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Tragically Speaking

Whenever words leave my lips I begin to waltz with my insecurities. I’m not much of a dancer but I’m certainly one to follow in it’s lead. There’s some tragedy in being shy and I’m a horrible speaker. Henceforth “tragically speaking” that marks my attempts of practicing it but ever so failing at all of it.

By Keanna Barry Published 3 years ago 9 min read

The craziest part about being crazy is that you’re not “crazy” but you are actually in fact completely sane and have dealt with all of life’s imperfections to such a limit where it interferes with your stability and outlook on life. Which causes the result of being looked or frowned upon as being a crazy being. I’m afraid to admit this but I am so sane it makes my brain shut down and my being too sad to think concept comes into the light. Once again I am writing of global issues and it would be wrong of me to not address them to then see if “anybody” will use my knowledge to benefit the world from the things I have to say. I have to say: it’s not fair that we allow money to conquer the aspects of saving another’s life. I mean when people can’t afford their help not only is it chokeholding their will to live a better life but it is also closing down the possible doors and chances of peace arising in our home of planet earth.

I’m not “naive” to believe in world peace. What I am is being way too overly charismatic. It resembles the same thing but for me I only understand the part where my pain is overlooked and is never actually mended because there is a large scale of beings that want the world to end. I don’t know what to do because I believe and always have and always will believe that the world and life is beautiful. It’s truly the wicked to evil things people wish on others or even on themselves that prevents peace from upscaling and being exampled for. By being exampled for maybe some would become envious in ways where they may try to attain that sort of peace or even something better than what was portrayed. I can only pray for that though. Prayers for the world are more than just wanting greatness to be risen but it is for a fact (at least a fact I’ve found to be true due to my own experience) is that love can escalate so highly due to the fact hatred has caused so much of a disturbance and has also been seen so highly in ways that eliminate the good work those of us have tried to spread onto our fellow somebody’s.

The matter of fact is based on the issues of our worlds high population to the matter that most of us here don’t care to be here. Whether being born as an unexpected pregnancy or by failing your life’s true purpose we still need love to be escalated. To be escalated and honoured by well…by the entire human race. But it’s difficult to find a topic so tragically important where literally nobody… not a single soul could disagree on what is being presented. That’s why I believe in peace for the world. That it would make sense for all of us to just understand the way of a proper life and fall back from the way we currently run this place. The current way of life’s rotation is built and maintained off of selfishness, greed, hate, and minor to major lack of basic human understanding of the matter that life is precious and in our hands for a reason.

That this life which resides in each of our hands is meant to be carried by us and be presented in matters that are pure. Nothing more and nothing less. Instead of allowing money to control how we react or reach out to others when especially they are in need of salvation and a unique revolution that will save not only the lives of people today but will protect future beings from past life consequences. It’s a cycle of fundamental despairs that control our own personal turmoil and the way we go about trying to heal or cope with it. I hate the “try” aspect to getting better. I mean where else would or shall I attempt to be happy or at least a tiny bit happier in my case of not understanding why people purposely ruin the chances of others or even themselves of reaching a state of safety or ease.

It makes no sense. Literally zero percent of me understands the concept to aspect of why anybody wants to harm themselves or others. When it’s possible to be and stay quiet and silent instead of using your voice to reject negative energy and send out sad to any bad vibes. For anyone and everyone it’s just time to stop. Time to stop wasting the beauty of the world and eliminate the ugliness basked in the midst of what is there that we do not wish to have stay. Or at least I do not wish for anything ugly in nature whether that may be the characteristics of myself or others OR the way we think OR the way we speak I do not condone the lies of missed promises or anything in that line of standing.

To be honest I’m afraid still. I’m afraid that my efforts are all for nothing. That nobody cares. That the sounds from my insides are quite loud but truthfully lonely by the means of not being practiced with well enough. That my cries for help do something meaningful rather than to sound like I’m just only complaining. I’m bothered by the matter of fact that I have a silent way but nobody sees it my way. My way of seeing and living things examples a type of attitude that struggles with me throughout the most important things that have complicated and set more complications that don’t need to exist within my time here. That this pressure and troubling matter disguises the world getting better into a literal ‘it gets worse every single day’ kind of thing. There’s no need for that. Whatsoever. At all and ever.

