy. This system needs to be continuously optimized according to the actual situation to minimize the waste of resources and environmental pollution. The construction of the system needs the research and promotion of enterprises, the choice and cooperation of consumers, and the encouragement and support of policies. Only with joint efforts can we gradually achieve the goal of coordinated development of economy and environment.

Plastic not only provides convenience for everyone during the epidemic, but also brings great pressure to the environment. After the epidemic has gradually stabilized, we should also look at the development and challenges of plastics in the express industry from the perspective of sustainable development. The release of the new "plastic restriction order" has put forward new requirements and goals for the express delivery industry, which makes express companies have to assume their social responsibility to deal with the pollution caused by plastic packaging through innovative models. Of course, there must be the support of consumers in this process.


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