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week 22 - 28 april

air signs / aquarius,gemini, libra

By svvittartarotPublished 10 days ago 4 min read


this week you’re guided to pay attention to the way certain situations make you feel. when you’re at rest, how do you feel? when you’re around certain people, or on your way to meet someone in particular, how does that make you feel? listen to your intuition, and define these feelings that arise.

use this method to decipher how you feel about each person and situation you encounter this week. it will guide you in the future about whether to repeat these behaviours, or give your energy to these people.

autumn is a significant time for you, it’s autumn here in australia at the moment. a gemini could be significant in your life at the moment. there’s someone standing just on the outside of your vision, maybe you haven’t seen them clearly yet, but they are facing you - as if they are coming towards you - but they are still at a distance.

you’re looking in their direction but you need to spend this time, the time that it takes them to get to you - take this time to get better about understanding how you feel about everything. you’re guided to look beyond what you see. concentrate on what you feel.

affirmation: I am cultivating a heightened sense of awareness and trust my intuition.


this week there’s an opportunity staring you in your face. the only question is whether you are going to leap into the unknown and stretch your limits. how far are you willing to reach?

you’re guided to take a different perspective on things to how you’re looking at them as you read this. you could be looking down on something, as if you’re above it - better than it. or you could just be looking at it head on, waiting for it to move.

you may need to spend time alone before this opportunity comes in for you. if you know you have a difficult choice to make, then this could be for you.

be careful of the way you’re speaking to yourself. don’t talk yourself out of something because you assume how someone else is feeling about a situation. just ask them. your opportunities are about to become really clear to you. if you don’t decide, it will be decided for you, and you might not like it.

you may notice feathers this week, feathers falling near you or laying on the ground. a rabbit is significant, as is the full moon on tuesday this week. something to do with night time and a large body of water - this could be a walk by a river or a lake at night, with the moonlight shining.

affirmation: i am open to new opportunities. i let go of all that keeps me stuck and explore new ideas and ways of being.


if you have practiced guided or unguided meditation recently, and encountered an animal - look up what it means to have that particular animal as a spirit guide. your guides are trying to communicate with you.

keep a small notepad next to your bed and as soon as you wake up, write down your first thoughts. even if you feel like you can’t remember your dream, write down how you feel when you woke up. do you feel well rested? do you feel peaceful? or upset? keep a journal of this for a week and see whether a pattern is forming.

when you encounter these animals, be gentle and trusting. you’re dreaming and they aren’t going to hurt you. observe their behaviour, they could be asking you to follow them, so that they can show you something.

this week this is your message - spend time deciphering your dream state, whether it’s at night while you’re asleep, or in waking hours during meditation. you are really guided to seek the advice of your guides at this time. if you have someone that you go to for readings, it might be a good time to get a tarot reading for yourself. if you haven’t had one before, I suggest you choose one that you trust, and who talks about god, angels and guides.

affirmation: i allow the messages held in my dreams and visions to guide my understanding of who i am.


About the Creator


nature-inspired tarot readings from melbourne, australia.

🍄 personal readings available through my website

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