For our realistically speaking way of being in current day life nothing besides setting safety and security matters at the end of the day. There has always been dangerous kind of settings but that does not mean that there always has to be! I mean just try and try and try to eliminate the bad stuff that way we may be able to get it right and set our focus on what is important. Which is so much but I find due to judicial crimes like violence and other crimes against humanity that bigger crimes like poverty, world hunger, water scarcity and living amongst war that are not actual crimes but only if you morally speak you will notice that these are still crimes. Major crimes that need to be handled in that way where we can settle down without the frustration of knowing that there are people out there suffering and we didn’t do anything about it. That those crimes that are being ignored or not being heavily attended to are far more than just negligence but rather much it is an act of hate that nobody is saving these lives when all of the resources and support exists already.

It’s purely selfishness that there are lives out there…out there in the same world I am existing in that are far more than troubled but they are being left to suffer or die even because they can’t afford their lives or afford the salvation that should be at no cost. I dare an uproar: WHEN!! IS!! THE!! WORLD!! GOING!! TO!! LEARN!! THAT!! WE!! HAVE!! THE!! POWER!! TO!! PROTECT!! AND!! WE!! HAVE!! THE!! CAPABILITIES!! TO!! DOING!! ANYTHING!! ESPECIALLY!! THINGS!! THAT!! COULD!! SAVE!! A!! SUFFERERING!! LIFE!! FROM!! SUFFERING!! EVEN!! MORE!! (Internally screaming this until something gets done about it.) (Because I’m no longer self absorbed) (okay half a lie) (but when your safety is at risk it’s really like truly hard to not be so self involved) (I’m self absorbed to an extent but there’s nothing wrong with that if you’re only trying to protect yourself. You know from things you shouldn’t have to protect yourself from.) (it’s such a sticky situation but I am trying here.)

There’s really nothing wrong with practicing loving capabilities to the extent where they won’t be paused because the world won’t be able to get enough of these loving capabilities and it’s something so worth sticking around for. To finally witness what we may have been craving which would be a peace of mind then on towards a centred way of being able to compose a better section of existing. That’s all I need really. To be understood and to understand my own self on my life’s tales of being me and by coping with all of the pain I feel by being a mistake of an existence that truly wants what’s for best of this place. Now whether that be by me screaming louder for the world to hear me or by me pouring more of my heart into my content/articles I find that it’s just still not enough.

Is anybody listening? Because I’m feeling lost, lonely and out of luck. Very truly I just want to make it happen where the problems we face don’t have to carry on existing within our days we had to go through and for the days to come. Our days are precious yet it’s hard to remember the proximity of the positivity we may or may not be hiding from because there is always something in bad beginnings that are evolving and drawing out more and more and more of our true forms as being human beings. Our true forms are being made to follow a slow suit of life that is improper and can certainly be changed. Why doesn’t the entire world want this change? I question it constantly. I wonder about the people that could cause the better half of this beautiful and very much needed happening instead of wasting away more time and more days that will surely only be added more towards the weights of existing.

The weights of existing only pressure me into a more peculiar state and into a stance of confusion due to the matters of how little I feel when it comes down to addressing additional matters and issues that are so wrong and cause so many consequences. All of this makes me sad and pityful towards my own self due to my own minds practice of wanting to make the world a better place. I may never get there towards my finish line of wanting and achieving a cherishable life yet my line is being cut due to too many things corrupting the issues beneath us as a human race. Overall I believe that things can change but it’s up to us to either force love and examine the causes of precise care rather than to allow careless beings into letting them continue on with causing angered happenings that conclude why there is so much fear within the world. The world does not need fear. The people of the world do not need to be living in fear. It’s just sad and scary how such minimal actions can affect us in ways that terrorize our outlook and feelings towards life, being alive, and holding relationships or friendships.

Being alive can be scary in certain predicaments. Some specific and some not so specific. Sometimes with the way the world tilts it gets hard to believe that there’s still goodness left in the world. But there is so much of it. Alongside with the many evils there is so many acts of greatness ready to be possibly surrendered to make an exception towards matters of understanding this life. The idea of good vs. evil when we all know evil is a corrupt section on the life scale of what we are going through. What we are going through, what we have put others through and by what we still have to walk through during the rest of our time here. It gets difficult. It’s been difficult. It may always be difficult unless of course we awaken an idea of pure love and only work by that way. To me the gesture of working through a “pure love” kind of state only gets simpler and simpler the more and more that it is practiced by ones that enjoy causing havoc or by ones that like to cause positive news worthy actions it is so worth it to create this pure love kind of state. It will only get better and we are in that capability to create, maintain and bask in the glory of exceptional happiness.


About the Creator

Keanna Barry

Give me a chance to help you with my own words?

My writing is intended to be read by you and the lessons being learned from what i am saying is all i pray and hope for to help improve quality of life for you, me, and like everyone else too!

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